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AIIDE Workshops
volume 3217, 2022
Joint Proceedings of the AIIDE 2021 Workshops co-located with 17th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE 2021)(AAAI 2021), Virtual Event, Lexington, KY, USA, October 11-12, 2021.
AIIDE Workshops
3217 (2022)
Dan Carpenter
John Thomas Bacher
Henry Crain
Chris Martens
Casual Creation of Tile Maps via Authorable Constraint-Based Generators.
AIIDE Workshops
Kate Compton
Conversation Starter: Imagining Autotelic IDEs.
AIIDE Workshops
Jichen Zhu
Magy Seif El-Nasr
Open Player Modeling: Empowering Players through Data Transparency.
AIIDE Workshops
Brenden Lech
Sasha Azad
Jennifer Wellnitz
Joel Jonasson
Chris Martens
Designing a Combined World and Story Procedural Content Generation Engine.
AIIDE Workshops
Max Kreminski
Michael Mateas
Opportunities for Approachable Game Development via Program Synthesis.
AIIDE Workshops
Joseph C. Osborn
Cynthia Li
Katiana Wieser
Asterism: Operational Logics as a Game Engine Engine.
AIIDE Workshops
Ari Iramanesh
Max Kreminski
AgentCraft: An Agent-Based Minecraft Settlement Generator.
AIIDE Workshops
Shi Johnson-Bey
Michael Mateas
Centrifuge: A Visual Tool for Authoring Sifting Patterns for Character-Based Simulationist StoryWorlds.
AIIDE Workshops
Hao Pan
Pathfinding and Map Feature Learning in RTS Games with Partial Observability.
AIIDE Workshops
Javier M. Torres
An Agent Framework for Manipulation Games.
AIIDE Workshops
Jan Wanot
Wordgrind: a Logic Programming Language for Creating Quality-Based Narrative.
AIIDE Workshops
Kat Pompermayer
Catherine Ji
Hannah Macias
Mark Santolucito
Demo: Synthesis-Enabled Live Coding on the Web.
AIIDE Workshops
Mike Treanor
A Component-based Game Engine for the Game-O-Mat Game Generation System.
AIIDE Workshops
Derek Martin
Arnav Jhala
BeClone: Behavior Cloning with Inference for Real-Time Strategy Games.
AIIDE Workshops
Ben Samuel
Mike Treanor
Joshua McCoy
Design Considerations for Creating AI-based Gameplay.
AIIDE Workshops
Ian Horswill
Answer Set Programming for PCG: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
AIIDE Workshops
Halley Young
A First-Order Theory of Film Scores for Generation from Lightweight Specifications.
AIIDE Workshops
Abdelrahman Madkour
Stacy Marsella
Casper Harteveld
Magy Seif El-Nasr
Jan-Willem van de Meent
Guiding Generative Graph Grammars of Dungeon Mission Graphs via Examples.
AIIDE Workshops
Jason Smith
Nazanin Alsadat Tabatabaei Anaraki
Atefeh Mahdavi Goloujeh
Karan Khosla
Brian Magerko
Towards an AI Holodeck: Generating Virtual Scenes from Sparse Natural Language Input.
AIIDE Workshops
Arunpreet Sandhu
Kyle Mitchell
Joshua McCoy
TileTerror: A System for Procedurally Generating 2D Horror Maps.
AIIDE Workshops
Joel Jonasson
Brenden Lech
Sasha Azad
Chris Martens
Intertwining World and Narrative Generation for a Mobile Role-playing Game.
AIIDE Workshops
Rehaf Aljammaz
Yasheng She
Michael Mateas
Argument Box.
AIIDE Workshops
Anurag Sarkar
Seth Cooper
Procedural Content Generation using Behavior Trees (PCGBT).
AIIDE Workshops
Manoj Deshpande
Brian Magerko
Drawcto: A Multi-Agent Co-Creative AI for Collaborative Non-Representational Art.
AIIDE Workshops
Jacques Carette
Sasha Soraine
Types for Players.
AIIDE Workshops
Adam Summerville
Ben Samuel
James Owen Ryan
Liz England
Casual Creator Cursed Problems or: How I Learned to Start Worrying And Love Designers.
AIIDE Workshops
Riemer van Rozen
Youri Reijne
Clement Julia
Georgia Samaritaki
First-Person Realtime Collaborative Metaprogramming Adventures.
AIIDE Workshops
volume 2862, 2021
Joint Proceedings of the AIIDE 2020 Workshops co-located with 16th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment (AIIDE 2020), Worcester, MA, USA, October 19-23, 2020 (online).
AIIDE Workshops
2862 (2021)
Adrian Gonzalez
Matthew Guzdial
Félix Ramos
Generating Gameplay-Relevant Art Assets with Transfer Learning.
AIIDE Workshops
Ian Horswill
Generative Text using Classical Nondeterminism.
AIIDE Workshops
Hao Pan
A Reasoning-Based Defogger for Opponent Army Composition Inference Under Partial Observability.
AIIDE Workshops
Batu Aytemiz
Hunter Lynch
Carl Erez
Adam M. Smith
SMES: Adapting Dexterity-based Games for Deliberative Play.
AIIDE Workshops
Max Kreminski
Noah Wardrip-Fruin
Michael Mateas
Toward Example-Driven Program Synthesis of Story Sifting Patterns.
AIIDE Workshops
Judith van Stegeren
Mariët Theune
Fantastic Strings and Where to Find Them: The Quest for High-Quality Video Game Text Corpora.
AIIDE Workshops
Alexander Dockhorn
Jorge Hurtado Grueso
Dominik Jeurissen
Diego Perez Liebana
STRATEGA: A General Strategy Games Framework.
AIIDE Workshops
Alan Bettis
Danielle Newberry
Hector Muñoz-Avila
Scoring Integrated Meaningful Play in Story-Driven Games with Q-Learning.
AIIDE Workshops
Zuozhi Yang
Santiago Ontañón
Bandit-Based Policy Optimization for Monte Carlo Tree Search in RTS Games.
AIIDE Workshops
Richard Kelly
David Churchill
Transfer Learning Between RTS Combat Scenarios Using Component-Action Deep Reinforcement Learning.
AIIDE Workshops
Kristen K. Yu
Nathan R. Sturtevant
Matthew Guzdial
What is a Quest?
AIIDE Workshops
Jennifer Wellnitz
Chris Martens
Towards Managing Epistemic Complexity in Narrative Games.
AIIDE Workshops
Henry Raymond
Sven Knobloch
Fabio Zünd
Robert W. Sumner
Stéphane Magnenat
Leveraging Efficient Planning and Lightweight Agent Definition: A Novel Path Towards Emergent Narrative.
AIIDE Workshops
Faraz Khadivpour
Matthew Guzdial
Explainability via Responsibility.
AIIDE Workshops
Chanha Kim
Jaden Kim
Joseph C. Osborn
Synthesizing Retro Game Screenshot Datasets for Sprite Detection.
AIIDE Workshops
Raluca D. Gaina
Martin Balla
Alexander Dockhorn
Raúl Montoliu
Diego Perez Liebana
TAG: A Tabletop Games Framework.
AIIDE Workshops
Varun Bhat
Gillian Smith
Towards Automatically Abridging Game Levels.
AIIDE Workshops
Anurag Sarkar
Zhihan Yang
Seth Cooper
Conditional Level Generation and Game Blending.
AIIDE Workshops
Gema Parreño Piqueras
Benchmarking Imitation and Reinforcement Learning for NPC Players in Casual Video Games (short paper).
AIIDE Workshops
Adam Summerville
Anurag Sarkar
Sam Snodgrass
Joseph C. Osborn
Extracting Physics from Blended Platformer Game Levels.
AIIDE Workshops
Stephen G. Ware
Orion Fisher
Exploring Regression-Based Narrative Planning.
AIIDE Workshops