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Mohamed Nour
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1995-2021
Publications (10 Years): 2
Top Topics
Energy Saving
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Energy Management
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J. Inf. Technol. Constr.
Maria Toledano-Luque
Peter C. Paliwoda
Mohamed Nour
Thomas Kauerauf
Byoung Min
Germain Bossu
Mahesh Siddabathula
Tanya Nigam
Off-state TDDB in FinFET Technology and its Implication for Safe Operating Area.
Dina Sayed
Mohamed Nour
Heiko Schuldt
Seer-Dock: A General-Purpose Dockerized Scholarly Document Collection and Management Framework.
Mohamed Nour
Ossama Hosny
Ahmed Elhakeem
A BIM based approach for configuring buildings' outer envelope energy saving elements.
J. Inf. Technol. Constr.
20 (2015)
Nazek AL-Eissa
Mohamed Nour
Mai Al-Moussa
Mona Al-Zuhair
Monera Al-Eidi
Razan Al-Aqeel
Proposal of a Multimedia Educational System for Explaining the Basics of a Fuzzy Logic Course.
Mohamed Nour
Performance of different (BIM/IFC) exchange formats within private collaborative workspace for collaborative work.
J. Inf. Technol. Constr.
14 (2009)
Mohamed Nour
Samir I. Shaheen
Ghada F. El-Kabbany
Nadia Hegazy
Proposal of an Analytical Solution for the Load Imbalance Problem in Parallel Systems.
Sooun Lee
Mohamed Nour
Soong H. Chung
Establishing Security Controls in a Distributed Database.
High-Performance Web Databases
Mohamed Nour
Nadia H. Hegazi
Exploiting the sources of parallelism in logic programs.