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Peter Feys
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2000-2022
Publications (10 Years): 7
Top Topics
Multiple Sclerosis
Magnetic Resonance Images
Hand Movements
Brain Mri
Top Venues
J. Multimodal User Interfaces
Medical Biol. Eng. Comput.
Christoph M. Kanzler
Ilse Lamers
Peter Feys
Roger Gassert
Olivier Lambercy
Personalized prediction of rehabilitation outcomes in multiple sclerosis: a proof-of-concept using clinical data, digital health metrics, and machine learning.
Medical Biol. Eng. Comput.
60 (1) (2022)
Lousin Moumdjian
Thomas Vervust
Joren Six
Ivan Schepers
Micheline Lesaffre
Peter Feys
Marc Leman
The Augmented Movement Platform For Embodied Learning (AMPEL): development and reliability.
J. Multimodal User Interfaces
15 (1) (2021)
Lousin Moumdjian
Thomas Vervust
Joren Six
Ivan Schepers
Micheline Lesaffre
Peter Feys
Marc Leman
Correction to: The Augmented Movement Platform For Embodied Learning (AMPEL): development and reliability.
J. Multimodal User Interfaces
15 (1) (2021)
Christoph M. Kanzler
Mike D. Rinderknecht
Anne Schwarz
Ilse Lamers
Cynthia Gagnon
Jeremia P. O. Held
Peter Feys
Andreas R. Luft
Roger Gassert
Olivier Lambercy
A data-driven framework for selecting and validating digital health metrics: use-case in neurological sensorimotor impairments.
npj Digit. Medicine
3 (2020)
Monika Zbytniewska
Mike D. Rinderknecht
Olivier Lambercy
Marco Barnobi
Joke Raats
Ilse Lamers
Peter Feys
Joachim Liepert
Roger Gassert
Design and Characterization of a Robotic Device for the Assessment of Hand Proprioceptive, Motor, and Sensorimotor Impairments.
Eva Geurts
Fanny Van Geel
Peter Feys
Karin Coninx
WalkWithMe: Personalized Goal Setting and Coaching for Walking in People with Multiple Sclerosis.
Marijke Vandermaesen
Tom De Weyer
Peter Feys
Kris Luyten
Karin Coninx
Integrating Serious Games and Tangible Objects for Functional Handgrip Training: A User Study of Handly in Persons with Multiple Sclerosis.
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
Olivier Lambercy
Marie-Christine Fluet
Ilse Lamers
Lore Kerkhofs
Peter Feys
Roger Gassert
Assessment of upper limb motor function in patients with multiple sclerosis using the Virtual Peg Insertion Test: A pilot study.
Johanna Renny Octavia
Karin Coninx
Peter Feys
: accommodating user diversity through adaptive rehabilitation training for multiple sclerosis patients.
Ann Lavrysen
Elke Heremans
Ronald R. Peeters
Nici Wenderoth
Peter Feys
Stephan P. Swinnen
Werner F. Helsen
Hemispheric asymmetries in goal-directed hand movements are independent of hand preference.
62 (3) (2012)
Tom De Weyer
Sofie Notelaers
Karin Coninx
Peter Feys
Ilse Lamers
Geert Alders
Richard Geers
Watering the flowers: virtual haptic environments for training of forearm rotation in persons with central nervous deficits.
Ann Lavrysen
Elke Heremans
Ronald R. Peeters
Nici Wenderoth
Werner F. Helsen
Peter Feys
Stephan P. Swinnen
Hemispheric asymmetries in eye-hand coordination.
39 (4) (2008)
Carlo Alberto Avizzano
Federico Barbagli
Massimo Bergamasco
Peter Feys
Adaptive filters for the suppression of tremor.
Carlo Alberto Avizzano
Massimo Bergamasco
Giuseppe Docile
Peter Feys
Suppression of tremor: guidelines and algorithms.
Mobile Robots / Telemanipulator and Telepresence Technologies