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MARC Symposium
Jimi van der Woning
Roy Bakker
Interactive Visual Task Management on the 48-core Intel SCC.
MARC Symposium
Michael Ziwisky
Dennis Brylow
BareMichael: A Minimalistic Bare-metal Framework for the Intel SCC.
MARC Symposium
Hans C. Woithe
William Brozas
Christian Wills
Bharath Pichai
Ulrich Kremer
Mike Eichhorn
Michael Riepen
Enabling Computation Intensive Applications in Battery-Operated Cyber-Physical Systems.
MARC Symposium
Vasil Slavov
Praveen R. Rao
Dinesh Barenkala
Srivenu Paturi
Performance of RDF Query Processing on the Intel SCC.
MARC Symposium
Darko Petrovic
Omid Shahmirzadi
Thomas Ropars
André Schiper
Asynchronous Broadcast on the Intel SCC using Interrupts.
MARC Symposium
Steffen Christgau
Bettina Schnor
One-Sided Communication in RCKMPI for the Single-Chip Cloud Computer.
MARC Symposium
Andreas Prell
Thomas Rauber
Go's Concurrency Constructs on the SCC.
MARC Symposium
Pablo Reble
Jacek Galowicz
Stefan Lankes
Thomas Bemmerl
Efficient Implementation of the bare-metal Hypervisor MetalSVM for the SCC.
MARC Symposium
Randolf Rotta
Thomas Prescher
Jörg Nolte
Jana Traue
Data Sharing Mechanisms for Parallel Graph Algorithms on the Intel SCC.
MARC Symposium
Patrick Cichowski
Jörg Keller
Christoph W. Kessler
Modelling Power Consumption of the Intel SCC.
MARC Symposium
Bernhard H. C. Sputh
Andrew Lukin
Eric Verhulst
Transparent Programming of Many/Multi Cores with OpenComRTOS: Comparing Intel 48-core SCC and TI 8-core TMS320C6678.
MARC Symposium
6th Many-core Applications Research Community (MARC) Symposium. Proceedings of the 6th MARC Symposium, 19-20 July 2012, Toulouse, France
MARC Symposium
Janmartin Jahn
Sebastian Kobbe
Santiago Pagani
Jian-Jia Chen
Jörg Henkel
Work in Progress: Malleable Software Pipelines for Efficient Many-core System Utilization.
MARC Symposium
Merijn Verstraaten
Clemens Grelck
Michiel W. van Tol
Roy Bakker
Chris R. Jesshope
Mapping Distributed S-Net on the 48-core Intel SCC processor.
MARC Symposium
Wasuwee Sodsong
Bernd Burgstaller
Fast Fourier Transformation Algorithm for Single-Chip Cloud Computers Using RCCE.
MARC Symposium
Pedro Alonso
Manuel F. Dolz
Francisco D. Igual
Bryan Marker
Rafael Mayo
Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí
Robert A. van de Geijn
Power-aware Dense Linear Algebra Implementations on Multi-core and Many-core Processors.
MARC Symposium
3rd Many-core Applications Research Community (MARC) Symposium. Proceedings of the 3rd MARC Symposium, Ettlingen, Germany, July 5-6, 2011
MARC Symposium
Marco Fais
Francesco Iorio
Fast Fluid Dynamics on the Single-chip Cloud Computer.
MARC Symposium
Georgia Kouveli
Frank Hannig
Jan-Hugo Lupp
Jürgen Teich
Towards Resource Aware Programming on Intel's Single-Chip Cloud Computer Processor.
MARC Symposium
Michiel W. van Tol
Roy Bakker
Merijn Verstraaten
Clemens Grelck
Chris R. Jesshope
Efficient Memory Copy Operations on the 48-core Intel SCC Processor.
MARC Symposium
Anastasios Papagiannis
Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos
Scalable Runtime Support for Data Intensive Applications on the Single Chip Cloud Computer.
MARC Symposium
Florian Thoma
Michael Hübner
Diana Göhringer
Hasam Ümitcan Yilmaz
Jürgen Becker
Power and performance optimization through MPI supported dynamic voltage and frequency scaling.
MARC Symposium
Waqaas Munawar
Janmartin Jahn
Artiom Aleinikov
Jian-Jia Chen
Jörg Henkel
An Empirical Feedback Provider for Multi Core Schedulers.
MARC Symposium
Andreas Prell
Thomas Rauber
Task Parallelism on the SCC.
MARC Symposium
Victor Pankratius
Sven Bläse
Application Level Automatic Performance Tuning on the Single-Chip Cloud Computer.
MARC Symposium
Jan-Arne Sobania
Peter Tröger
Andreas Polze
Linux Operating System Support for the SCC Platform - An Analysis.
MARC Symposium
Andrea Bartolini
MohammadSadegh Sadri
Francesco Beneventi
Matteo Cacciari
Andrea Tilli
Luca Benini
SCC Thermal Sensor Characterization and Calibration.
MARC Symposium
Simon Peter
Adrian Schüpbach
Dominik Menzi
Timothy Roscoe
Early experience with the Barrelfish OS and the Single-Chip Cloud Computer.
MARC Symposium
Hayder Al-Khalissi
Mladen Berekovic
Performance of RCCE Broadcast Algorithm in SCC.
MARC Symposium
Steffen Christgau
Simon Kiertscher
Bettina Schnor
The Benefit of Topology Awareness of MPI Applications on the SCC.
MARC Symposium
Panayiotis Petrides
Andreas Diavastos
Pedro Trancoso
Exploring Decision Support Queries on Futured Many-Core Architectures.
MARC Symposium
Nicolas Melot
Kenan Avdic
Jörg Keller
Christoph W. Kessler
Investigation of main memory bandwidth on Intel Single-Chip Cloud Computer.
MARC Symposium
Alexander Arlt
Jan Hendrik Schönherr
Jan Richling
Meta-programming Many-Core Systems.
MARC Symposium
Nils Petersen
Yulian Pastarmov
Didier Stricker
ARGOS - a software framework to facilitate user transparent multi-threading.
MARC Symposium
Randolf Rotta
On Efficient Message Passing on the Intel SCC.
MARC Symposium
Carsten Clauss
Stefan Lankes
Pablo Reble
Thomas Bemmerl
Recent Advances and Future Prospects in iRCCE and SCCMPICH.
MARC Symposium
Pablo Reble
Stefan Lankes
Carsten Clauss
Thomas Bemmerl
A Fast Inter-Kernel Communication and Synchronization layer for MetalSVM.
MARC Symposium
Björn Saballus
Stephan-Alexander Posselt
Thomas Fuhrmann
A Scalable and Robust Runtime Environment for SCC Clusters.
MARC Symposium