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Alexander Soska
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2013-2017
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Assessment Tool
Learning Process
Software Engineering Education
Card Game
Top Venues
Mensch & Computer
Alexander Bartel
Alexander Soska
Christian Wolff
Georg Hagel
Jürgen Mottok
Entwicklung eines Manifests für spielifizierte Hochschullehre.
Mensch & Computer
Alexander Soska
Jürgen Mottok
Christian Wolff
Pattern oriented card game development: SOFTTY - A card game for academic learning of software testing.
Alexander Soska
Jürgen Mottok
Christian Wolff
An experimental card game for software testing: Development, design and evaluation of a physical card game to deepen the knowledge of students in academic software testing education.
Alexander Soska
Jürgen Mottok
Christian Wolff
Playful learning in academic software engineering education.
Susanne Knorl
Alexander Soska
Irmgard Schroll-Decker
Jürgen Mottok
Reconstructing students' subjective theories on self-directed learning a qualitative research approach in Software Engineering education.
Michael Schumm
Alexander Soska
Saskia Joseph
Michael Reschke
Jürgen Mottok
Michael Niemetz
Irmgard Schroll-Decker
Comparison of frontal lecture and workshop learning arrangements in a software engineering education project.
Saskia Joseph
Michael Schumm
Otmar Rummel
Alexander Soska
Michael Reschke
Jürgen Mottok
Michael Niemetz
Irmgard Schroll-Decker
Teaching finite state machines with case method and role play.