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Pi-Jung Hsieh
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2013-2023
Publications (10 Years): 22
Top Topics
Technology Acceptance
Health Management
E Learning
Primary School Students
Top Venues
Behav. Inf. Technol.
Int. J. Medical Informatics
HCI (27)
Pi-Jung Hsieh
The impact of motivations, health beliefs, and basic human needs on mobile self-management: an extension of the self-determination theory perspective.
Behav. Inf. Technol.
42 (8) (2023)
Pi-Jung Hsieh
Determinants of physicians' intention to use AI-assisted diagnosis: An integrated readiness perspective.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
147 (2023)
Hui-Min Lai
Pi-Jung Hsieh
Chia-Ching Hsu
Influence of Using Electronic Textbooks and Language Immersion Teaching on Primary School Students' Interest in English Language Learning.
Pi-Jung Hsieh
Ing-Long Wu
Proposing Distance Learning with Constructivist Learning and Technology Facilitation for Learning Behavior.
Ing-Long Wu
Pi-Jung Hsieh
Shwu-Ming Wu
Developing effective e-learning environments through e-learning use mediating technology affordance and constructivist learning aspects for performance impacts: Moderator of learner involvement.
Internet High. Educ.
55 (2022)
Hui-Min Lai
Pi-Jung Hsieh
Rencheng Zhang
Yu-Chin Tseng
Assessing Teachers' Use of English E-Textbooks over Time: A Technology-Mediated Learning Perspective.
Pi-Jung Hsieh
Determinants of Knowledge-Sharing Intentions for Shared Decision-Making Platforms.
J. Comput. Inf. Syst.
62 (5) (2022)
Hui-Min Lai
Pi-Jung Hsieh
The Effect of System Quality, Knowledge Quality, and Knowledge-Contribution Signals on Members' Knowledge Contribution and -Seeking Behaviors in Professional Virtual Communities.
Hui-Min Lai
Pi-Jung Hsieh
Tran Kim Phuong
Understanding the Repurchase Intentions of C2C Facebook Commerce: Comparison of Buyer-Seller Familiar and Unfamiliar Relationships.
Pi-Jung Hsieh
Hui-Min Lai
Zhi-Cheng Liu
Shui-Chin Chen
Adoption of Smart Hospital Services by Patients: An Empirical Study.
HCI (39)
Hui-Min Lai
Pi-Jung Hsieh
Lorna Uden
Chang-Ho Yang
A multilevel investigation of factors influencing university students' behavioral engagement in flipped classrooms.
Comput. Educ.
175 (2021)
Wen-Tsung Ku
Hui-Min Lai
Pi-Jung Hsieh
Understanding Continuous Wearable Technology Use Behavior for Fitness and Self-health Management Among Middle-Aged and Elderly People.
HCI (27)
Pi-Jung Hsieh
Weir-Sen Lin
Understanding the performance impact of the epidemic prevention cloud: an integrative model of the task-technology fit and status quo bias.
Behav. Inf. Technol.
39 (8) (2020)
Hui-Min Lai
Pi-Jung Hsieh
Rencheng Zhang
Understanding adolescent students' use of Facebook and their subjective wellbeing: a gender-based comparison.
Behav. Inf. Technol.
38 (5) (2019)
Wen-Tsung Ku
Pi-Jung Hsieh
Investigating Users' Intention to Use Personal Health Management Services: An Empirical Study in Taiwan.
HCI (27)
Wen-Tsung Ku
Pi-Jung Hsieh
Understanding the Acceptance of Health Management Mobile Services: Integrating Theory of Planned Behavior and Health Belief Model.
HCI (28)
Hui-Min Lai
Pi-Jung Hsieh
The Effects of the Norm of Reciprocity and Interpersonal Trust on Knowledge-Sharing Behavior: A Longitudinal Analysis.
Hui-Min Lai
Yu-Lin Hsiao
Pi-Jung Hsieh
The role of motivation, ability, and opportunity in university teachers' continuance use intention for flipped teaching.
Comput. Educ.
124 (2018)
Pi-Jung Hsieh
Weir-Sen Lin
Explaining resistance to system usage in the PharmaCloud: A view of the dual-factor model.
Inf. Manag.
55 (1) (2018)
Pi-Jung Hsieh
Hui-Min Lai
Hsuan-Chi Ku
Wen-Tsung Ku
Understanding Middle-Aged and Elderly Taiwanese People's Acceptance of the Personal Health Information System for Self-health Management.
HCI (28)
Hui-Min Lai
Pi-Jung Hsieh
Understanding Individuals' Knowledge Creation and Learning Behavior in R&d Teams.
Wen-Tsung Ku
Pi-Jung Hsieh
Acceptance of Cloud-Based Healthcare Services by Elderly Taiwanese People.
HCI (24)
Pi-Jung Hsieh
Hui-Min Lai
You-Li Hong
Explaining Physicians' Acceptance and Resistance to the NHI Pharmacloud: A Theoretical Model and Empirical Test.
Pi-Jung Hsieh
Physicians' acceptance of electronic medical records exchange: An extension of the decomposed TPB model with institutional trust and perceived risk.
Int. J. Medical Informatics
84 (1) (2015)
Pi-Jung Hsieh
Healthcare professionals' use of health clouds: Integrating technology acceptance and status quo bias perspectives.
Int. J. Medical Informatics
84 (7) (2015)
Wen-Tsung Ku
Pi-Jung Hsieh
Taiwanese Middle-Aged and Elderly Patients' Acceptance and Resistance Toward the Health Cloud.
HCI (26)
Pi-Jung Hsieh
Hui-Min Lai
Yi-Shan Ye
Patients' Acceptance and Resistance toward the Health Cloud: an Integration of Technology Acceptance and Status Quo Bias Perspectives.
Hui-Min Lai
Pi-Jung Hsieh
The Decision to Continue Sharing Knowledge in Virtual Communities: The Moderating Role of Knowledge-Sharing Experience and Knowledge Self-Efficacy.
Pi-Jung Hsieh
Hui-Min Lai
Pin-Yi Kuo
Physician Acceptance Behavior of the Electronic Medical Records Exchange: An Extended Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior.