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Ishrat Ahmed
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2014-2023
Publications (10 Years): 8
Top Topics
Cross Platform
Student Motivation
Social Networking
Learning Environment
Top Venues
AIED (2)
AIED (1)
Ishrat Ahmed
Ruth Wylie
Stefania Metzger
Amanda Whitehurst
Youn Ji Choi
Rifa Vhora
Chloe Dahan
Erin Walker
Exploring the Use of Badges as Cross-Platform Collaborative Support.
Ishrat Ahmed
Adam Clark
Stefania Metzger
Ruth Wylie
Yoav Bergner
Erin Walker
Interactive Personas: Towards the Dynamic Assessment of Student Motivation within ITS.
AIED (2)
Xiaoyi Tian
Zak Risha
Ishrat Ahmed
Arun Balajiee Lekshmi Narayanan
Jacob T. Biehl
Let's Talk It Out: A Chatbot for Effective Study Habit Behavioral Change.
Proc. ACM Hum. Comput. Interact.
5 (CSCW1) (2021)
Areej Mawasi
Ishrat Ahmed
Erin Walker
Shang Wang
Zeynep Marasli
Amanda Whitehurst
Ruth Wylie
Using Design-Based Research to Improve Peer Help-Giving in a Middle School Math Classroom.
Ishrat Ahmed
Victor Girotto
Areej Mawasi
Amanda Whitehurst
Ruth Wylie
Erin Walker
Co-Design for Learner Help-Giving Across Physical and Digital Contexts.
Ishrat Ahmed
Areej Mawasi
Shang Wang
Ruth Wylie
Yoav Bergner
Amanda Whitehurst
Erin Walker
Investigating Help-Giving Behavior in a Cross-Platform Learning Environment.
AIED (1)
Ishrat Ahmed
Nichola Lubold
Erin Walker
ROBIN: Using a Programmable Robot to Provide Feedback and Encouragement on Programming Tasks.
AIED (2)
Jamie Thomson
Chris Hass
Ivor Horn
Elizabeth Kleine
Stephanie Mitchell
Kevin A. Gary
Ishrat Ahmed
Derek B. Hamel
Ashish Amresh
Aspira: Employing a serious game in an mHealth app to improve asthma outcomes.
Anika Anwar
Ishrat Ahmed
Tanzima Hashem
Jalal Mahmud
Impact of Imbalance Usage of Social Networking Sites on Families.
Mohammed Eunus Ali
Tanzima Hashem
Anika Anwar
Lars Kulik
Ishrat Ahmed
Egemen Tanin
Protecting mobile users from visual privacy attacks.
UbiComp Adjunct