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Andrea Gobbi
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2013-2019
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
Smart City
Ims Learning Design
Passenger Flow
Top Venues
IEEE BigData
BMC Bioinform.
Andrea Gobbi
Marco Cristoforetti
Giuseppe Jurman
Cesare Furlanello
High Resolution Forecasting of Heat Waves impacts on Leaf Area Index by Multiscale Multitemporal Deep Learning.
Morris Antonello
Andrea Gobbi
Stefano Michieletto
Stefano Ghidoni
Emanuele Menegatti
A fully automatic hand-eye calibration system.
Andrea Gobbi
Azra Alikadic
Kaisa Riikka Ylinen
Federico Angaramo
Cesare Furlanello
A heat wave forecast system for Europe.
IEEE BigData
Conrad Bielski
V. O'Brien
C. Whitmore
Kaisa Riikka Ylinen
I. Juga
P. Nurmi
Juha Pekka Kilpinen
I. Porras
J. M. Sole
P. Gamez
M. Navarro
Azra Alikadic
Andrea Gobbi
Cesare Furlanello
Gunter Zeug
M. Weirathe
J. Martinez
R. Yuste
S. Castro
V. Moreno
T. Velin
Claudio Rossi
Coupling early warning services, crowdsourcing, and modelling for improved decision support and wildfire emergency management.
IEEE BigData
Francesco Iorio
Marti Bernardo-Faura
Andrea Gobbi
Thomas Cokelaer
Giuseppe Jurman
Julio Saez-Rodriguez
Efficient randomization of biological networks while preserving functional characterization of individual nodes.
BMC Bioinform.
17 (2016)
Andrea Gobbi
Francesco Iorio
Kevin J. Dawson
David C. Wedge
David Tamborero
Ludmil B. Alexandrov
Núria López-Bigas
Mathew Garnett
Giuseppe Jurman
Julio Saez-Rodriguez
Fast randomization of large genomic datasets while preserving alteration counts.
30 (17) (2014)
Carlo Giovannella
Andrea Gobbi
Bingxue Zhang
Mar Pérez-Sanagustín
Jesko Elsner
Vincenzo Del Fatto
Nikolaos M. Avouris
Imran A. Zualkernan
Villard-de-Lans: A Case Study for Participatory People-Centered Smart City Learning Design.
Andrea Gobbi
Stefania Spina
Smart Cities and Languages: The Language Network.
16 (2013)