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EMSOFT Companion
Houssam Abbas
Private runtime verification: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion
Michael Uelschen
Marco Schaarschmidt
Christian Fuhrmann
Clemens Westerkamp
PowerMonitor: design pattern for modelling energy-aware embedded systems: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion
Lars Bauer
Marvin Damschen
Dirk Ziegenbein
Arne Hamann
Alessandro Biondi
Giorgio C. Buttazzo
Jörg Henkel
Analyses and architectures for mixed-critical systems: industry trends and research perspective.
EMSOFT Companion
Marten Lohstroh
Martin Schoeberl
Mathieu Jan
Edward Wang
Edward A. Lee
Programs with ironclad timing guarantees: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion
Jori Winderickx
Pierre Bellier
Patrick Duflot
Dorothée Coppieters
Nele Mentens
Communication and security trade-offs for wearable medical sensor systems in hospitals: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion
Federico Reghenzani
Luca Santinelli
William Fornaciari
Why statistical power matters for probabilistic real-time: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion
Philipp Göttlich
Hans-Christian Reuss
Physics-based software analysis for safety-critical embedded applications: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion
Proceedings of the International Conference on Embedded Software Companion, New York, NY, USA, October 13-18, 2019.
EMSOFT Companion
Daniel Gutierrez-Galan
Juan Pedro Dominguez-Morales
Angel Jiménez-Fernandez
Ricardo Tapiador-Morales
Antonio Rios-Navarro
Alejandro Linares-Barranco
A neuromorphic approach of the sound source localization task in real-time embedded systems: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion
Niraj Kumar
Jaishree Mayank
Arijit Mondal
An ILP framework for energy optimized scheduling for weakly-hard real-time systems: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion
Viren Bajaj
Karim Elmaaroufi
Nathan Fulton
André Platzer
Verifiably safe SCUBA diving using commodity sensors: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion
Lukas Sommer
Florian Stock
Leonardo Solis-Vasquez
Andreas Koch
DAPHNE - An automotive benchmark suite for parallel programming models on embedded heterogeneous platforms: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion
Akramul Azim
Delay-bound function for cyber-physical systems: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion
Arpan Gujarati
Malte Appel
Björn B. Brandenburg
Achal: building highly reliable networked control systems.
EMSOFT Companion
Proceedings of the Thirteenth ACM International Conference on Embedded Software 2017 Companion, EMSOFT 2017 Companion, Seoul, Republic of Korea, October 15-20, 2017
EMSOFT Companion
InChang Jeong
Hyuk-Jin Jeong
Soo-Mook Moon
Snapshot-based offloading for machine learning web app: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion
Bojan Nokovic
Emil Sekerinski
Modelling probabilistic timing analysis: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion
Wook Song
Jihong Kim
SmartDTM: smart thermal management for smartphones: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion
Jin-woo Kwon
Soo-Mook Moon
JSDelta: serializing modified javascript states for state sharing: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion
Hyuk-Jin Jeong
Hyeon-Jae Lee
Soo-Mook Moon
Cloud-based machine learning for IoT devices with better privacy: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion
Marten Lohstroh
Hokeun Kim
Edward A. Lee
Contextual callbacks for resource discovery and trust negotiation on the internet of things: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion
Lionel Morel
Manuel Selva
Kevin Marquet
Coralie Saysset
Tanguy Risset
CalMAR - a multi-application dataflow runtime: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion
Kazim Rifat Özyilmaz
Arda Yurdakul
Integrating low-power IoT devices to a blockchain-based infrastructure: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion
Sunny Raj
Sumit Kumar Jha
Arvind Ramanathan
Laura L. Pullum
Testing autonomous cyber-physical systems using fuzzing features from convolutional neural networks: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion
Robert Gold
Combining control flow checking for safety and security in embedded software: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion
Peiquan Jin
Xiaoliang Wang
Dezhi Zhang
Lihua Yue
Effective simulation of DRAM/PCM-based hybrid memory: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion
Saurav Kumar Ghosh
Debasmita Lohar
Dibyendu Das
Soumyajit Dey
Verifying stability guarantees of control software implementations in the presence of sensor level faults: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion
Weichen Liu
Peng Chen
Lei Yang
Mengquan Li
Nan Guan
Fixed priority scheduling of real-time flows with arbitrary deadlines on smart NoCs: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion
HyunJae Lee
Eunjin Jeong
Donghyun Kang
Jinmyeong Kim
Soonhoi Ha
SoPloT : service-oriented platform for internet of things: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion