NeRFactor: neural factorization of shape and reflectance under an unknown illumination.
Xiuming ZhangPratul P. SrinivasanBoyang DengPaul E. DebevecWilliam T. FreemanJonathan T. BarronPublished in: ACM Trans. Graph. (2021)
- illumination direction
- surface reflectance
- recovering shape
- image irradiance
- single image
- light source
- intrinsic images
- shape from shading
- color constancy
- photometric stereo
- point light source
- reflectance model
- lighting direction
- illumination conditions
- shape reconstruction
- reflectance properties
- diffuse reflectance
- shape recovery
- lighting conditions
- factorization method
- texture images
- viewing conditions
- specular reflection
- surface shape
- material properties
- ambient illumination
- generalized bas relief
- intrinsic image decomposition
- textured surfaces
- surface properties
- torrance sparrow
- shape model
- surface normals
- cast shadows
- light transport
- illumination variations
- varying illumination
- spectral reflectance
- surface orientation
- lambertian surface
- d mesh
- retinex theory
- ambient light
- viewpoint
- affine camera
- scene geometry
- rank constraint
- invariant properties
- surface reconstruction
- partial occlusion
- illumination change
- facial expressions