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Sanghyuk Park
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2001-2022
Publications (10 Years): 11
Top Topics
Helmholtz Stereopsis
Deformable Surface
Image Retrieval
Fusion Scheme
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst.
Future Gener. Comput. Syst.
Doyoung Kim
Sanghyuk Park
Vision-assisted deep stall landing for a fixed-wing UAV.
J. Field Robotics
39 (7) (2022)
Shreya Gupta
John J. Hasenbein
Sanghyuk Park
Improving scheduling and control of the OHTC controller in wafer fab AMHS systems.
Simul. Model. Pract. Theory
107 (2021)
Namhoon Cho
Suwon Lee
Jinrae Kim
Youdan Kim
Sanghyuk Park
Chanho Song
Wind Compensation Framework for Unpowered Aircraft Using Online Waypoint Correction.
IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst.
56 (1) (2020)
Yang-Ho Ji
HeeJae Jun
Insik Kim
Jongtack Kim
Youngjoon Kim
ByungSoo Ko
Hyong-Keun Kook
Jingeun Lee
Sangwon Lee
Sanghyuk Park
An Effective Pipeline for a Real-world Clothes Retrieval System.
Minchul Shin
Sanghyuk Park
Taeksoo Kim
Semi-supervised Feature-Level Attribute Manipulation for Fashion Image Retrieval.
Minchul Shin
Sanghyuk Park
Taeksoo Kim
Semi-supervised Feature-Level Attribute Manipulation for Fashion Image Retrieval.
Sanghyuk Park
Minchul Shin
Sungho Ham
Seungkwon Choe
Yoohoon Kang
Study on Fashion Image Retrieval Methods for Efficient Fashion Visual Search.
CVPR Workshops
Sanghyuk Park
Hyunsin Park
Chang D. Yoo
Complex Video Scene Analysis Using Kernelized-Collaborative Behavior Pattern Learning Based on Hierarchical Representative Object Behaviors.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. Video Technol.
27 (6) (2017)
Seungyeop Han
Ji Hoon Bai
Heekun Roh
Seong-Min Hong
Min-Jea Tahk
Joongsup Yun
Sanghyuk Park
Three-dimensional velocity maximizing agile turn of air-to-air missile with collision triangle constraint.
Sanghyuk Park
Autonomous crabbing by estimating wind using only GPS velocity.
IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst.
52 (3) (2016)
Sanghyuk Park
Fei Pan
Sunghun Kang
Chang Dong Yoo
Driver Drowsiness Detection System Based on Feature Representation Learning Using Various Deep Networks.
ACCV Workshops (3)
Dat Tien Ngo
Sanghyuk Park
Anne Jorstad
Alberto Crivellaro
Chang Dong Yoo
Pascal Fua
Dense Image Registration and Deformable Surface Reconstruction in Presence of Occlusions and Minimal Texture.
Dat Tien Ngo
Sanghyuk Park
Anne Jorstad
Alberto Crivellaro
Chang Yoo
Pascal Fua
Handling Occlusions and Sparse Textures in a Deformable Surface Tracking Framework.
Sanghyuk Park
Jai-Hoon Kim
Geoffrey C. Fox
Effective real-time scheduling algorithm for cyber physical systems society.
Future Gener. Comput. Syst.
32 (2014)
Seungho Yoon
Sanghyuk Park
Youdan Kim
Circular Motion Guidance Law for Coordinated Standoff Tracking of a Moving Target.
IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst.
49 (4) (2013)
Jongmin Kim
Youngjoo Seo
Sanghyuk Park
Sungrack Yun
Chang D. Yoo
Joint Kernel Learning for Supervised Image Segmentation.
ACCV (1)
Hyunsin Park
Sungrack Yun
Sanghyuk Park
Jongmin Kim
Chang D. Yoo
Phoneme Classification using Constrained Variational Gaussian Process Dynamical System.
Junyeong Yang
Sanghyuk Park
Hacheon Seong
Hyeran Byun
Yeongkyu Lim
A fast image retrieval system using index lookup table on mobile device.
Sung Ha
Sung Bae
Sanghyuk Park
Intelligent Marketing and Merchandising Techniques for an Internet Shopping Mall.
Namjae Cho
Sanghyuk Park
Development of electronic commerce user-consumer satisfaction index (ECUSI) for Internet shopping.
Ind. Manag. Data Syst.
101 (8) (2001)