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High Performance Graphics
Adam Marrs
Josef B. Spjut
Holger Grün
Rahul Sathe
Morgan McGuire
Adaptive temporal antialiasing.
High Performance Graphics
Brian Sharpe
Moment transparency.
High Performance Graphics
Anjul Patney
Aaron E. Lefohn
Detecting aliasing artifacts in image sequences using deep neural networks.
High Performance Graphics
Ian Mallett
Cem Yuksel
Deferred adaptive compute shading.
High Performance Graphics
Carsten Benthin
Ingo Wald
Sven Woop
Attila T. Áfra
Compressed-leaf bounding volume hierarchies.
High Performance Graphics
Proceedings of the Conference on High-Performance Graphics, HPG 2018, Vancouver, Canada, August 10-12, 2018
High Performance Graphics
Cyril Crassin
Chris Wyman
Morgan McGuire
Aaron E. Lefohn
Correlation-aware semi-analytic visibility for antialiased rendering.
High Performance Graphics
Matina Maria Trompouki
Leonidas Kosmidis
Brook GLES Pi: democratising accelerator programming.
High Performance Graphics
Alexander Lier
Marc Stamminger
Kai Selgrad
CPU-style SIMD ray traversal on GPUs.
High Performance Graphics
Cem Yuksel
Mesh color textures.
High Performance Graphics
Sven Woop
Attila T. Áfra
Carsten Benthin
STBVH: a spatial-temporal BVH for efficient multi-segment motion blur.
High Performance Graphics
Mark Lee
Brian Green
Feng Xie
Eric Tabellion
Vectorized production path tracing.
High Performance Graphics
Bernhard Kerbl
Michael Kenzel
Dieter Schmalstieg
Markus Steinberger
Effective static bin patterns for sort-middle rendering.
High Performance Graphics
Marek Vinkler
Jirí Bittner
Vlastimil Havran
Extended Morton codes for high performance bounding volume hierarchy construction.
High Performance Graphics
Carsten Benthin
Sven Woop
Ingo Wald
Attila T. Áfra
Improved two-level BVHs using partial re-braiding.
High Performance Graphics
Michael Mara
Morgan McGuire
Benedikt Bitterli
Wojciech Jarosz
An efficient denoising algorithm for global illumination.
High Performance Graphics
Proceedings of High Performance Graphics, HPG 2017, Los Angeles, CA, USA, July 28 - 30, 2017
High Performance Graphics
Alessandro Dal Corso
Marco Salvi
Craig E. Kolb
Jeppe Revall Frisvad
Aaron E. Lefohn
David P. Luebke
Interactive stable ray tracing.
High Performance Graphics
Henri Ylitie
Tero Karras
Samuli Laine
Efficient incoherent ray traversal on GPUs through compressed wide BVHs.
High Performance Graphics
Christoph Peters
Non-linearly quantized moment shadow maps.
High Performance Graphics
Nikolai Hofmann
Phillip Bogendörfer
Marc Stamminger
Kai Selgrad
Hierarchical multi-layer screen-space ray tracing.
High Performance Graphics
Konstantin Shkurko
Tim Grant
Daniel Kopta
Ian Mallett
Cem Yuksel
Erik Brunvand
Dual streaming for hardware-accelerated ray tracing.
High Performance Graphics
Myung-Bae Son
Sung-Eui Yoon
Timeline scheduling for out-of-core ray batching.
High Performance Graphics
Christoph Schied
Anton Kaplanyan
Chris Wyman
Anjul Patney
Chakravarty R. Alla Chaitanya
John Burgess
Shiqiu Liu
Carsten Dachsbacher
Aaron E. Lefohn
Marco Salvi
Spatiotemporal variance-guided filtering: real-time reconstruction for path-traced global illumination.
High Performance Graphics
Amrita Mazumdar
Armin Alaghi
Jonathan T. Barron
David Gallup
Luis Ceze
Mark Oskin
Steven M. Seitz
A hardware-friendly bilateral solver for real-time virtual reality video.
High Performance Graphics
Valentin Fuetterling
Carsten Lojewski
Franz-Josef Pfreundt
Bernd Hamann
Achim Ebert
Accelerated single ray tracing for wide vector units.
High Performance Graphics
Alexander Reshetov
Exploiting Budan-Fourier and Vincent's theorems for ray tracing 3D Bézier curves.
High Performance Graphics
Tong Wang
Reiji Suda
Fast maximal Poisson-disk sampling by randomized tiling.
High Performance Graphics
Nikolaus Binder
Alexander Keller
Efficient stackless hierarchy traversal on GPUs with backtracking in constant time.
High Performance Graphics
Proceedings of High Performance Graphics, HPG 2016, Dublin, Ireland, June 20-22, 2016
High Performance Graphics
Robert Toth
Jim Nilsson
Tomas Akenine-Möller
Comparison of projection methods for rendering virtual reality.
High Performance Graphics
Daniel Thuerck
Michael Waechter
Sven Widmer
Max von Bülow
Patrick Seemann
Marc E. Pfetsch
Michael Goesele
A fast, massively parallel solver for large, irregular pairwise Markov random fields.
High Performance Graphics
Kostas Vardis
Andreas-Alexandros Vasilakis
Georgios Papaioannou
DIRT: deferred image-based ray tracing.
High Performance Graphics
Anton S. Kaplanyan
Stephan Hill
Anjul Patney
Aaron E. Lefohn
Filtering distributions of normals for shading antialiasing.
High Performance Graphics
Attila T. Áfra
Carsten Benthin
Ingo Wald
Jacob Munkberg
Local shading coherence extraction for SIMD-efficient path tracing on CPUs.
High Performance Graphics
Hauke Rehfeld
Carsten Dachsbacher
Lightcut interpolation.
High Performance Graphics
Alexander Reshetov
David Luebke
Infinite resolution textures.
High Performance Graphics
Apollo I. Ellis
Warren Hunt
John C. Hart
SVGPU: real time 3D rendering to vector graphics formats.
High Performance Graphics
Jon Hasselgren
Magnus Andersson
Tomas Akenine-Möller
Masked software occlusion culling.
High Performance Graphics
Chris Wyman
Exploring and expanding the continuum of OIT algorithms.
High Performance Graphics
Hendrik Hochstetter
Jens Orthmann
Andreas Kolb
Adaptive sampling for on-the-fly ray casting of particle-based fluids.
High Performance Graphics
Michael Mara
Morgan McGuire
Derek Nowrouzezahrai
David P. Luebke
Deep g-buffers for stable global illumination approximation.
High Performance Graphics
Gabor Liktor
Karthikeyan Vaidyanathan
Bandwidth-efficient BVH layout for incremental hardware traversal.
High Performance Graphics
Karthikeyan Vaidyanathan
Tomas Akenine-Möller
Marco Salvi
Watertight ray traversal with reduced precision.
High Performance Graphics
Rama Karl Hoetzlein
GVDB: raytracing sparse voxel database structures on the GPU.
High Performance Graphics
Pierre Moreau
Erik Sintorn
Viktor Kämpe
Ulf Assarsson
Michael C. Doggett
Photon splatting using a view-sample cluster hierarchy.
High Performance Graphics
Sven Widmer
Dawid Pajak
André Schulz
Kari Pulli
Jan Kautz
Michael Goesele
David Luebke
An adaptive acceleration structure for screen-space ray tracing.
High Performance Graphics
Yuxiang Wang
Chris Wyman
Yong He
Pradeep Sen
Decoupled coverage anti-aliasing.
High Performance Graphics
Carsten Benthin
Sven Woop
Matthias Nießner
Kai Selgard
Ingo Wald
Efficient ray tracing of subdivision surfaces using tessellation caching.
High Performance Graphics
Martin Pätzold
Andreas Kolb
Grid-free out-of-core voxelization to sparse voxel octrees on GPU.
High Performance Graphics