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Balaje T. Thumati
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2007-2020
Publications (10 Years): 2
Top Topics
Takagi Sugeno
Artificial Immune
Fault Diagnosis
Prediction Scheme
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Control. Syst. Technol.
IEEE BigData
Balaje T. Thumati
Halasya Siva Subramania
Rajeev Shastri
Karthik Kalyana Kumar
Nicole Hessner
Vincent Villa
Aaron Page
David Followell
Large-scale Data Integration for Facilities Analytics: Challenges and Opportunities.
IEEE BigData
Balaje T. Thumati
Sarangapani Jagannathan
Authors' Reply to "Comments on "A Novel Fault Diagnosis and Prediction Scheme Using a Nonlinear Observer With Artificial Immune System as an Online Approximator"".
IEEE Trans. Control. Syst. Technol.
26 (1) (2018)
Balaje T. Thumati
Al Salour
Adaptive dynamic output feedback control of Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems with immeasurable premise variables and disturbance.
Balaje T. Thumati
Miles A. Feinstein
Sarangapani Jagannathan
A Model-Based Fault Detection and Prognostics Scheme for Takagi-Sugeno Fuzzy Systems.
IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst.
22 (4) (2014)
Balaje T. Thumati
Jagannathan Sarangapani
A fault prediction scheme for Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy systems with immeasurable premise variables and disturbance.
Balaje T. Thumati
Gary R. Halligan
Sarangapani Jagannathan
A Novel Fault Diagnostics and Prediction Scheme Using a Nonlinear Observer With Artificial Immune System as an Online Approximator.
IEEE Trans. Control. Syst. Technol.
21 (3) (2013)
Gary R. Halligan
Balaje T. Thumati
Sarangapani Jagannathan
Artificial immune system-based diagnostics and prognostics scheme and its experimental verification.
Balaje T. Thumati
Miles A. Feinstein
James W. Fonda
Alfred Turnbull
Fay J. Weaver
Mark E. Calkins
Sarangapani Jagannathan
An online model-based fault diagnosis scheme for HVAC systems.
Balaje T. Thumati
Sarangapani Jagannathan
A model-based fault-detection and prediction scheme for nonlinear multivariable discrete-time systems with asymptotic stability guarantees.
IEEE Trans. Neural Networks
21 (3) (2010)
Balaje T. Thumati
Sarangapani Jagannathan
A model based fault detection and accommodation scheme for nonlinear discrete-time systems with asymptotic stability guarantee.
Travis Dierks
Balaje T. Thumati
Sarangapani Jagannathan
Optimal control of unknown affine nonlinear discrete-time systems using offline-trained neural networks with proof of convergence.
Neural Networks
22 (5-6) (2009)
Travis Dierks
Balaje T. Thumati
Sarangapani Jagannathan
Adaptive dynamic programming-based optimal control of unknown affine nonlinear discrete-time systems.
Balaje T. Thumati
Sarangapani Jagannathan
Neural network control of a class of nonlinear discrete time systems with asymptotic stability guarantees.
Balaje T. Thumati
Jagannathan Sarangapani
A model based fault detection scheme for nonlinear multivariable discrete-time systems.
Balaje T. Thumati
Sarangapani Jagannathan
A model based fault detection and prognostic scheme for uncertain nonlinear discrete-time systems.
Balaje T. Thumati
Sarangapani Jagannathan
An online approximator-based fault detection framework for nonlinear discrete-time systems.