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Fabrice Jumel
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2003-2023
Publications (10 Years): 12
Top Topics
Data Fusion
Smart Home
Social Activities
Soccer Games
Top Venues
Jacques Saraydaryan
Fabrice Jumel
Olivier Simonin
Human Presence Probability Map (HPP): A Probability Propagation Based on Human Flow Grid.
Fabrice Jumel
Advancing Research at the RoboCup@Home Competition [Competitions].
IEEE Robotics Autom. Mag.
26 (2) (2019)
Jacques Saraydaryan
Raphael Leber
Fabrice Jumel
People Management Framework Using a 2D Camera for Human-Robot Social Interactions.
Fabrice Jumel
Jacques Saraydaryan
Raphael Leber
Laëtitia Matignon
Eric Lombardi
Christian Wolf
Olivier Simonin
Context Aware Robot Architecture, Application to the RoboCup@Home Challenge.
Fabrice Jumel
Jacques Saraydaryan
Olivier Simonin
Mapping likelihood of encountering humans: Application to path planning in crowded environment.
Jacques Saraydaryan
Fabrice Jumel
Olivier Simonin
Patrouille multi-agent dynamique, application robotique pour le service de personnes mobiles.
Rev. d'Intelligence Artif.
31 (4) (2017)
Jacques Saraydaryan
Fabrice Jumel
Olivier Simonin
Patrouille Multi-Agent Dynamique, application en Robotique au Service de Personnes Mobiles.
Loïc Sevrin
Bertrand Massot
Norbert Noury
Nacer Abouchi
Fabrice Jumel
Jacques Saraydaryan
A data fusion system to study synchronization in social activities.
Loïc Sevrin
Norbert Noury
Nacer Abouchi
Fabrice Jumel
Bertrand Massot
Jacques Saraydaryan
Characterization of a Multi-User Indoor Positioning System Based on Low Cost Depth Vision (Kinect) for Monitoring Human Activity in a Smart Home.
Loïc Sevrin
Norbert Noury
Nacer Abouchi
Fabrice Jumel
Bertrand Massot
Jacques Saraydaryan
Detection of collaborative activity with Kinect depth cameras.
Loïc Sevrin
Norbert Noury
Nacer Abouchi
Fabrice Jumel
Bertrand Massot
Jacques Saraydaryan
Detection of collaborative activity with Kinect depth cameras.
Loïc Sevrin
Bertrand Massot
Norbert Noury
Nacer Abouchi
Fabrice Jumel
Jacques Saraydaryan
A Data Fusion System to Study Synchronization in Social Activities.
Loïc Sevrin
Norbert Noury
Nacer Abouchi
Fabrice Jumel
Bertrand Massot
Jacques Saraydaryan
Characterization of a multi-user indoor positioning system based on low cost depth vision (Kinect) for monitoring human activity in a smart home.
Jacques Saraydaryan
Fabrice Jumel
Olivier Simonin
Robots delivering services to moving people: Individual vs. group patrolling strategies.
Loïc Sevrin
Norbert Noury
Nacer Abouchi
Fabrice Jumel
Bertrand Massot
Jacques Saraydaryan
A bio-inspired living lab as a robot exoskeleton.
Charbel El-Gemayel
Fabrice Jumel
Nacer Abouchi
Joseph Constantin
Doumit Zaouk
A global methodology for modeling and simulating medical systems.
Fabrice Jumel
Nicolas Navet
Françoise Simonot-Lion
Impact de choix d'implantation sur les performances d'une application de contrôle-commande.
Tech. Sci. Informatiques
25 (3) (2006)
Hedia B. Ben
Fabrice Jumel
Jean-Philippe Babau
Formal Evaluation of Quality of Service for Data Acquisition.
Fabrice Jumel
Nicolas Navet
Françoise Simonot-Lion
Nouvelles politiques pour la réservation explicite de ressources en avance.
Tech. Sci. Informatiques
22 (5) (2003)