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Takaya Shirasu
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1994-1996
Publications (10 Years): 0
Shigeo Hirose
Takaya Shirasu
Edwardo F. Fukushima
Proposal for cooperative robot "Gunryu" composed of autonomous segments.
Robotics Auton. Syst.
17 (1-2) (1996)
Shigeo Hirose
Naritoshi Ootsukasa
Takaya Shirasu
Horiyuki Kuwahara
Kan Yoneda
Fundamental Considerations for the Design of a Planetary Rover.
Shigeo Hirose
Takaya Shirasu
Edwardo F. Fukushima
Proposal for Cooperative Robot "Gunryu" Composed of Autonomous segments.
IROS (Selected Papers)