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Eike Linn
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2010-2018
Publications (10 Years): 6
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IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Circuits Syst.
Microelectron. J.
Debjyoti Bhattacharjee
Anne Siemon
Eike Linn
Stephan Menzel
Anupam Chattopadhyay
Kogge-Stone Adder Realization using 1S1R Resistive Switching Crossbar Arrays.
ACM J. Emerg. Technol. Comput. Syst.
14 (2) (2018)
Debjyoti Bhattacharjee
Anne Siemon
Eike Linn
Anupam Chattopadhyay
Efficient complementary resistive switch-based crossbar array Booth multiplier.
Microelectron. J.
64 (2017)
Erik Cambria
Anupam Chattopadhyay
Eike Linn
Bappaditya Mandal
Bebo White
Storages Are Not Forever.
Cogn. Comput.
9 (5) (2017)
Pierre-Emmanuel Gaillardon
Luca Gaetano Amarù
Anne Siemon
Eike Linn
Rainer Waser
Anupam Chattopadhyay
Giovanni De Micheli
The Programmable Logic-in-Memory (PLiM) computer.
Lutz Nielen
Ondrej Such
Martin Klimo
Rainer Waser
Eike Linn
Memristive Sorting Networks Enabled by Electrochemical Metallization Cells.
Int. J. Unconv. Comput.
12 (4) (2016)
Debjyoti Bhattacharjee
Anne Siemon
Eike Linn
Stephan Menzel
Anupam Chattopadhyay
Efficient implementation of multiplexer and priority multiplexer using 1S1R ReRAM crossbar arrays.
Anne Siemon
Stephan Menzel
Rainer Waser
Eike Linn
Controllability of multi-level states in memristive device models using a transistor as current compliance during SET operation.
Anne Siemon
Stephan Menzel
Rainer Waser
Eike Linn
A Complementary Resistive Switch-Based Crossbar Array Adder.
IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Circuits Syst.
5 (1) (2015)
Anne Siemon
Stephan Menzel
Anupam Chattopadhyay
Rainer Waser
Eike Linn
In-memory adder functionality in 1S1R arrays.
Lutz Nielen
Anne Siemon
Stefan Tappertzhofen
Rainer Waser
Stephan Menzel
Eike Linn
Study of Memristive Associative Capacitive Networks for CAM Applications.
IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Circuits Syst.
5 (2) (2015)
Ondrej Such
Eike Linn
Martin Klimo
Peter Jancovic
Milan Fratrik
Karol Fröhlich
On Passive Permutation Circuits.
IEEE J. Emerg. Sel. Topics Circuits Syst.
5 (2) (2015)
Said Hamdioui
Lei Xie
Hoang Anh Du Nguyen
Mottaqiallah Taouil
Koen Bertels
Henk Corporaal
Hailong Jiao
Francky Catthoor
Dirk J. Wouters
Eike Linn
Jan van Lunteren
Memristor based computation-in-memory architecture for data-intensive applications.
Lutz Nielen
Stefan Tappertzhofen
Eike Linn
Omid Kavehei
Stan Skafidas
Ilia Valov
Rainer Waser
Live demonstration: An associative capacitive network based on nanoscale complementary resistive switches.
Eike Linn
Anne Siemon
Rainer Waser
Stephan Menzel
Applicability of Well-Established Memristive Models for Simulations of Resistive Switching Devices.
Anne Siemon
Stephan Menzel
Rainer Waser
Eike Linn
A Complementary Resistive Switch-based Crossbar Array Adder.
Eike Linn
Memristive nano-crossbar arrays enabling novel computing paradigms.
Anne Siemon
Stephan Menzel
Astrid Marchewka
Yoshifumi Nishi
Rainer Waser
Eike Linn
Simulation of TaOx-based complementary resistive switches by a physics-based memristive model.
S. Ferch
Eike Linn
Rainer Waser
Stephan Menzel
Simulation and comparison of two sequential logic-in-memory approaches using a dynamic electrochemical metallization cell model.
Microelectron. J.
45 (11) (2014)
Eike Linn
Anne Siemon
Rainer Waser
Stephan Menzel
Applicability of Well-Established Memristive Models for Simulations of Resistive Switching Devices.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap.
(8) (2014)
Victor V. Zhirnov
Ralph K. Cavin III
Stephan Menzel
Eike Linn
Sebastian Schmelzer
Dennis Bräuhaus
Christina Schindler
Rainer Waser
Memory Devices: Energy-Space-Time Tradeoffs.
Proc. IEEE
98 (12) (2010)