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João Gomes
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1995-2024
Publications (10 Years): 13
Top Topics
Pose Estimation
Map Inference
Underwater Vehicles
Line Correspondences
Top Venues
Signal Process.
IEEE Signal Process. Lett.
Filipa Valdeira
Cláudia Soares
João Gomes
Maximum likelihood localization of a network of moving agents from ranges, bearings and velocity measurements.
Signal Process.
221 (2024)
Sérgio Agostinho
João Gomes
Alessio Del Bue
CvxPnPL: A Unified Convex Solution to the Absolute Pose Estimation Problem from Point and Line Correspondences.
J. Math. Imaging Vis.
65 (3) (2023)
Miguel Vasques
Cláudia Soares
João Gomes
ISEE.U: Distributed online active target localization with unpredictable targets.
Cláudia Soares
João Gomes
STRONG: Synchronous and asynchronous robust network localization, under non-Gaussian noise.
Signal Process.
185 (2021)
Cláudia Soares
Filipa Valdeira
João Gomes
Range and Bearing Data Fusion for Precise Convex Network Localization.
Cláudia Soares
Filipa Valdeira
João Gomes
Range and Bearing Data Fusion for Precise Convex Network Localization.
IEEE Signal Process. Lett.
27 (2020)
Cláudia Soares
João Gomes
Fast distributed MAP inference for large-scale graphical models.
Sérgio Agostinho
João Gomes
Alessio Del Bue
CvxPnPL: A Unified Convex Solution to the Absolute Pose Estimation Problem from Point and Line Correspondences.
David Andrade
João Gomes
Paulo S. André
Implementation of a Visible Light Communication Link: Li-Fi with Smartphone Detection.
Beatriz Quintino Ferreira
João Gomes
Cláudia Soares
João Paulo Costeira
FLORIS and CLORIS: Hybrid source and network localization based on ranges and video.
Signal Process.
153 (2018)
Beatriz Quintino Ferreira
João Gomes
Cláudia Soares
João Paulo Costeira
FLORIS and CLORIS: Hybrid Source and Network Localization Based on Ranges and Video.
Cláudia Soares
Pusheng Ji
João Gomes
António M. Pascoal
DIeSEL: DIstributed SElf-Localization of a network of underwater vehicles.
Sabina Zejnilovic
Dieter Mitsche
João Gomes
Bruno Sinopoli
Extending the metric dimension to graphs with missing edges.
Theor. Comput. Sci.
609 (2016)
Cláudia Soares
João M. F. Xavier
João Gomes
Simple and Fast Convex Relaxation Method for Cooperative Localization in Sensor Networks Using Range Measurements.
IEEE Trans. Signal Process.
63 (17) (2015)
Sabina Zejnilovic
João M. F. Xavier
João Gomes
Bruno Sinopoli
Selecting observers for source localization via error exponents.
Beatriz Quintino Ferreira
João Gomes
João Paulo Costeira
A unified approach for hybrid source localization based on ranges and video.
Sabina Zejnilovic
João Gomes
Bruno Sinopoli
Sequential observer selection for source localization.
Sabina Zejnilovic
João Gomes
Bruno Sinopoli
Network observability and localization of sources of diffusion in tree networks with missing edges.
Sabina Zejnilovic
Dieter Mitsche
João Gomes
Bruno Sinopoli
Network observability for source localization in graphs with unobserved edges.
Giovanni Indiveri
João Gomes
Geophysical Surveying with Marine Networked Mobile Robotic Systems: The WiMUST Project.
Cláudia Soares
João M. F. Xavier
João Gomes
Distributed, simple and stable network localization.
Pinar Oguz-Ekim
João Gomes
Paulo Jorge Ramalho Oliveira
Mohammad Reza Gholami
Erik G. Ström
TW-TOA based cooperative sensor network localization with unknown turn-around time.
Sabina Zejnilovic
João Gomes
Bruno Sinopoli
Network observability and localization of the source of diffusion based on a subset of nodes.
Pinar Oguz-Ekim
João Gomes
Paulo Jorge Ramalho Oliveira
Rss based cooperative sensor network localization with unknown transmit power.
Sabina Zejnilovic
João Gomes
Bruno Sinopoli
Collaborative diffusive source localization in wireless sensor networks.
João Gomes
Ehsan Zamanizadeh
José M. Bioucas-Dias
João Alves
Thomas C. Furfaro
Building location awareness into acoustic communication links and networks through channel delay estimation.
João Gomes
Francesco Pacini
Marco Luise
Giacomo Bacci
Luca Sanguinetti
Michele Zorzi
Paolo Casari
Henk Wymeersch
Christophe Laot
Sébastien Houcke
Oleksiy Kebkal
Bruno Tevene
An overview of project COMPOUND: Cooperative communications and positioning in mobile underwater networks.
Future Network & Mobile Summit
Fábio Gameiro
João Gomes
Implementation of a network of mobile sensors for air quality monitoring.
Cláudia Soares
João M. F. Xavier
João Gomes
DCOOL-NET: Distributed cooperative localization for sensor networks.
Pinar Oguz-Ekim
João Gomes
João M. F. Xavier
Paulo Jorge Ramalho Oliveira
Experimental evaluation of simultaneous 3D localization of sensor nodes and tracking moving targets.
João Gomes
Christian R. Berger
António Silva
Demodulation of Underwater OFDM Transmissions by Time Reversal and Basis Pursuit Methods.
Pinar Oguz-Ekim
João Gomes
João M. F. Xavier
Paulo Jorge Ramalho Oliveira
A convex relaxation for approximate maximum-likelihood 2D source localization from range measurements.
Pinar Oguz-Ekim
João Gomes
João M. F. Xavier
Paulo Jorge Ramalho Oliveira
ML-based sensor network localization and tracking: Batch and time-recursive approaches.
João Gomes
Victor A. N. Barroso
Array-Based QR-RLS Multichannel Lattice Filtering.
IEEE Trans. Signal Process.
56 (8-1) (2008)
Nuno Monteiro
João Gomes
João M. F. Xavier
Detection of statistical periodicities in DNA by Conflict and Entropy Minimization Methods.
João Gomes
Victor Barroso
A cordic-based QR-RLS multichannel lattice filter.
João Gomes
Victor Barroso
Directivity analysis of time-reversal arrays in a simple ocean waveguide.
João Gomes
Victor Barroso
Doppler compensation in underwater channels using time-reversal arrays.
João Gomes
Victor A. N. Barroso
Time-reversed communication over Doppler-spread underwater channels.
João Gomes
Victor Barroso
Using phase conjugation for underwater acoustic communication: Design guidelines.
João Gomes
Victor Barroso
Ray-based analysis of a time-reversal mirror for underwater acoustic communication.
João Gomes
Victor Barroso
Performance analysis of a recursive fractional super-exponential algorithm.
João Gomes
Victor Barroso
A multichannel lattice algorithm for real-time blind equalization.
João Gomes
Victor Barroso
Using an RBF network for blind equalization: design and performance evaluation.
João Gomes
Victor Barroso
A super-exponential algorithm for blind fractionally spaced equalization.
IEEE Signal Process. Lett.
3 (10) (1996)
João Gomes
Victor Barroso
Source independent blind equalization with fractionally-spaced sampling.
João Gomes
Victor Barroso
Unsupervised learning for channel equalization using a neural network data receiver.