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Conrad Bielski
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2005-2024
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Web Services
Public Transportation
Digital Elevation
Crowd Sourced
Top Venues
IEEE BigData
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
AGIT Journal
Conrad Bielski
Carlos López-Vázquez
Carlos Henrique Grohmann
Peter L. Guth
Laurence Hawker
Dean Gesch
Sebastiano Trevisani
Virginia Herrera-Cruz
Serge Riazanoff
Axel Corseaux
Hannes Isaak Reuter
Peter Strobl
Novel Approach for Ranking DEMs: Copernicus DEM Improves One Arc Second Open Global Topography.
IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote. Sens.
62 (2024)
Gunter Zeug
Conrad Bielski
Tobias Steber
Elisabeth Kindermann
Mira Weirather
GreenCities - Monitoring Cities for Nature Based Urban Solutions and Ecosystem Services / GreenCities - Erdbeobachtung für urbane, naturbasierte Lösungen und Ökosystemdienstleistungen.
AGIT Journal
6 (2020)
Conrad Bielski
V. O'Brien
C. Whitmore
Kaisa Riikka Ylinen
I. Juga
P. Nurmi
Juha Pekka Kilpinen
I. Porras
J. M. Sole
P. Gamez
M. Navarro
Azra Alikadic
Andrea Gobbi
Cesare Furlanello
Gunter Zeug
M. Weirathe
J. Martinez
R. Yuste
S. Castro
V. Moreno
T. Velin
Claudio Rossi
Coupling early warning services, crowdsourcing, and modelling for improved decision support and wildfire emergency management.
IEEE BigData
Claudio Rossi
Wolfgang Stemberger
Conrad Bielski
Gunter Zeug
Nina Costa
Davide Poletto
Emiliano Spaltro
Fabrizio Dominici
Coupling crowdsourcing, earth observations, and E-GNSS in a novel flood emergency service in the cloud.
Guido Lemoine
Conrad Bielski
Jacek Syryczynski
Fast Surface Height Determination Using Multi-Angular WorldView-2 Ortho Ready Urban Scenes.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens.
5 (1) (2012)
Conrad Bielski
Simone Gentilini
Marco Pappalardo
Post-Disaster Image Processing for Damage Analysis Using GENESI-DR, WPS and Grid Computing.
Remote. Sens.
3 (6) (2011)
Daniele Ehrlich
Conrad Bielski
Texture based change detection of built-up on SPOT panchromatic imagery using PCA.
Conrad Bielski
Jacopo Grazzini
Pierre Soille
Automated morphological image composition for mosaicing large image data sets.
Conrad Bielski
Pierre Soille
Adaptive Mosaicing: Principle and Application to the Mosaicing of Large Image Data Sets.
Maria Vanda Nunes de Lima
Conrad Bielski
Joanna Nowak Da Costa
IMAGE2006: A component of the GMES precursor fast track service on land monitoring.
Conrad Bielski
Pierre Soille
Order Independent Image Compositing.