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Sohan Purohit
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2008-2014
Publications (10 Years): 0
Top Topics
Efficient Implementation
Digital Computer
Bit Parallel
Computation Intensive
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst.
Circuits Syst. Signal Process.
Raffaele De Rose
Marco Lanuzza
Fabio Frustaci
Sohan Purohit
Designing Dynamic Carry Skip Adders: Analysis and Comparison.
Circuits Syst. Signal Process.
33 (4) (2014)
Sohan Purohit
Sai Rahul Chalamalasetti
Martin Margala
Wim Vanderbauwhede
Throughput/Resource-Efficient Reconfigurable Processor for Multimedia Applications.
IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst.
21 (7) (2013)
Sohan Purohit
Sai Rahul Chalamalasetti
Martin Margala
Wim Vanderbauwhede
Design and Evaluation of High-Performance Processing Elements for Reconfigurable Systems.
IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst.
21 (10) (2013)
Sohan Purohit
Martin Margala
Investigating the Impact of Logic and Circuit Implementation on Full Adder Performance.
IEEE Trans. Very Large Scale Integr. Syst.
20 (7) (2012)
Wim Vanderbauwhede
Sai Rahul Chalamalasetti
Sohan Purohit
Martin Margala
A few lines of code, thousands of cores: High-level FPGA programming using vector processor networks.
Sai Rahul Chalamalasetti
Sohan Purohit
Martin Margala
Wim Vanderbauwhede
Radiation-Hardened Reconfigurable Array With Instruction Roll-Back.
IEEE Embed. Syst. Lett.
2 (4) (2010)
Mohamed El-Hadedy
Sohan Purohit
Martin Margala
Svein J. Knapskog
Performance and area efficient transpose memory architecture for high throughput adaptive signal processing systems.
Sohan Purohit
Sai Rahul Chalamalasetti
Martin Margala
Design of self correcting radiation hardened digital circuits using decoupled ground bus.
ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI
Sohan Purohit
Marco Lanuzza
Martin Margala
Design Space Exploration of Split-Path Data Driven Dynamic Full Adder.
J. Low Power Electron.
6 (4) (2010)
Sohan Purohit
Sai Rahul Chalamalasetti
Martin Margala
Low overhead soft error detection and correction scheme for reconfigurable pipelined data paths.
Wim Vanderbauwhede
Martin Margala
Sai Rahul Chalamalasetti
Sohan Purohit
A C++-embedded Domain-Specific Language for programming the MORA soft processor array.
Sohan Purohit
David Harrington
Martin Margala
An area efficient design methodology for SEU tolerant digital circuits.
Sai Rahul Chalamalasetti
Sohan Purohit
Martin Margala
Wim Vanderbauwhede
MORA - An Architecture and Programming Model for a Resource Efficient Coarse Grained Reconfigurable Processor.
Sohan Purohit
Marco Lanuzza
Stefania Perri
Pasquale Corsonello
Martin Margala
Design-Space Exploration of Energy-Delay-Area Efficient Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Datapath.
VLSI Design
Sai Rahul Chalamalasetti
Wim Vanderbauwhede
Sohan Purohit
Martin Margala
A low cost reconfigurable soft processor for multimedia applications: Design synthesis and programming model.
Wim Vanderbauwhede
Martin Margala
Sai Rahul Chalamalasetti
Sohan Purohit
Programming Model and Low-level Language for a Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Multimedia Processor.
Sohan Purohit
Sai Rahul Chalamalasetti
Martin Margala
A 1.2v, 1.02 ghz 8 bit SIMD compatible highly parallel arithmetic data path for multi-precision arithmetic.
ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI
Sohan Purohit
Marco Lanuzza
Stefania Perri
Pasquale Corsonello
Martin Margala
Design and Evaluation of an Energy-Delay-Area Efficient Datapath for Coarse-Grain Reconfigurable Computing Systems.
J. Low Power Electron.
5 (3) (2009)
Sohan Purohit
Martin Margala
Marco Lanuzza
Pasquale Corsonello
New performance/power/area efficient, reliable full adder design.
ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI
Sohan Purohit
Sai Rahul Chalamalasetti
Martin Margala
Pasquale Corsonello
Power-Efficient High Throughput Reconfigurable Datapath Design for Portable Multimedia Devices.
Sohan Purohit
Sai Rahul Chalamalasetti
Martin Margala
Pasquale Corsonello
Power/throughput/area efficient PIM-based reconfigurable array for parallel processing.