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VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
volume 598, 2016
Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications - 10th International Joint Conference, VISIGRAPP 2015, Berlin, Germany, March 11-14, 2015, Revised Selected Papers
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
598 (2016)
Fukun Wu
Changwen Zheng
Interference Shader for Multilayer Films.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Ronak Etemadpour
Lars Linsen
Jose Gustavo Paiva
Christopher Crick
Angus Graeme Forbes
Choosing Visualization Techniques for Multidimensional Data Projection Tasks: A Guideline with Examples.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Christiano Couto Gava
Didier Stricker
A Generalized Structure from Motion Framework for Central Projection Cameras.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Vitaliy Kurlin
Christopher Smithers
A Linear Time Algorithm for Embedding Arbitrary Knotted Graphs into a 3-Page Book.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Gianni Allebosch
David Van Hamme
Francis Deboeverie
Peter Veelaert
Wilfried Philips
C-EFIC: Color and Edge Based Foreground Background Segmentation with Interior Classification.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Tunç Alkanat
Emre Tunali
Sinan Öz
Fully-Automatic Target Detection and Tracking for Real-Time, Airborne Imaging Applications.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Anthousis Andreadis
Georgios Papaioannou
Pavlos Mavridis
GPU Accelerated Computation of Geometric Descriptors in Parametric Space.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Johannes Fuchs
Dominik Jäckle
Niklas Weiler
Tobias Schreck
Leaf Glyphs: Story Telling and Data Analysis Using Environmental Data Glyph Metaphors.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Marc Treib
Kai Bürger
Jun Wu
Rüdiger Westermann
Compression and Heuristic Caching for GPU Particle Tracing in Turbulent Vector Fields.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Kristof Van Beeck
Toon Goedemé
Pedestrian Detection and Tracking in Challenging Surveillance Videos.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Luma Issa Abdul-Kreem
Heiko Neumann
Estimating Visual Motion Using an Event-Based Artificial Retina.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Daniel Thalmann
Hui Liang
Junsong Yuan
First-Person Palm Pose Tracking and Gesture Recognition in Augmented Reality.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Osian Haines
David R. Bull
Jeremy F. Burn
Fusing Intertial Data with Vision for Enhanced Image Understanding.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Daniela Markov-Vetter
Vanja Zander
Joachim Latsch
Oliver G. Staadt
Enhancement of Direct Augmented Reality Object Selection by Gravity-Adapted Target Resizing.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Khai N. Tran
Xu Yan
Ioannis A. Kakadiaris
Shishir K. Shah
A Hybrid Approach for Individual and Group Activity Analysis in Crowded Scene.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Eugen Funk
Laurence S. Dooley
Anko Börner
TVL _1 Planarity Regularization for 3D Shape Approximation.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Patrick Saalfeld
Alexandra Baer
Uta Preim
Bernhard Preim
Kai Lawonn
A Sketch-Based Interface for 2D Illustration of Vascular Structures, Diseases, and Treatment Options with Real-Time Blood Flow.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Dries Hulens
Jon Verbeke
Toon Goedemé
Choosing the Best Embedded Processing Platform for On-Board UAV Image Processing.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Ahmad W. Bitar
Mohammad M. Mansour
Ali Chehab
Algorithmic Optimizations in the HMAX Model Targeted for Efficient Object Recognition.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Daniel Barath
József Molnár
Levente Hajder
Novel Methods for Estimating Surface Normals from Affine Transformations.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Hamed Habibi Aghdam
Elnaz Jahani Heravi
Domenec Puig
Traffic Sign Recognition Using Visual Attributes and Bayesian Network.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Gaspard Duchamp
Omar Ait-Aider
Eric Royer
Jean-Marc Lavest
Multiple View 3D Reconstruction with Rolling Shutter Cameras.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Hannes Schulz
Benedikt Waldvogel
Rasha Sheikh
Sven Behnke
CURFIL: A GPU Library for Image Labeling with Random Forests.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Stijn De Beugher
Geert Brône
Toon Goedemé
Semi-automatic Hand Annotation of Egocentric Recordings.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
volume 550, 2015
Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics - Theory and Applications - International Joint Conference, VISIGRAPP 2014, Lisbon, Portugal, January 5-8, 2014, Revised Selected Papers
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
550 (2015)
Iván Rivalcoba
Oriam de Gyves
Isaac Rudomín
Nuria Pelechano
Simulated Virtual Crowds Coupled with Camera-Tracked Humans.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Jevgenijs Vihrovs
Krisjanis Prusis
Karlis Freivalds
Peteris Rucevskis
Valdis Krebs
A Potential Field Function for Overlapping Point Set and Graph Cluster Visualization.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Márton József Tóth
Balázs Csébfalvi
Distribution Interpolation of the Radon Transforms for Shape Transformation of Gray-Scale Images and Volumes.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Baiqiang Xia
Boulbaba Ben Amor
Mohamed Daoudi
Age Estimation Using 3D Shape of the Face.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Qi Xue
Laura Igual
Albert Berenguel
Marité Guerrieri
Lluís Garrido
Affine Coordinate-Based Parametrized Active Contours for 2D and 3D Image Segmentation.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Eric Turner
Avideh Zakhor
Multistory Floor Plan Generation and Room Labeling of Building Interiors from Laser Range Data.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Nadejda Roubtsova
Jean-Yves Guillemaut
Extended Bayesian Helmholtz Stereopsis for Enhanced Geometric Reconstruction of Complex Objects.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Roberto Gallea
Edoardo Ardizzone
Roberto Pirrone
Retargeting Framework Based on Monte-carlo Sampling.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Aqeel Al-Naser
Masroor Rasheed
Duncan Irving
John M. Brooke
User's Interpretations of Features in Visualization.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Stefan Jänicke
Thomas Efer
Marco Büchler
Gerik Scheuermann
Designing Close and Distant Reading Visualizations for Text Re-use.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Stephan Diehl
Past, Present, and Future of and in Software Visualization.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Grégory Apou
Benoît Naegel
Germain Forestier
Friedrich Feuerhake
Cédric Wemmert
Efficient Region-based Classification for Whole Slide Images.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Fabian Beck
Michael Burch
Tanja Munz
Lorenzo Di Silvestro
Daniel Weiskopf
Generalized Pythagoras Trees: A Fractal Approach to Hierarchy Visualization.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Thomas Schiffer
Dieter W. Fellner
Multi-kernel Ray Traversal for Graphics Processing Units.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Geoff Bull
Junbin Gao
Michael Antolovich
Rock Fragment Boundary Detection Using Compressed Random Features.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Georg Haaser
Harald Steinlechner
Michael May
Michael Schwärzler
Stefan Maierhofer
Robert F. Tobler
Semantic Composition of Language-Integrated Shaders.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Dominique Béréziat
Isabelle Herlin
Coupling Dynamic Equations and Satellite Images for Modelling Ocean Surface Circulation.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Maxim Mikhnevich
Denis Laurendeau
Unsupervised Visual Hull Reconstruction of a Dense Dataset.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
volume 458, 2014
Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics - Theory and Applications - International Joint Conference, VISIGRAPP 2013, Barcelona, Spain, February 21-24, 2013, Revised Selected Papers
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
458 (2014)
Cristóbal A. Navarro
Nancy Hitschfeld
Eliana Scheihing
Quasi-Delaunay Triangulations Using GPU-Based Edge-Flips.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Davide Periquito
Jacinto C. Nascimento
Alexandre Bernardino
João Sequeira
Single Camera Hand Pose Estimation from Bottom-Up and Top-Down Processes.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Jesus Ojeda
Antonio Susín
Real-Time Lattice Boltzmann Shallow Waters Method for Breaking Wave Simulations.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
Daniel Cernea
Igor Truderung
Andreas Kerren
Achim Ebert
An Interactive Visualization for Tabbed Browsing Behavior Analysis.
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
volume 359, 2013
Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics. Theory and Application - 7th International Joint Conference, VISIGRAPP 2012, Rome, Italy, February 24-26, 2012, Revised Selected Papers
VISIGRAPP (Selected Papers)
359 (2013)