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Mila Bujic
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2020-2024
Publications (10 Years): 13
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Virtual Reality
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CHI PLAY Companion
Dion Deng
Mila Bujic
Wang Chi Lee
Ming Rui Li
Juho Hamari
Self-avatar representation matters: Deciphering user immersion in VR games through Steam reviews.
Isak de Villiers Bosman
Mila Bujic
Laura Diana Cosio
Oguz 'Oz' Buruk
Kristine Jørgensen
Juho Hamari
The relationship of visual and aural perspective with decentering in virtual reality.
Mila Bujic
Anna-Leena Macey
Bojan Kerous
Anatolii Belousov
Oguz 'Oz' Buruk
Juho Hamari
Self-representation does (not) spark joy: Experiment on effects of avatar customisation and personality on emotions in VR.
Anatolii Belousov
Terho Ojell-Järventausta
Mila Bujic
Joseph Macey
Juho Hamari
Digitally-Induced Altered States of Consciousness and Playful HCI: Future Research Agenda of a Novel Perspective.
CHI PLAY Companion
Mila Bujic
Mikko Salminen
Juho Hamari
Effects of Immersive Media on Emotion and Memory: An Experiment Comparing Article, 360-video, and Virtual Reality.
Int. J. Hum. Comput. Stud.
179 (2023)
Mila Bujic
Mikko Salminen
Juho Hamari
More Immersed but Less Present: Unpacking Factors of Presence Across Devices.
Dion Deng
Mila Bujic
Juho Hamari
Understanding Multi-platform Social VR Consumer Opinions: A Case Study in VRChatUsing Topics Modeling of Reviews.
Mila Bujic
Nannan Xi
Juho Hamari
Emotional Response to Extended Realities: The Effects of Augmented and Virtual Technologies in a Shopping Context.
Mila Bujic
Anna-Leena Macey
Simo Järvelä
Juho Hamari
Playing With Embodied Social Interaction: A Thematic Review of Experiments on Social Aspects in Gameful Virtual Reality.
Interact. Comput.
33 (6) (2021)
Timo Nummenmaa
Oguz Turan Buruk
Mila Bujic
Max Sjöblom
Jussi Holopainen
Juho Hamari
Space Pace: Method for Creating Augmented Reality Tours Based on 360 Videos.
Mila Bujic
Mikko Salminen
Joseph Macey
Juho Hamari
"Empathy machine": how virtual reality affects human rights attitudes.
Internet Res.
30 (5) (2020)
Mila Bujic
Juho Hamari
Immersive journalism: Extant corpus and future agenda.
Mila Bujic
Juho Hamari
Satisfaction and willingness to consume immersive journalism: experiment of differences between VR, 360 video, and article.