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Florian Stock
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2006-2023
Publications (10 Years): 8
Top Topics
Geometric Algebra
Benchmark Suite
High Spatial Resolution
Data Processing
Top Venues
Proc. VLDB Endow.
Sajjad Tamimi
Arthur Bernhardt
Florian Stock
Ilia Petrov
Andreas Koch
NVMulator: A Configurable Open-Source Non-volatile Memory Emulator for FPGAs.
Ed Saribatir
Niko Zurstraßen
Dietmar Hildenbrand
Florian Stock
Atilio Morillo Piña
Frederic von Wegner
Zheng Yan
Shiping Wen
Matthew Arnold
Game Physics Engine Using Optimised Geometric Algebra RISC-V Vector Extensions Code Using Fourier Series Data.
CGI (4)
Sajjad Tamimi
Florian Stock
Andreas K. Maier
Arthur Bernhardt
Ilia Petrov
An Evaluation of Using CCIX for Cache-Coherent Host-FPGA Interfacing.
Arthur Bernhardt
Sajjad Tamimi
Tobias Vinçon
Christian Knödler
Florian Stock
Carsten Heinz
Andreas Koch
Ilia Petrov
neoDBMS: In-situ Snapshots for Multi-Version DBMS on Native Computational Storage.
Arthur Bernhardt
Sajjad Tamimi
Florian Stock
Tobias Vinçon
Andreas Koch
Ilia Petrov
Cache-Coherent Shared Locking for Transactionally Consistent Updates in Near-Data Processing DBMS on Smart Storage.
Tobias Vinçon
Christian Knödler
Leonardo Solis-Vasquez
Arthur Bernhardt
Sajjad Tamimi
Lukas Weber
Florian Stock
Andreas Koch
Ilia Petrov
Near-Data Processing in Database Systems on Native Computational Storage under HTAP Workloads.
Proc. VLDB Endow.
15 (10) (2022)
Lukas Sommer
Florian Stock
Leonardo Solis-Vasquez
Andreas Koch
Using Parallel Programming Models for Automotive Workloads on Heterogeneous Systems - a Case Study.
Lukas Sommer
Florian Stock
Leonardo Solis-Vasquez
Andreas Koch
DAPHNE - An automotive benchmark suite for parallel programming models on embedded heterogeneous platforms: work-in-progress.
EMSOFT Companion
Jeffery D. Connor
Brett A. Bryan
Martin Nolan
Florian Stock
Lei Gao
Simon Dunstall
Paul Graham
Andreas T. Ernst
David Newth
Mike Grundy
Steve Hatfield-Dodds
Modelling Australian land use competition and ecosystem services with food price feedbacks at high spatial resolution.
Environ. Model. Softw.
69 (2015)
Asef Nazari
Andreas T. Ernst
Simon Dunstall
Brett A. Bryan
Jeffery D. Connor
Martin Nolan
Florian Stock
Combined Aggregation and Column Generation for Land-Use Trade-Off Optimisation.
Florian Stock
Andreas Koch
Dietmar Hildenbrand
FPGA-accelerated color edge detection using a Geometric-Algebra-to-Verilog compiler.
Jens Huthmann
Peter Müller
Florian Stock
Dietmar Hildenbrand
Andreas Koch
Accelerating high-level engineering computations by automatic compilation of Geometric Algebra to hardware accelerators.
Jens Huthmann
Peter Müller
Florian Stock
Dietmar Hildenbrand
Andreas Koch
Compiling Geometric Algebra Computations into Reconfigurable Hardware Accelerators.
Dynamically Reconfigurable Architectures
Florian Stock
Andreas Koch
A Fast GPU Implementation for Solving Sparse Ill-Posed Linear Equation Systems.
PPAM (1)
Florian Wörsdörfer
Florian Stock
Eduardo Bayro-Corrochano
Dietmar Hildenbrand
Optimizations and Performance of a Robotics Grasping Algorithm Described in Geometric Algebra.
Holger Lange
Florian Stock
Andreas Koch
Dietmar Hildenbrand
Acceleration and Energy Efficiency of a Geometric Algebra Computation using Reconfigurable Computers and GPUs.
Hagen Gädke
Florian Stock
Andreas Koch
Memory access parallelisation in high-level language compilation for reconfigurable adaptive computers.
Dietmar Hildenbrand
Holger Lange
Florian Stock
Andreas Koch
Efficient Inverse Kinematics Algorithm Based on Conformal Geometric Algebra - Using Reconfigurable Hardware.
Florian Stock
Andreas Koch
Architecture Exploration and Tools for Pipelined Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Arrays.