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Félix Buendía
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1997-2022
Publications (10 Years): 14
Top Topics
Mobile Applications
Top Venues
Amani Braham
Félix Buendía
Maha Khemaja
Faïez Gargouri
User interface design patterns and ontology models for adaptive mobile applications.
Pers. Ubiquitous Comput.
26 (6) (2022)
Amani Braham
Maha Khemaja
Félix Buendía
Faïez Gargouri
User Interface Adaptation through Ontology Models and Code Generation.
Roua Jabla
Maha Khemaja
Félix Buendía
Sami Faïz
A Novel Component of Decision-Making for Context-Aware Applications in Pervasive Environments.
Félix Buendía
Joaquín Gayoso-Cabada
José-Luis Sierra
Generation of reusable learning objects from digital medical collections: An analysis based on the MASMDOA framework.
Health Informatics J.
27 (1) (2021)
Amani Braham
Maha Khemaja
Félix Buendía
Faïez Gargouri
Towards a Model-Driven Ontology-Based Architecture for Generating Adaptive User Interfaces.
Félix Buendía
Joaquín Gayoso-Cabada
José-Luis Sierra
An Annotation Approach for Radiology Reports Linking Clinical Text and Medical Images with Instructional Purposes.
Félix Buendía
Joaquín Gayoso-Cabada
Juan Antonio Juanes Méndez
José-Luis Sierra
Transforming Unstructured Clinical Free-Text Corpora into Reconfigurable Medical Digital Collections.
Amani Braham
Félix Buendía
Maha Khemaja
Faïez Gargouri
Generation of Adaptive Mobile Applications Based on Design Patterns for User Interfaces.
Félix Buendía
Joaquín Gayoso-Cabada
Juan Antonio Juanes Méndez
Manuela Martín-Izquierdo
José-Luis Sierra
Cataloguing Spanish Medical Reports with UMLS Terms.
Roua Jabla
Félix Buendía
Maha Khemaja
Sami Faïz
Balancing Timing and Accuracy Requirements in Human Activity Recognition Mobile Applications.
Roua Jabla
Amani Braham
Félix Buendía
Maha Khemaja
A Computing Framework to Check Real-Time Requirements in Ambient Intelligent Systems.
Félix Buendía
Joaquín Gayoso-Cabada
José-Luis Sierra
Generation of Standardized E-Learning Content from Digital Medical Collections.
J. Medical Syst.
43 (7) (2019)
Félix Buendía
Joaquín Gayoso-Cabada
José Luis Sierra
From Digital Medical Collections to Radiology Training E-Learning Courses.
Félix Buendía
Joaquín Gayoso-Cabada
José Luis Sierra
Using Digital Medical Collections to Support Radiology Training in E-learning Platforms.
Maha Khemaja
Félix Buendía
An Ontology-Driven Approach to Model & Support Mobility and GeoLocation Based Campus Interactions.
José-Vicente Benlloch-Dualde
Félix Buendía
Lenin Lemus
Juan-Carlos Cano
J. Virginia Gutiérrez Cuba
Aurelio López-Malo
Enrique Palou
Redesigning engineering courses by introducing digital ink technology.
Félix Buendía
Alberto González Téllez
José-Vicente Benlloch-Dualde
Germán Moltó
Natividad Prieto
María José Castro Bleda
Juan V. Oltra
Evaluating an e-Learning Experience Oriented towards Accessible Instruction.
Jesus Boticario
Alejandro Rodríguez-Ascaso
Olga C. Santos
Emmanuelle Raffenne
Lydia Montandon
David Roldán
Félix Buendía
Accessible Lifelong Learning at Higher Education: Outcomes and Lessons Learned at two Different Pilot Sites in the EU4ALL Project.
J. Univers. Comput. Sci.
18 (1) (2012)
José-Vicente Benlloch-Dualde
Félix Buendía
Juan-Carlos Cano
Supporting Instructors in Designing Tablet PC-Based Courses.
Antonio Navarro
Jesus Cristobal
Alfredo Fernández-Valmayor
Carmen Fernández-Chamizo
Héctor Hernanz
Salvador Guillomía
Félix Buendía
Towards a New Generation of Virtual Campuses.
Félix Buendía
Juan-Carlos Cano
José-Vicente Benlloch
An instructional approach to drive computer science courses through virtual learning environments.
Félix Buendía
Elena Ejarque González
Antonio Hervás Jorge
Quality-Oriented Evaluation of E-Learning-Based Experiences.
Félix Buendía
Antonio Hervás Jorge
An Evaluation Framework for e-Learning Platforms Based on Educational Standard Specifications.
Félix Buendía
Juan-Carlos Cano
: A Generative and Web-Based Learning Architecture to Teach Operating Systems in Undergraduate Courses.
IEEE Trans. Educ.
49 (4) (2006)
Félix Buendía
Paloma Díaz
A Framework for Educational Adaptive Hypermedia Applications.
Félix Buendía
Julio Sahuquillo
José-Vicente Benlloch
José A. Gil
M. Agustí
Paloma Díaz
XEDU, A Framework for Developing XML-Based Didactic Resources.
A. J. Sánchez
Félix Buendía
Houcine Hassan
Alfons Crespo
John A. Marchant
Analysis and evaluation of a real-time horticultural autonomous vehicle system.