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Alpay Özcan
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2000-2019
Publications (10 Years): 2
Top Topics
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Central Processor
Magnetic Resonance
Organ Motion
Top Venues
J. Digit. Imaging
Jose D. Velazco Garcia
Nikhil V. Navkar
Dawei Gui
Cristina Marie Morales Mojica
Eftychios G. Christoforou
Alpay Özcan
Julien Abinahed
Abdulla Al-Ansari
Andrew G. Webb
Ioannis Seimenis
Nikolaos V. Tsekos
A Platform Integrating Acquisition, Reconstruction, Visualization, and Manipulator Control Modules for MRI-Guided Interventions.
J. Digit. Imaging
32 (3) (2019)
Alpay Özcan
On Using Signal Magnitude in Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Measurements of Restricted Motion.
Alpay Özcan
Kenneth H. Wong
Linda J. Larson-Prior
Zang-Hee Cho
Seong Ki Mun
Background and mathematical analysis of diffusion MRI methods.
Int. J. Imaging Syst. Technol.
22 (1) (2012)
Alpay Özcan
James D. Quirk
Yong Wang
Qing Wang
Peng Sun
William M. Spees
Sheng-Kwei Song
The validation of complete fourier direct MR method for diffusion MRI via biological and numerical phantoms.
Alpay Özcan
Minimization of Imaging Gradient Effects in Diffusion Tensor Imaging.
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging
30 (3) (2011)
Alpay Özcan
Comparison of the Complete Fourier Direct MRI with existing diffusion weighted MRI methods.
Ahmet E. Sonmez
Yousef Hedayati
Alpay Özcan
William M. Spees
Nikolaos V. Tsekos
Simulations and experimental demonstration of coupling molecular and macroscopic level modalities with a robotic manipulator.
Ahmet E. Sonmez
Alpay Özcan
William M. Spees
Nikolaos V. Tsekos
Robot-facilitated scanning and co-registration of multi-modal and multi-level sensing: Demonstration with magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy.
Eftychios G. Christoforou
Nikolaos V. Tsekos
Alpay Özcan
Design and Testing of a Robotic System for mrImage-guided Interventions.
J. Intell. Robotic Syst.
47 (2) (2006)
Alpay Özcan
Eftychios Christoforou
Daniel Brown
Nikolaos V. Tsekos
Fast and Efficient Radiological Interventions via a Graphical User Interface Commanded Magnetic Resonance Compatible Robotic Device.
Eftychios G. Christoforou
Alpay Özcan
Nikolaos V. Tsekos
Manipulator for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Guided Interventions: Design, Prototype and Feasibility.
Alpay Özcan
Heinz Schättler
A computational method for the calculation of the feasibility boundary and clustering in differential-algebraic systems.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap.
(9) (2005)
Hiro Mukai
A. Tanikawa
I. Tunay
Alpay Özcan
I. N. Katz
Heinz Schättler
Paolo Rinaldi
G. J. Wang
L. Yang
Y. Sawada
Sequential Linear-Quadratic Method for Differential Games with Air Combat Applications.
Comput. Optim. Appl.
25 (1-3) (2003)
Hiro Mukai
A. Tanikawa
I. Tunay
Alpay Özcan
I. N. Katz
Heinz Schättler
Paolo Rinaldi
G. J. Wang
L. Yang
Y. Sawada
Game-theoretic linear quadratic method for air mission control.