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Mario J. Durán
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2006-2024
Publications (10 Years): 27
Top Topics
Pulse Width Modulation
Fault Detection
Induction Motor
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
IEEE Access
Ignacio González Prieto
Mario J. Durán
Angel González Prieto
Juan Jose Aciego
A Simple Multistep Solution for Model Predictive Control in Multiphase Electric Drives.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
71 (2) (2024)
Juan Carrillo-Ríos
Ignacio González Prieto
Angel González Prieto
Mario J. Durán
Juan Jose Aciego
Long-Prediction Horizon FCS-MPC for Multiphase Electric Drives With a Selective Control Action Promotion.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
71 (9) (2024)
Juan Jose Aciego
Angel González Prieto
Ignacio González Prieto
Alicia Claros
Mario J. Durán
Mario Bermudez
On the Use of Predictive Tools to Improve the Design of Undergraduate Courses.
IEEE Access
10 (2022)
Angel González Prieto
Ignacio González Prieto
Alejandro G. Yepes
Mario J. Durán
Jesús Doval-Gandoy
On the Advantages of Symmetrical Over Asymmetrical Multiphase AC Drives With Even Phase Number Using Direct Controllers.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
69 (8) (2022)
Angel González Prieto
Ignacio González Prieto
Mario J. Durán
Juan Jose Aciego
Pedro Salas-Biedma
Current Harmonic Mitigation Using a Multi-Vector Solution for MPC in Six-Phase Electric Drives.
IEEE Access
9 (2021)
Mario Bermudez
Manuel R. Arahal
Mario J. Durán
Ignacio González Prieto
Model Predictive Control of Six-Phase Electric Drives Including ARX Disturbance Estimator.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
68 (1) (2021)
Angel González Prieto
Ignacio González Prieto
Mario J. Durán
Smart Voltage Vectors for Model Predictive Control of Six-Phase Electric Drives.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
68 (10) (2021)
Angel González Prieto
Ignacio González Prieto
Alejandro G. Yepes
Mario J. Durán
Jesús Doval-Gandoy
Symmetrical Six-Phase Induction Machines: A Solution for Multiphase Direct Control Strategies.
Manuel R. Arahal
Cristina Martin
Federico Barrero
Mario J. Durán
Assessing Variable Sampling Time Controllers for Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
67 (4) (2020)
Paula Garcia-Entrambasaguas
Ignacio González Prieto
Mario J. Durán
Single-Index Open-Phase Fault Detection Method for Six-Phase Electric Drives.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
67 (12) (2020)
Ignacio González Prieto
Mario J. Durán
Paula Garcia-Entrambasaguas
Mario Bermudez
Field-Oriented Control of Multiphase Drives With Passive Fault Tolerance.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
67 (9) (2020)
Manuel R. Arahal
Cristina Martin
Federico Barrero
Ignacio González Prieto
Mario J. Durán
Model-Based Control for Power Converters With Variable Sampling Time: A Case Example Using Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
66 (8) (2019)
Angel González Prieto
Ignacio González Prieto
Mario J. Durán
Efficient Predictive Control with Natural Fault-Tolerance for Multiphase Induction Machines.
Juan Jose Aciego
Ignacio González Prieto
Mario J. Durán
Control of Six-Phase Voltage Source Converters Using Dynamic Voltage Vectors.
Pedro Salas-Biedma
Ignacio González Prieto
Mario J. Durán
Current Imbalance Detection Method based on Vector Space Decomposition Approach for Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives.
Ignacio González Prieto
Mario J. Durán
Juan Jose Aciego
Cristina Martin
Federico Barrero
Model Predictive Control of Six-Phase Induction Motor Drives Using Virtual Voltage Vectors.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
65 (1) (2018)
Cristina Martin
Manuel R. Arahal
Federico Barrero
Mario J. Durán
Ignacio González Prieto
Variable sampling time model predictive control of multiphase induction machines.
Ignacio González Prieto
Mario J. Durán
Natalia Rios-Garcia
Federico Barrero
Cristina Martin
Open-Switch Fault Detection in Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives Using Model Predictive Control.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
65 (4) (2018)
Mario Bermudez
Ignacio González Prieto
Federico Barrero
Hugo Guzman
Mario J. Durán
Xavier Kestelyn
Open-Phase Fault-Tolerant Direct Torque Control Technique for Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
64 (2) (2017)
Mario J. Durán
Ignacio González Prieto
Federico Barrero
Emil Levi
Luca Zarri
Michele Mengoni
A Simple Braking Method for Six-Phase Induction Motor Drives With Unidirectional Power Flow in the Base-Speed Region.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
64 (8) (2017)
Mario J. Durán
Federico Barrero
Recent Advances in the Design, Modeling, and Control of Multiphase Machines - Part II.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
63 (1) (2016)
Emil Levi
Federico Barrero
Mario J. Durán
Multiphase machines and drives - Revisited.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
63 (1) (2016)
Mario J. Durán
Ignacio González Prieto
Mario Bermudez
Federico Barrero
Hugo Guzman
Manuel R. Arahal
Optimal Fault-Tolerant Control of Six-Phase Induction Motor Drives With Parallel Converters.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
63 (1) (2016)
Cristina Martin
Manuel R. Arahal
Federico Barrero
Mario J. Durán
Five-Phase Induction Motor Rotor Current Observer for Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control of Stator Current.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
63 (7) (2016)
Federico Barrero
Mario J. Durán
Recent Advances in the Design, Modeling, and Control of Multiphase Machines - Part I.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
63 (1) (2016)
Michele Mengoni
Giacomo Sala
Luca Zarri
Angelo Tani
Giovanni Serra
Yasser Gritli
Mario J. Durán
Control of a fault-tolerant quadruple three-phase induction machine for More Electric Aircrafts.
Hugo Guzman
Mario J. Durán
Federico Barrero
Luca Zarri
Blas Bogado
Ignacio González Prieto
Manuel R. Arahal
Comparative Study of Predictive and Resonant Controllers in Fault-Tolerant Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
63 (1) (2016)
Mario J. Durán
Ignacio González Prieto
Federico Barrero
Michele Mengoni
Luca Zarri
Emil Levi
A simple braking method for six-phase induction motor drives with diode front-end rectifier.
Mario J. Durán
Ignacio González Prieto
Hugo Guzman
Federico Barrero
H. M. Kim
Unbalanced operation of multiphase wind energy conversion systems connected to microgrids.
Hugo Guzman
Federico Barrero
Mario J. Durán
IGBT-Gating Failure Effect on a Fault-Tolerant Predictive Current-Controlled Five-Phase Induction Motor Drive.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
62 (1) (2015)
Mario Bermudez
Hugo Guzman
Ignacio González Prieto
Federico Barrero
Mario J. Durán
Xavier Kestelyn
Comparative study of DTC and RFOC methods for the open-phase fault operation of a 5-phase induction motor drive.
José A. Riveros
D. G. Reina
Federico Barrero
Sergio Toral
Mario J. Durán
Five-phase induction machine parameter identification using PSO and standstill techniques.
Cristina Martin
Manuel R. Arahal
Federico Barrero
Mario J. Durán
Sergio Toral
Rotor current observer in finite-state model predictive control of five-phase IM.
Mario Bermudez
Ignacio González Prieto
Federico Barrero
Mario J. Durán
Xavier Kestelyn
Open-phase fault operation of 5-phase induction motor drives using DTC techniques.
Thai-Thanh Nguyen
H.-M. Kim
Mario J. Durán
Applying predictive power control to BESS for mitigation of wind power fluctuations.
Hang Seng Che
Emil Levi
Martin Jones
Mario J. Durán
Wooi Ping Hew
Nasrudin Abd. Rahim
Operation of a Six-Phase Induction Machine Using Series-Connected Machine-Side Converters.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
61 (1) (2014)
Hugo Guzman
Mario J. Durán
Federico Barrero
Blas Bogado
Sergio L. Toral Marín
Speed Control of Five-Phase Induction Motors With Integrated Open-Phase Fault Operation Using Model-Based Predictive Current Control Techniques.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
61 (9) (2014)
Joel Prieto
Federico Barrero
Mario J. Durán
Sergio L. Toral Marín
Manuel A. Perales
SVM Procedure for $n$-Phase VSI With Low Harmonic Distortion in the Overmodulation Region.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
61 (1) (2014)
Jose A. Riveros
Federico Barrero
Emil Levi
Mario J. Durán
Sergio L. Toral Marín
Martin Jones
Variable-Speed Five-Phase Induction Motor Drive Based on Predictive Torque Control.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
60 (8) (2013)
Mario J. Durán
Federico Barrero
Ana Pozo-Ruz
Francisco Guzmán
José Fernández
Hugo Guzman
Understanding Power Electronics and Electrical Machines in Multidisciplinary Wind Energy Conversion System Courses.
IEEE Trans. Educ.
56 (2) (2013)
Mario J. Durán
Joel Prieto
Federico Barrero
Jose A. Riveros
Hugo Guzman
Space-Vector PWM With Reduced Common-Mode Voltage for Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
60 (10) (2013)
Ignacio Gonzalez
Mario J. Durán
Hang Seng Che
Emil Levi
Federico Barrero
Fault-tolerant control of six-phase induction generators in wind energy conversion systems with series-parallel machine-side converters.
Manuel R. Arahal
Federico Barrero
Mario J. Durán
Manuel G. Ortega
Harmonic content in VSI operated with homogeneous pulse width.
Sebastián Martín
Mario J. Durán
Sebastián de la Torre
José A. Aguado
M. A. López
P. Subires
Learner-centered activities for engineering students using a dynamic teaching methodology.
Manuel A. Perales
Federico Barrero
Sergio L. Toral Marín
Mario J. Durán
Experiencia PBL en una Asignatura Básica de Electrónica.
Rev. Iberoam. de Tecnol. del Aprendiz.
7 (4) (2012)
Hang Seng Che
Mario J. Durán
Wooi Ping Hew
Nasrudin Abd. Rahim
Emil Levi
Martin Jones
Dc-link voltage balancing of six-phase wind energy systems with series-connected machineside converters and NPC grid-side converter.
Hugo Guzman
Mario J. Durán
Federico Barrero
Speed control of five-phase induction motor drives with an open phase fault condition and predictive current control methods.
José A. Riveros
Mario J. Durán
Federico Barrero
Sergio Toral
Direct torque control for five-phase induction motor drives with reduced common-mode voltage.
Mario J. Durán
Joel Prieto
Federico Barrero
Sergio L. Toral Marín
Predictive Current Control of Dual Three-Phase Drives Using Restrained Search Techniques.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
58 (8) (2011)
Federico Barrero
Joel Prieto
Emil Levi
Raúl Gregor
Sergio L. Toral Marín
Mario J. Durán
Martin Jones
An Enhanced Predictive Current Control Method for Asymmetrical Six-Phase Motor Drives.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
58 (8) (2011)
Federico Barrero
Manuel R. Arahal
Raúl Gregor
Sergio L. Toral Marín
Mario J. Durán
One-Step Modulation Predictive Current Control Method for the Asymmetrical Dual Three-Phase Induction Machine.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
56 (6) (2009)
Manuel Ruiz Arahal
Mario J. Durán
Federico Barrero
Sergio L. Toral Marín
Analysis of variable third harmonic injection for five-phase IM.
Federico Barrero
Manuel R. Arahal
Raúl Gregor
Sergio L. Toral Marín
Mario J. Durán
A Proof of Concept Study of Predictive Current Control for VSI-Driven Asymmetrical Dual Three-Phase AC Machines.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
56 (6) (2009)
Sergio L. Toral Marín
Federico Barrero
María del Rocío Martínez Torres
Sergio Gallardo
Mario J. Durán
Modeling Learner Satisfaction in an Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Course Using Structural Equation Models.
IEEE Trans. Educ.
52 (1) (2009)
Mario J. Durán
Francisco Salas
Manuel R. Arahal
Bifurcation Analysis of Five-Phase Induction Motor Drives With Third Harmonic Injection.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
55 (5) (2008)
Sergio Gallardo
Federico José Barrero-García
María del Rocío Martínez Torres
Sergio L. Toral Marín
Mario J. Durán
Addressing Learner Satisfaction Outcomes in Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Laboratory Course Organization.
IEEE Trans. Educ.
50 (2) (2007)
Mario J. Durán
José L. Durán
Francisco Pérez
José Fernández
Induction-motor sensorless vector control with online parameter estimation and overcurrent protection.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
53 (1) (2006)