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Akio Inaba
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1993-2008
Publications (10 Years): 0
Teruaki Mitsui
Takahiro Kobayashi
Toshiki Kagiya
Akio Inaba
Shinya Ooba
Verification of a Weeding Robot "AIGAMO-ROBOT" for Paddy Fields.
J. Robotics Mechatronics
20 (2) (2008)
Katsuhiko Tabata
Akio Inaba
Qin Zhang
Hisanori Amano
Development of a transformational mobile robot to search victims under debris and rubbles.
YojungWoo Kim
Akio Inaba
Tatsuya Suzuki
Shigeru Okuma
Realization of fault tolerant manufacturing system and its scheduling based on hierarchical petri net modeling.
YoungWoo Kim
Akio Inaba
Tatsuya Suzuki
Shigeru Okuma
FMS Scheduling Based on Timed Petri Net Model and RTA* Algorithm.
Tatsuya Suzuki
Tadanao Zanma
Akio Inaba
Shigeru Okuma
Learning control of disassembly Petri net-an approach with discrete event system theory.
Akio Inaba
Tatsuya Suzuki
Shigeru Okuma
Feasibility study of disassembly task based on topological operations-consideration in 2-dimensional space.
Tatsuya Suzuki
Takahide Kanehara
Akio Inaba
Shigeru Okuma
On Algebraic and Graph Structural Properties of Assembly Petri Net.
ICRA (2)
Takahide Kanehara
Tatsuya Suzuki
Akio Inaba
Shigeru Okuma
On algebraic and graph structural properties of assembly Petri net - Searching by linear programming.