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WSKS (2)
Nikolaos G. Bardis
Athanasios Drigas
Alexander P. Markovskyy
John Vrettaros
Accelerated Modular Multiplication Algorithm of Large Word Length Numbers with a Fixed Module.
WSKS (2)
Michel Grundstein
The Semi-opened Infrastructure Model (SopIM): A Frame to Set Up an Organizational Learning Process.
WSKS (2)
Spyros Domoxoudis
Stelios Kouremenos
Vassilis Loumos
Athanasios Drigas
An Introduction to Videoconference Video Traffic.
WSKS (2)
Luciano Comin Nunes
Plácido Rogério Pinheiro
Tarcisio Cavalcante Pequeno
Mirian Calíope Dantas Pinheiro
Support Tool in the Diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder.
WSKS (2)
Ángel Hernández-García
Santiago Iglesías-Pradas
Julian Chaparro Pelaez
Félix Pascual-Miguel
Perceived Compatibility and the Adoption of B2C E-Commerce by Non-buyers.
WSKS (2)
Kwang Soo Choi
Seung-Woo Kim
Sin Yeong Jung
Byeong-Dae Choi
Sung Joo Mun
Dong Ho Lee
Clean Plate Movement and Empowerment of Civil Leadership for Developing Sustainable Life Style.
WSKS (2)
Paolo Ferri
Andrea Mangiatordi
Andrea Pozzali
Don't Break the Memory Line: Social Memory, Digital Storytelling and Local Communities.
WSKS (2)
Enric Serradell-López
Carlos Grau Algueró
Subcultures in Large Companies: An Exploratory Analysis.
WSKS (2)
Paolo Di Giamberardino
Marco Temperini
An Adaptive Web-Based Support to e-Education in Robotics and Automation.
WSKS (2)
Luis Portela
Roberto Carvalho
João Varajão
Luís Magalhães
A Review of Chief Information Officer' Main Skills.
WSKS (2)
Ludek Bártek
Radek Oslejsek
Tomás Pitner
Is Accessibility an Issue in the Knowledge Society? Modern Web Applications in the Light of Accessibility.
WSKS (2)
Cayley Guimaraes
Diego R. Antunes
Daniela de F. Guilhermino Trindade
Rafaella A. Lopes da Silva
Laura Sánchez García
Structure of the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) for Computational Tools: Citizenship and Social Inclusion.
WSKS (2)
Aristomenis M. Macris
Flora Malamateniou
George Vassilacopoulos
Enhancing Users' Participation in Business Process Modeling through Ontology-Based Training.
WSKS (2)
Jaroslav Král
Michal Zemlicka
Crucial Barriers of Knowledge Society.
WSKS (2)
Andrea Mangiatordi
Magda Pischetola
Sustainable Innovation Strategies in Education: OLPC Case Studies in Ethiopia and Uruguay.
WSKS (2)
Pedro Sá Silva
António Trigo
João Varajão
Tiago Pinto
Simulation - Concepts and Applications.
WSKS (2)
Johnny Flores
Lazar Rusu
Paul Johannesson
Analyzing IT Service Delivery in an ISP from Nicaragua.
WSKS (2)
Toyohide Watanabe
Kentaro Uesugi
Operational Strategy of Demand Buses, Using Self-Organizing Map.
WSKS (2)
Haris-Marina Liakou
An Overview on Transports and ITS.
WSKS (2)
David Castillo-Merino
Jordi Vilaseca-Requena
Dolors Plana-Erta
Financial Constrains for Innovative Firms: The Role of Size, Industry and ICT Uses as Determinants of Firms' Financial Structure.
WSKS (2)
Belinda Masekela
Rita C. Nienaber
Guidelines for Implementing Change: A Case Study.
WSKS (2)
Antonio Volpentesta
Salvatore Ammirato
A Collaborative Network Model for Agrifood Transactions on Regional Base.
WSKS (2)
Chi-Chang Chang
Ya-Hsin Li
Yi-Fen Chen
Kuo-Hsiung Liao
Knowledge Base Methods of Obtaining Preference of Dental Patients.
WSKS (2)
Rabindra Ku Jena
Green Computing: Need of the Hour.
WSKS (2)
Thomas Menkhoff
Magnus Lars Bengtsson
Engaging Students in Higher Education through Mobile Learning.
WSKS (2)
Heli Aramo-Immonen
Tarja Toikka
Theory and Practice Meets in Industrial Process Design -Educational Perspective-.
WSKS (2)
Dayana Lozada
Francisco Araque
Jose Manuel Castillo
Alberto Salguero
Cecilia Delgado
Marcia Noda
Gilberto Hernández
System of Indicators in the Innovation Management: Business Intelligence Applied to Tourism.
WSKS (2)
Constantina I. Costopoulou
Maria Ntaliani
Measuring Administrative Burdens of e-Government Services for Rural SMEs.
WSKS (2)
Pellumb Kllogjeri
Adrian Kllogjeri
Geogebra for Solving Problems of Physics.
WSKS (2)
Athanasios Drigas
Lefteris Koukianakis
Convergence of Culture and ICTs: E-Culture.
WSKS (2)
Dorina Marghescu
Minna Kallio
Barbro Back
Using Financial Ratios to Select Companies for Tax Auditing: A Preliminary Study.
WSKS (2)
Inès Saad
Salem Chakhar
Aggregation Procedure Based on Majority Principle for Collective Identification of Firm's Crucial Knowledge.
WSKS (2)
Yoshito Matsudaira
'Ethos' Enabling Organisational Knowledge Creation.
WSKS (2)
Noha Saleeb
Georgios A. Dafoulas
Investigating Student Satisfaction from Environmental and Architectural Design Elements of 3D Educational Facilities within 3D Virtual Worlds.
WSKS (2)
Vladimir Stantchev
Gerrit Tamm
Managing Research Portfolios in the Knowledge Enterprise: A University Spin-Out Case Study.
WSKS (2)
Cayley Guimaraes
Alice G. de Paula
Diego R. Antunes
Semiotic Analysis of Brazilian E-Commerce Signs.
WSKS (2)
Francesco Scorza
Giuseppe B. Las Casas
Beniamino Murgante
Overcoming Interoperability Weaknesses in e-Government Processes: Organizing and Sharing Knowledge in Regional Development Programs Using Ontologies.
WSKS (2)
David Castillo-Merino
Enric Serradell-López
Inés González-González
How Do ICT Uses and New Human Resources Practices Affect SMEs' Efficiency?
WSKS (2)
Ricardo Colomo Palacios
Adrián Hernández-López
Ángel García-Crespo
Pedro Soto-Acosta
A Study of Emotions in Requirements Engineering.
WSKS (2)
Andrea Mangiatordi
Micaela Acosta
Roxana Castellano
- A Constructivist Approach to Augmentative Communication.
WSKS (2)
Carel S. de Beer
WSKS (2)
Ioannis Karavasilis
Costas Zafiropoulos
Vasiliki Vrana
Extending TAM to Understand E-Governance Adoption by Teachers in Greece.
WSKS (2)
Nouha Taifi
Giuseppina Passiante
The Strategic Partners Network's Extraction: The XStrat.Net Project.
WSKS (2)
Bogdan D. Czejdo
Mikolaj Baszun
Information Logistics for Incomplete Knowledge Processing.
WSKS (2)
Constanta-Nicoleta Bodea
Narcisa Ciobotar
Vasile Bodea
Knowledge-Based Approach in Research Projects and Programs Evaluation.
WSKS (2)
Maria Manuela Cruz-Cunha
João Varajão
Daniela Santana
Isabel Bentes
Customer Relationship Management Systems - Why Many Large Companies Do Not Have Them?
WSKS (2)
Grigorios Kyriakopoulos
Konstantinos G. Kolovos
Miltiadis S. Chalikias
Woodfuels Prosperity towards a More Sustainable Energy Production.
WSKS (2)
Arno Scharl
Albert Weichselbraun
Building a Web-Based Knowledge Repository on Climate Change to Support Environmental Communities.
WSKS (2)
Andreia Rodrigues
Adriano Bessa Albuquerque
Plácido Rogério Pinheiro
Barriers to Implement Test Process in Small-Sized Companies.
WSKS (2)
volume 112, 2010
Organizational, Business, and Technological Aspects of the Knowledge Society - Third World Summit on the Knowledge Society, WSKS 2010, Corfu, Greece, September 22-24, 2010. Proceedings, Part II
WSKS (2)
112 (2010)