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Luca Cassano
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2024
Publications (10 Years): 40
Top Topics
Image Processing
Fault Detection
Computing Paradigms
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Computers
Bruno Forlin
Kuan-Hsun Chen
Nikolaos Alachiotis
Luca Cassano
Marco Ottavi
Lightweight Instrumentation for Accurate Performance Monitoring in RTOSes.
Alessandro Veronesi
Alessandro Nazzari
Dario Passarello
Milos Krstic
Michele Favalli
Luca Cassano
Antonio Miele
Davide Bertozzi
Cristiana Bolchini
Cross-Layer Reliability Analysis of NVDLA Accelerators: Exploring the Configuration Space.
Christian Pilato
Luca Collini
Luca Cassano
Donatella Sciuto
Siddharth Garg
Ramesh Karri
Optimizing the Use of Behavioral Locking for High-Level Synthesis.
IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst.
42 (2) (2023)
Cristiana Bolchini
Luca Cassano
Antonio Miele
Resilience of Deep Learning applications: a systematic survey of analysis and hardening techniques.
Cristiana Bolchini
Luca Cassano
Antonio Miele
Alessandro Toschi
Fast and Accurate Error Simulation for CNNs Against Soft Errors.
IEEE Trans. Computers
72 (4) (2023)
Cristiana Bolchini
Luca Cassano
Antonio Miele
Alessandro Nazzari
Dario Passarello
Analyzing the Reliability of Alternative Convolution Implementations for Deep Learning Applications.
Pegdwende Romaric Nikiema
Alessandro Palumbo
Allan Aasma
Luca Cassano
Angeliki Kritikakou
Ari Kulmala
Jari Lukkarila
Marco Ottavi
Rafail Psiakis
Marcello Traiola
Towards Dependable RISC-V Cores for Edge Computing Devices.
Alessandro Palumbo
Luca Cassano
Pedro Reviriego
Marco Ottavi
Improving the Detection of Hardware Trojan Horses in Microprocessors via Hamming Codes.
Alessandro Palumbo
Marco Ottavi
Luca Cassano
Built-in Software Obfuscation for Protecting Microprocessors against Hardware Trojan Horses.
Luca Cassano
Elia Lazzeri
Nikita Litovchenko
Giorgio Di Natale
On the optimization of Software Obfuscation against Hardware Trojans in Microprocessors.
Cristiana Bolchini
Luca Cassano
Antonio Miele
Alessandro Toschi
Fast and Accurate Error Simulation for CNNs against Soft Errors.
Matteo Biasielli
Cristiana Bolchini
Luca Cassano
Andrea Mazzeo
Antonio Miele
Approximation-Based Fault Tolerance in Image Processing Applications.
IEEE Trans. Emerg. Top. Comput.
10 (2) (2022)
Kerem Arikan
Alessandro Palumbo
Luca Cassano
Pedro Reviriego
Salvatore Pontarelli
Giuseppe Bianchi
Oguz Ergin
Marco Ottavi
Processor Security: Detecting Microarchitectural Attacks via Count-Min Sketches.
IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst.
30 (7) (2022)
Alessandro Palumbo
Luca Cassano
Bruno Luzzi
José Alberto Hernández
Pedro Reviriego
Giuseppe Bianchi
Marco Ottavi
Is your FPGA bitstream Hardware Trojan-free? Machine learning can provide an answer.
J. Syst. Archit.
128 (2022)
Cristiana Bolchini
Alberto Bosio
Luca Cassano
Bastien Deveautour
Giorgio Di Natale
Antonio Miele
Ian O'Connor
Elena Ioana Vatajelu
Dependability of Alternative Computing Paradigms for Machine Learning: hype or hope?
Cristiana Bolchini
Giacomo Boracchi
Luca Cassano
Antonio Miele
Diego Stucchi
Fault Impact Estimation for Lightweight Fault Detection in Image Filtering.
IEEE Trans. Computers
71 (2) (2022)
Luca Cassano
Antonio Miele
Francesco Mione
Nicola Tonellotto
Carlo Vallati
Design of Fault-Tolerant Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems for Smart Environments.
IEEE Embed. Syst. Lett.
14 (2) (2022)
Antonio Miele
Henry Zárate
Luca Cassano
Cristiana Bolchini
Jorge Eduardo Ortiz Trivino
A Runtime Resource Management and Provisioning Middleware for Fog Computing Infrastructures.
ACM Trans. Internet Things
3 (3) (2022)
Luca Cassano
Stefano Di Mascio
Alessandro Palumbo
Alessandra Menicucci
Gianluca Furano
Giuseppe Bianchi
Marco Ottavi
Is RISC-V ready for Space? A Security Perspective.
Cristiana Bolchini
Luca Cassano
Antonio Miele
Alessandro Nazzari
Selective Hardening of CNNs based on Layer Vulnerability Estimation.
Luca Cassano
Mattia Iamundo
Tomas Antonio Lopez
Alessandro Nazzari
Giorgio Di Natale
DETON: DEfeating hardware Trojan horses in microprocessors through software ObfuscatioN.
J. Syst. Archit.
129 (2022)
Alessandro Palumbo
Luca Cassano
Pedro Reviriego
Giuseppe Bianchi
Marco Ottavi
A Lightweight Security Checking Module to Protect Microprocessors against Hardware Trojan Horses.
Christian Pilato
Luca Collini
Luca Cassano
Donatella Sciuto
Siddharth Garg
Ramesh Karri
On the Optimization of Behavioral Logic Locking for High-Level Synthesis.
Cristiana Bolchini
Luca Cassano
Andrea Mazzeo
Antonio Miele
Usability-based Cross-Layer Reliability Evaluation of Image Processing Applications.
Cristiana Bolchini
Luca Cassano
Andrea Mazzeo
Antonio Miele
Error Modeling for Image Processing Filters accelerated onto SRAM-based FPGAs.
Giacomo Tanganelli
Luca Cassano
Antonio Miele
Carlo Vallati
A methodology for the design and deployment of distributed cyber-physical systems for smart environments.
Future Gener. Comput. Syst.
109 (2020)
Matteo Biasielli
Luca Cassano
Antonio Miele
An Approximation-based Fault Detection Scheme for Image Processing Applications.
Ana Lasheras
Ramon Canal
Eva Rodríguez
Luca Cassano
Lightweight Protection of Cryptographic Hardware Accelerators against Differential Fault Analysis.
Matteo Biasielli
Cristiana Bolchini
Luca Cassano
Erdem Koyuncu
Antonio Miele
A Neural Network Based Fault Management Scheme for Reliable Image Processing.
IEEE Trans. Computers
69 (5) (2020)
Cristiana Bolchini
Luca Cassano
Antonio Miele
Matteo Biasielli
Lightweight Fault Detection and Management for Image Restoration.
Alperen Bolat
Luca Cassano
Pedro Reviriego
Oguz Ergin
Marco Ottavi
A Microprocessor Protection Architecture against Hardware Trojans in Memories.
Ana Lasheras
Ramon Canal
Eva Rodríguez
Luca Cassano
Protecting RSA Hardware Accelerators against Differential Fault Analysis through Residue Checking.
Cristiana Bolchini
Luca Cassano
Ivan Montalbano
Giampiero Repole
Andrea Zanetti
Giorgio Di Natale
HATE: a HArdware Trojan Emulation Environment for Microprocessor-based Systems.
Matteo Biasielli
Cristiana Bolchini
Luca Cassano
Antonio Miele
A Smart Fault Detection Scheme for Reliable Image Processing Applications.
Dario Cozzi
Sebastian Korf
Luca Cassano
Jens Hagemeyer
Andrea Domenici
Cinzia Bernardeschi
Luca Sterpone
Mario Porrmann
: An On-Line On-Demand Testing Approach for Permanent Radiation Effects in Reconfigurable Systems.
IEEE Trans. Emerg. Top. Comput.
6 (4) (2018)
Cristiana Bolchini
Luca Cassano
A Fully Automated and Configurable Cost-Aware Framework for Adaptive Functional Diagnosis.
IEEE Des. Test
34 (2) (2017)
Cristiana Bolchini
Luca Cassano
Antonio Miele
Lifetime-aware load distribution policies in multi-core systems: An in-depth analysis.
Cristiana Bolchini
Luca Cassano
A Novel Approach to Incremental Functional Diagnosis for Complex Electronic Boards.
IEEE Trans. Computers
65 (1) (2016)
Marco Avvenuti
Cinzia Bernardeschi
Luca Cassano
Alessio Vecchio
Adapting the Duty Cycle to Traffic Load in a Preamble Sampling MAC for WSNs: Formal Specification and Performance Evaluation.
Ad Hoc Sens. Wirel. Networks
31 (1-4) (2016)
Cinzia Bernardeschi
Luca Cassano
Andrea Domenici
Luca Sterpone
TPG: An untestability analyzer and test pattern generator for SEUs in the configuration memory of SRAM-based FPGAs.
55 (2016)
Cristiana Bolchini
Luca Cassano
Paolo Garza
Elisa Quintarelli
Fabio Salice
An Expert CAD Flow for Incremental Functional Diagnosis of Complex Electronic Boards.
IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst.
34 (5) (2015)
Cinzia Bernardeschi
Luca Cassano
Andrea Domenici
SRAM-Based FPGA Systems for Safety-Critical Applications: A Survey on Design Standards and Proposed Methodologies.
J. Comput. Sci. Technol.
30 (2) (2015)
Cristiana Bolchini
Luca Cassano
A configurable board-level adaptive incremental diagnosis technique based on decision trees.
Luca Cassano
Hipólito Guzmán-Miranda
Miguel A. Aguirre
Early assessment of SEU sensitivity through untestable fault identification.
Cinzia Bernardeschi
Luca Cassano
Andrea Domenici
Luca Sterpone
ASSESS: A Simulator of Soft Errors in the Configuration Memory of SRAM-Based FPGAs.
IEEE Trans. Comput. Aided Des. Integr. Circuits Syst.
33 (9) (2014)
Luca Cassano
Analysis and test of the effects of single event upsets affecting the configuration memory of SRAM-based FPGAs.
Luca Cassano
Alberto Bosio
Giorgio Di Natale
A novel adaptive fault tolerant flip-flop architecture based on TMR.
Domenico G. Sorrenti
Dario Cozzi
Sebastian Korf
Luca Cassano
Jens Hagemeyer
Mario Porrmann
Cinzia Bernardeschi
Exploiting dynamic partial reconfiguration for on-line on-demand testing of permanent faults in reconfigurable systems.
Luca Cassano
Dario Cozzi
Dirk Jungewelter
Sebastian Korf
Jens Hagemeyer
Mario Porrmann
Cinzia Bernardeschi
An inter-processor communication interface for data-flow centric heterogeneous embedded multiprocessor systems.
Cristiana Bolchini
Luca Cassano
Machine learning-based techniques for incremental functional diagnosis: A comparative analysis.
Federico Baronti
Cinzia Bernardeschi
Luca Cassano
Andrea Domenici
Roberto Roncella
Roberto Saletti
Design and Safety Verification of a Distributed Charge Equalizer for Modular Li-Ion Batteries.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics
10 (2) (2014)
Daniel Cesarini
Luca Cassano
Alessio Fagioli
Marco Avvenuti
Modeling and Simulation of Energy-Aware Adaptive Policies for Automatic Weather Stations.
Federico Baronti
Cinzia Bernardeschi
Luca Cassano
Andrea Domenici
Roberto Roncella
Roberto Saletti
Mitigation of Single Event Upsets in the control logic of a charge equalizer for Li-ion batteries.
Cinzia Bernardeschi
Luca Cassano
Mario G. C. A. Cimino
Andrea Domenici
GABES: A genetic algorithm based environment for SEU testing in SRAM-FPGAs.
J. Syst. Archit.
59 (10-D) (2013)
Cinzia Bernardeschi
Luca Cassano
Andrea Domenici
Luca Sterpone
Unexcitability analysis of SEus affecting the routing structure of SRAM-based FPGAs.
ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI
Cinzia Bernardeschi
Luca Cassano
Andrea Domenici
Formal approaches to SEU testing in FPGAs.
Luca Cassano
Dario Cozzi
Sebastian Korf
Jens Hagemeyer
Mario Porrmann
Luca Sterpone
On-line testing of permanent radiation effects in reconfigurable systems.
Cinzia Bernardeschi
Luca Cassano
Andrea Domenici
Luca Sterpone
Accurate simulation of SEUs in the configuration memory of SRAM-based FPGAs.
Cinzia Bernardeschi
Luca Cassano
Andrea Domenici
SEU-X: A SEu un-excitability prover for SRAM-FPGAs.
Cinzia Bernardeschi
Luca Cassano
Andrea Domenici
Failure Probability and Fault Observability of SRAM-FPGA Systems.
Cinzia Bernardeschi
Luca Cassano
Andrea Domenici
Failure probability of SRAM-FPGA systems with Stochastic Activity Networks.