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Euro-Par (1)
Ricardo Quislant
Eladio Gutiérrez
Oscar G. Plata
Emilio L. Zapata
Unified Locality-Sensitive Signatures for Transactional Memory.
Euro-Par (1)
Muhammad Aleem
Radu Prodan
Thomas Fahringer
Scheduling JavaSymphony Applications on Many-Core Parallel Computers.
Euro-Par (1)
Jean-Marc Pierson
Henri Casanova
On the Utility of DVFS for Power-Aware Job Placement in Clusters.
Euro-Par (1)
Ankur Narang
Abhinav Srivastava
Naga Praveen Kumar Katta
Distributed Scalable Collaborative Filtering Algorithm.
Euro-Par (1)
Sriram Lakshminarasimhan
Neil Shah
Stéphane Ethier
Scott Klasky
Robert Latham
Robert B. Ross
Nagiza F. Samatova
Compressing the Incompressible with ISABELA: In-situ Reduction of Spatio-temporal Data.
Euro-Par (1)
Gennaro Cordasco
Rosario De Chiara
Arnold L. Rosenberg
Assessing the Computational Benefits of AREA-Oriented DAG-Scheduling.
Euro-Par (1)
Jochen Schimmel
Victor Pankratius
Exploiting Cache Traffic Monitoring for Run-Time Race Detection.
Euro-Par (1)
Amitabha Bagchi
Olivier Beaumont
Pascal Felber
Alberto Montresor
Euro-Par (1)
Rosa M. Badia
Fabrice Huet
Rob van Nieuwpoort
Rainer Keller
Euro-Par (1)
Shuai Zheng
Zon-Yin Shae
Xiangliang Zhang
Hani Jamjoom
Liana Fong
Analysis and Modeling of Social Influence in High Performance Computing Workloads.
Euro-Par (1)
Ana Bosque
Víctor Viñals
Pablo Ibáñez
José María Llabería
Filtering Directory Lookups in CMPs with Write-Through Caches.
Euro-Par (1)
Rodrígo González-Alberquilla
Karin Strauss
Luis Ceze
Luis Piñuel
Accelerating Data Race Detection with Minimal Hardware Support.
Euro-Par (1)
Carlo Mastroianni
Michela Meo
Giuseppe Papuzzo
Self-economy in Cloud Data Centers: Statistical Assignment and Migration of Virtual Machines.
Euro-Par (1)
UmaMaheswari C. Devi
Malolan Chetlur
Shivkumar Kalyanaraman
Object Placement for Cooperative Caches with Bandwidth Constraints.
Euro-Par (1)
Leonel Sousa
Frédéric Suter
Alfredo Goldman
Rizos Sakellariou
Oliver Sinnen
Euro-Par (1)
Ricardo J. Barrientos
José Ignacio Gómez
Christian Tenllado
Manuel Prieto-Matías
Mauricio Marín
kNN Query Processing in Metric Spaces Using GPUs.
Euro-Par (1)
Thomas Karcher
Victor Pankratius
Run-Time Automatic Performance Tuning for Multicore Applications.
Euro-Par (1)
Marc Sánchez Artigas
Enrique Fernández-Casado
Evaluation of P2P Systems under Different Churn Models: Why We Should Bother.
Euro-Par (1)
Shirley Moore
Derrick Kondo
Brian J. N. Wylie
Giuliano Casale
Euro-Par (1)
Dariusz R. Kowalski
Pierre Sens
Antonio Fernández Anta
Guillaume Pierre
Euro-Par (1)
Jan Mußler
Daniel Lorenz
Felix Wolf
Reducing the Overhead of Direct Application Instrumentation Using Prior Static Analysis.
Euro-Par (1)
Kaushik Ravichandran
Sangho Lee
Santosh Pande
Work Stealing for Multi-core HPC Clusters.
Euro-Par (1)
Michael Laurenzano
Mitesh R. Meswani
Laura Carrington
Allan Snavely
Mustafa M. Tikir
Stephen Poole
Reducing Energy Usage with Memory and Computation-Aware Dynamic Frequency Scaling.
Euro-Par (1)
Juan M. Cebrian
Juan L. Aragón
Stefanos Kaxiras
Token3D: Reducing Temperature in 3D Die-Stacked CMPs through Cycle-Level Power Control Mechanisms.
Euro-Par (1)
Maxime Martinasso
Jean-François Méhaut
A Contention-Aware Performance Model for HPC-Based Networks: A Case Study of the InfiniBand Network.
Euro-Par (1)
Pierre Riteau
Christine Morin
Thierry Priol
Shrinker: Improving Live Migration of Virtual Clusters over WANs with Distributed Data Deduplication and Content-Based Addressing.
Euro-Par (1)
Mahmut T. Kandemir
Ramya Prabhakar
Mustafa Karaköy
Yuanrui Zhang
Multilayer Cache Partitioning for Multiprogram Workloads.
Euro-Par (1)
Róbert Ormándi
István Hegedüs
Márk Jelasity
Asynchronous Peer-to-Peer Data Mining with Stochastic Gradient Descent.
Euro-Par (1)
Carlos Villavieja
Yoav Etsion
Alex Ramírez
Nacho Navarro
FELI: HW/SW Support for On-Chip Distributed Shared Memory in Multicores.
Euro-Par (1)
Alexander M. Lindsay
Maxwell Galloway-Carson
Christopher R. Johnson
David P. Bunde
Vitus J. Leung
Backfilling with Guarantees Granted upon Job Submission.
Euro-Par (1)
Ramin Yahyapour
Christian Pérez
Erik Elmroth
Ignacio Martín Llorente
Francesc Guim Bernat
Karsten Oberle
Euro-Par (1)
José Luis March
Julio Sahuquillo
Salvador Petit
Houcine Hassan
José Duato
A Dynamic Power-Aware Partitioner with Task Migration for Multicore Embedded Systems.
Euro-Par (1)
João Soares
Nuno M. Preguiça
Combining Mobile and Cloud Storage for Providing Ubiquitous Data Access.
Euro-Par (1)
Javier Bueno
Luis Martinell
Alejandro Duran
Montse Farreras
Xavier Martorell
Rosa M. Badia
Eduard Ayguadé
Jesús Labarta
Productive Cluster Programming with OmpSs.
Euro-Par (1)
Vladimir Subotic
Roger Ferrer
José Carlos Sancho
Jesús Labarta
Mateo Valero
Quantifying the Potential Task-Based Dataflow Parallelism in MPI Applications.
Euro-Par (1)
Oussama Gamoudi
Nathalie Drach
Karine Heydemann
Using Runtime Activity to Dynamically Filter Out Inefficient Data Prefetches.
Euro-Par (1)
Carlos Gómez-Pantoja
Mauricio Marín
Veronica Gil-Costa
Carolina Bonacic
An Evaluation of Fault-Tolerant Query Processing for Web Search Engines.
Euro-Par (1)
Sai Prashanth Muralidhara
Mahmut T. Kandemir
Yuanrui Zhang
Bandwidth Constrained Coordinated HW/SW Prefetching for Multicores.
Euro-Par (1)
Laurence Field
Rizos Sakellariou
Benchmarking Grid Information Systems.
Euro-Par (1)
Saurabh Kumar Garg
Chee Shin Yeo
Rajkumar Buyya
Green Cloud Framework for Improving Carbon Efficiency of Clouds.
Euro-Par (1)
Salvatore Orlando
Gabriel Antoniu
Amol Ghoting
María S. Pérez-Hernández
Euro-Par (1)
Thomas Ropars
Amina Guermouche
Bora Uçar
Esteban Meneses
Laxmikant V. Kalé
Franck Cappello
On the Use of Cluster-Based Partial Message Logging to Improve Fault Tolerance for MPI HPC Applications.
Euro-Par (1)
Arnold L. Rosenberg
Greedy "Exploitation" Is Close to Optimal on Node-Heterogeneous Clusters.
Euro-Par (1)
Anne Benoit
Alexandru Dobrila
Jean-Marc Nicod
Laurent Philippe
Workload Balancing and Throughput Optimization for Heterogeneous Systems Subject to Failures.
Euro-Par (1)
Tiago Ferreto
César A. F. De Rose
Hans-Ulrich Heiss
Maximum Migration Time Guarantees in Dynamic Server Consolidation for Virtualized Data Centers.
Euro-Par (1)
Michael Maurer
Ivona Brandic
Rizos Sakellariou
Enacting SLAs in Clouds Using Rules.
Euro-Par (1)
Laleh Rostami Hosoori
Amir Masoud Rahmani
An Adaptive Load Balancing Algorithm with Use of Cellular Automata for Computational Grid Systems.
Euro-Par (1)
Olivier Beaumont
Lionel Eyraud-Dubois
Young J. Won
Using the Last-Mile Model as a Distributed Scheme for Available Bandwidth Prediction.
Euro-Par (1)
David Villegas
Seyed Masoud Sadjadi
DEVA: Distributed Ensembles of Virtual Appliances in the Cloud.
Euro-Par (1)
volume 6852, 2011
Euro-Par 2011 Parallel Processing - 17th International Conference, Euro-Par 2011, Bordeaux, France, August 29 - September 2, 2011, Proceedings, Part I
Euro-Par (1)
6852 (2011)