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Alex Lotz
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2009-2018
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Object Classification
Software Systems
Model Driven Development
Development Life Cycle
Top Venues
MoDELS (Workshops)
it Inf. Technol.
Cristina Vicente-Chicote
Juan F. Inglés-Romero
Jesús Martínez
Dennis Stampfer
Alex Lotz
Matthias Lutz
Christian Schlegel
A Component-Based and Model-Driven Approach to Deal with Non-Functional Properties through Global QoS Metrics.
MoDELS (Workshops)
Alex Lotz
Arne Hamann
Ingo Lütkebohle
Dennis Stampfer
Matthias Lutz
Christian Schlegel
Modeling Non-Functional Application Domain Constraints for Component-Based Robotics Software Systems.
Alex Lotz
Arne Hamann
Ralph Lange
Christian Heinzemann
Jan Staschulat
Vincent Kesel
Dennis Stampfer
Matthias Lutz
Christian Schlegel
Combining robotics component-based model-driven development with a model-based performance analysis.
Christian Schlegel
Alex Lotz
Matthias Lutz
Dennis Stampfer
Juan F. Inglés-Romero
Cristina Vicente-Chicote
Model-driven software systems engineering in robotics: Covering the complete life-cycle of a robot.
it Inf. Technol.
57 (2) (2015)
Matthias Lutz
Dennis Stampfer
Alex Lotz
Christian Schlegel
Service Robot Control Architectures for Flexible and Robust Real-World Task Execution: Best Practices and Patterns.
Alex Lotz
Juan F. Inglés-Romero
Dennis Stampfer
Matthias Lutz
Cristina Vicente-Chicote
Christian Schlegel
Towards a Stepwise Variability Management Process for Complex Systems: A Robotics Perspective.
Int. J. Inf. Syst. Model. Des.
5 (3) (2014)
Juan Francisco Inglés-Romero
Alex Lotz
Cristina Vicente-Chicote
Christian Schlegel
Dealing with Run-Time Variability in Service Robotics: Towards a DSL for Non-Functional Properties
Christian Schlegel
Matthias Lutz
Alex Lotz
Dennis Stampfer
Juan F. Inglés-Romero
Cristina Vicente-Chicote
Model-Driven Software Systems Engineering in Robotics: Covering the Complete Life-Cycle of a Robot.
Alex Lotz
Juan F. Inglés-Romero
Cristina Vicente-Chicote
Christian Schlegel
Managing Run-Time Variability in Robotics Software by Modeling Functional and Non-functional Behavior.
Alex Lotz
Andreas Steck
Christian Schlegel
Analysing solution quality of anytime Bag of Words object classification for a service robot.
Andreas Steck
Alex Lotz
Christian Schlegel
Model-driven engineering and run-time model-usage in service robotics.
Alex Lotz
Andreas Steck
Christian Schlegel
Runtime monitoring of robotics software components: Increasing robustness of service robotic systems.
Christian Schlegel
Thomas Hassler
Alex Lotz
Andreas Steck
Robotic software systems: From code-driven to model-driven designs.