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volume 594, 2023
Proceedings of the International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient Intelligence, UCAmI 2022, Córdoba, Spain, 29 November - 2 December 2022
594 (2023)
Sarid García-Pérez
Marcela D. Rodríguez
Irvin Hussein López-Nava
Towards Recognition of Driver Drowsiness States by Using ECG Signals.
Candelaria Hernández-Goya
D. Cruz-Rodriguez
Ricardo Aguasca-Colomo
Pino Caballero-Gil
BLE Beacon System for Smartphone Secure Tracking.
Marc Codina
Carlos Gomez
Manuel Navarrete
David Castells-Rufas
Jordi Carrabina
Analysis and Deployment of a LoRaWAN Network at a University Campus.
David Carneros-Prado
Cosmin C. Dobrescu
Luis Cabañero
Yulith V. Altamirano-Flores
Irvin Hussein López-Nava
Iván González
Jesús Fontecha
Ramón Hervás
Approach to a Lower Body Gait Generation Model Using a Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network.
Flor B. Montañez
Alberto L. Morán
Victoria Meza-Kubo
Gilberto Borrego
Cristina Ramírez-Fernández
Towards an Information Screening-Based Model to Cope with the Negative Impact of COVID-19 Disease Infodemic.
Alexander Thompson
Nicolás Jara
Sebastian Castelo
Bryan Sanca
Antonio Bascur
Raquel E. Patiño-Escarcina
Pedro O. Rossel
Silvia E. Restrepo Medina
Jorge E. Pezoa
People Detection in Inaccessible Indoor Environments Using an Arduino-based Robot Platform.
José Manuel Ortega Candel
Aya Elouali
Francisco José Mora-Gimeno
Higinio Mora
Cloud vs Serverless Computing: A Security Point of View.
Diego López-de-Ipiña
Julen Badiola
Daniel Lauzurica
Daniel Silva
Roberto Carballedo
Diego Casado-Mansilla
Elena Not
Chiara Leonardi
Pauli Misikangas
Fostering Multi-stakeholder Collaboration Through Co-production and Rewarding.
Marcos Lupión
Aurora Polo Rodríguez
Pilar M. Ortigosa
Javier Medina Quero
ThermalYOLO: A Person Detection Neural Network in Thermal Images for Smart Environments.
Carlos B. Rosa-Remedios
Pino Caballero-Gil
Detection of Anomalies in the Call Flow of an Emergency Management Center.
Andreas Komninos
Vassilios Kavvathas
Ioulia Simou
LEDBoard: Using Visual Feedback to Support Text Entry with Physical Keyboards.
S. Ephina Thendral
The Effect of Socio-Temporal Factors in the Prediction of Home Healthcare Service Utilization.
Hans Palafox
Joan Manuel Raygoza-Romero
Christian X. Navarro
Karina Bermudez
Héctor Zatarain-Aceves
Karina Caro
Evaluation of the NOM-035 Smart Manager: A System for Identifying the Psychological Risk Factors Levels of University Academics.
Matias Garcia-Constantino
Alexandros Konios
Irvin Hussein López-Nava
Pierre Pouliet
Idongesit Ekerete
Mustafa A. Mustafa
Chris D. Nugent
Gareth Morrison
Analysis of Accelerometer Data for Personalised Abnormal Behaviour Detection in Activities of Daily Living.
Johan Olsson
Hugo Pettersson
Dennis Trollsfjord
Kåre Synnes
Semi-autonomous Point Cloud Mapping and Post-processing of Data.
Dimas H. Concepción Patiño
Lilia Muñoz
Vladimir Villarreal
César Pardo
Proposal for the Evaluation of the Teaching/Learning Process in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder Through a Mobile Application with Augmented Reality.
Damián Escobar Blázquez
Arturo Simón García Jiménez
Patricia Fernández-Sotos
Antonio Fernández-Caballero
José Pascual Molina Massó
Imitator: A Mobile Application for Rehabilitation of Emotion Recognition.
Aurora Macías
David Muñoz
Elena Navarro
Pascual González
Digital Twins-Based Data Fabric Architecture to Enhance Data Management in Intelligent Healthcare Ecosystems.
Nathan Kirk
José A. Santos
Joseph Rafferty
Peter Nicholl
Ciara Campbell
An Approach to Monitoring Particulate Matter Based Pollution Using Low-Cost Sensing.
Susana Alexandra Arias Tapia
Elsy Labrada Gonzalez
Monica Salame Ortiz
Alex Fabian Solano Moreno
Is There a Relationship Between Covid Cases and the Economically Active Population? Success Story Ecuador.
Ricardo Villagrana-Bañuelos
Karen E. Villagrana-Bañuelos
Manuel A. Soto Murillo
Carlos Eric Galván-Tejada
José María Celaya-Padilla
Jorge Issac Galván-Tejada
Comparison of Three Supervised Machine Learning Classification Methods for the Diagnosis of PD.
Carlos García-Rubio
Celeste Campo
Marta Moure-Garrido
Synthetic Generation of Electrical Consumption Traces in Smart Homes.
Arturo Silvelo
Carlos Dafonte
Daniel Boubeta
Ana Ulla
Minia Manteiga
Eduard Masana
FreeDSM: An Open IoT Device for Citizen Light Pollution Monitoring.
Rafael Pablos-Sarabia
David Griol
Zoraida Callejas
A Proposal for Data Collection and Process Automatization for Ubiquitous Engagement with Mental Health Organizations.
Juan Luis Leal
Andrés Lorenzo Bleda
Miguel Ángel Beteta
Rafael Maestre
Sergio Eduardo Abbenante
Ambient Monitoring System for Contagion Risk Assessment of Airborne Transmission Diseases in the Hospitality Industry.
Aurora Polo Rodríguez
Maria Ariza
Ana Rivas
Miguel Angel Carvajal
Javier Medina Quero
A Recommendation Ubiquitous System to Personalize Diet for Children with Obesity.
Eduardo Nacimiento-García
Cándido Caballero-Gil
Andrés Nacimiento-García
Carina S. González-González
Alexa, Do What I Want To. Implementing a Voice Spoofing Attack Tool for Virtual Voice Assistants.
Vladimir Villarreal
Yanick Ríos
Manuel Beitia
Lilia Muñoz
Control and Help System for People Suffering from Mood Disorder.
Pablo de Juan Fidalgo
Carmen Camara
Pedro Peris-Lopez
Generation and Classification of Illicit Bitcoin Transactions.
Gustavo Castillón-Ramírez
Cristina Ramírez-Fernández
Alberto L. Morán
Ismael Hernández-Capuchin
Victoria Meza-Kubo
Karina Reyes-Lio
Eddie Clemente
MoveLeg: An Assistive Device for the Motor Tele-Rehabilitation of the Lower Limbs.
Vanessa Alcalá-Rmz
Karen E. Villagrana-Bañuelos
José M. Celaya-Padilla
Jorge I. Galván-Tejada
Hamurabi Gamboa Rosales
Carlos Eric Galván-Tejada
Convolutional Neural Network for Monkeypox Detection.
Gleiston Guerrero-Ulloa
Jonathan Villafuerte-Solorzano
Michael Yánez
Miguel J. Hornos
Carlos Rodríguez-Domínguez
Internet of Things (IoT)-Based System for Classroom Access Control and Resource Management.
Maite Puerta-Beldarrain
Oihane Gómez-Carmona
Diego Casado-Mansilla
Diego López-de-Ipiña
Human-AI Collaboration to Promote Trust, Engagement and Adaptation in the Process of Pro-environmental and Health Behaviour Change.
Ivonne Monarca
Yingying Yuki Chen
Audrey Bichelmeir
Kayla Anderson
Monica Tentori
Franceli L. Cibrian
Designing a Game for Haptic Interfaces to Uncover Gestural Pattern in Children.
Adrián Seco Fontecoba
Pedro Fernández-Arruti
Carlos Dafonte
Francisco Javier Nóvoa
Interception of BLE Communications in Wearables: An Application Case.
Nicole E. Blackburn
Ian Cleland
Chris D. Nugent
Joseph G. McVeigh
Eilis M. McCaughan
Iseult M. Wilson
Association Between Objectively Measured Shoulder Kinematics and Fear Avoidance Beliefs in Women with Latissimus Dorsi Flap Breast Reconstruction.
David Berbegal-Esteve
Higinio Mora Mora
Francisco José Mora-Gimeno
Analysis of Hypervisor Architectures for Improving Cybersecurity in IoT Environments.
Ivonne Nunez
Nila Navarro
Juan Jose Saldana-Barrios
First Experiences in the Process of Developing a Low-Cost Machine Learning Prototype Model Using an Open Access Dataset of Chronic Kidney Diseases - A Case of Study.
Gulzar Alam
Ian R. McChesney
Peter Nicholl
Joseph Rafferty
An Approach to Extract and Compare Metadata of Human Activity Recognition (HAR) Data Sets.
Daniel Escánez-Expósito
Pino Caballero-Gil
Francisco Martín-Fernández
Study and Implementation of an Interactive Simulation of Quantum Key Distribution Using the E91 Cryptographic Protocol.
Rashid Kamal
Chris D. Nugent
Ian Cleland
Paul J. McCullagh
Opportunistic Sensing of Behavioural Data to Prioritise Smartphone Notifications in the Wild.
Francisco Javier Ferrández Pastor
Manuel Platero-Horcajadas
Joaquin Antonio Lopez Davo
Virgilio Gilart Iglesias
Developing Environmental Adaptative Comfort Using Internet of Things and Business Process Management: Application in a University Building.
Eva García-Soto
Alejandro Martín
Javier Huertas-Tato
David Camacho
Android Malware Detection Through a Pre-trained Model for Code Understanding.
Carlos Marín-Lora
Micaela Martin
Miguel Chover
A Face-Tracking Method for Estimating Cadence on Treadmills.
Abhimanyu Muraleedharan
Matias Garcia-Constantino
Domestic Violence Detection Using Smart Microphones.
Cándido Caballero-Gil
Rafael Álvarez
Jezabel Molina-Gil
Candelaria Hernández-Goya
Smart-Lock Attack Through Bluetooth Communications Replication.
Ferruccio Guicciardi
Matias Garcia-Constantino
Design and Implementation of a Professional Kitchen IoT Hub.
Eduardo Illueca Fernández
Nuria Bernabé Mulero
Alejandro Pujante Pérez
Jorge María Merino García
Iris Cuevas Martínez
Antonio Jesús Jara Valera
CEN/TS 17660 in Air Quality Systems for Data Quality Validation and Certification over Smart Spot Air Quality Systems.
Manuel Navarrete
Marc Codina
Ashkan Rezaee
David Castells-Rufas
Armand Castillejo
Jordi Carrabina
Development of a MIot Gait Tracking Platform.