DeLFI/GMW Workshops
volume 2092, 2018
- Joint Proceedings of the Pre-Conference Workshops of DeLFI and GMW 2017 co-located with 15th e-Learning Conference of the German Computer Society (DeLFI 2017) and the 25th Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Medien in der Wissenschaft (GMW 2017), Chemnitz, Germany, September 5, 2017. DeLFI/GMW Workshops 2092 (2018)
- Frank P. Schulte(Virtuelles) Lernen hier, hier und hier, und (reales) Handeln dort - Die Bedeutung einer (Transfer-) Kompetenzorientierung bei der Gestaltung von Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality-Lernszenarien((Virtual) Learning here, here and here, and (Real) Doing there? Thoughts on the Importance of a (Transfer-)Competency Based Perspective when Designing Learning Scenarios in Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality). DeLFI/GMW Workshops (2017)