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volume 152, 2020
Developments and Advances in Defense and Security - Proceedings of MICRADS 2019, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 8-10 May, 2019.
152 (2020)
Marcelo N. de Sousa
Rafael L. Cardoso
Henrique S. Melo
José W. C. Parente
Reiner S. Thomä
Machine Learning and Multipath Fingerprints for Emitter Localization in Urban Scenario.
B. Daniel Tenezaca
Christian Canchignia
Wilbert Aguilar
Dario Mendoza
Implementation of Dubin Curves-Based RRT* Using an Aerial Image for the Determination of Obstacles and Path Planning to Avoid Them During Displacement of the Mobile Robot.
Carlos Eduardo de Barros Paes
Valdemar Vicente Graciano Neto
Operational Scenarios Identification and Prioritization in Systems of Systems: A Method and an Experience Report in the Defense Domain.
João Vidal de Carvalho
Álvaro Rocha
António Abreu
Avelino Victor
Portuguese Concerns and Experience of Specific Cybercrimes: A Benchmarking with European Citizens.
Nícolas Pereira Borges
Cinara Guellner Ghedini
Carlos Henrique Costa Ribeiro
Evaluating Trail Formation in Collaborative UAV Networks with Lethal Threats.
Teresa Guarda
Maria Fernanda Augusto
Isabel Lopes
José Avelino Victor
Álvaro Rocha
Lilian Molina
Mobile Communication Systems: Evolution and Security.
Enrique V. Carrera
Manolo Paredes
Analysis and Evaluation of the Positioning of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Using Acoustic Signals.
Jorge Barbosa
Is Cyber Warfare an Alternative?
Jorge Buele
Victoria M. López
Franklin Salazar-L.
Jordan-H. Edisson
Cristina Reinoso
Sandra Carrillo
Angel Soria
Raúl Andrango
Pilar Urrutia-Urrutia
Interactive System to Improve the Skills of Children with Dyslexia: A Preliminary Study.
Manuel A. Fernández-Villacañas Marín
The Transformation of the Defense and Security Sector to the New Logistics 4.0: Public-Private Cooperation as a Necessary Catalyst Strategy.
Guillermo Santa María
Carina Rey
Lilian Molina
Arturo Clery
Communication of the Quality of Higher Education Institutions of Ecuador.
Jorge Barbosa
Cybernetic Dependency Capacity.
Katherine Aroca
Arturo Jiménez
Nancy Velasco
Vicente Hallo
Darío Mendoza
Adjustable Structure in Height for Assisted Feeding in Patients with Osteoarthritis.
Nayana L. M. Viana
José Ailton L. Barbosa Junior
Francisco A. Brito-Filho
Micro-controlled EOG Device for Track and Control Military Applications.
Ana Paula Brandão
The Internal-External Security Nexus: EU Operation Sophia Through the Lens of Securitization.
Richard Navas Jácome
Harley Lovato Huertas
Patricia Constante Procel
Andrés Gordón Garcés
Fuzzy Logic for Speed Control in Object Tracking Inside a Restricted Area Using a Drone.
Arturo Jiménez
Katherine Aroca
Vicente Hallo
Nancy Velasco
Darío Mendoza
Independent Feeding of People Affected with Osteoarthritis Through a Didactic Robot and Visual Control.
Filipe Augusto da Luz Lemos
Rubens Alexandre De Faria
Paulo José Abatti
Mauro Sergio Pereira Fonseca
Keiko Verônica Ono Fonseca
Memory Auditing for Detection of Compromised Switches in Software-Defined Networks Using Trusted Execution Environment.
Celio Humberto Puga Narváez
Alex Fernando Jimenez Vélez
Rafael Caballero-Fernandez
Osvaldo Fosado Téllez
Multilevel Military Leadership Model: Correlation Between the Levels and Styles of Military Leadership Using MLQ in the Ecuadorian Armed Forces.
Nuno Alberto Rodrigues Santos Loureiro
Lúcio Agostinho Barreiros dos Santos
Use of Information and Communication Technologies in the Classroom: An Exploratory Study in Professional Military Education.
Z. Andrea Sánchez
T. Santiago Alvarez
F. Roberto Segura
C. Tomás Núñez
Pilar Urrutia-Urrutia
Franklin Salazar-L.
S. Altamirano
Jorge Buele
Virtual Rehabilitation System Using Electromyographic Sensors for Strengthening Upper Extremities.
Rolando P. Reyes Ch.
Luis Recalde Herrera
Galo Andrade Daza
Victor Gómez Bravo
Hugo Pérez Vaca
E-leadership Using WhatsApp, A Challenge for Navy Organizations: An Empirical Study.
Ailton Santos Filho
Ricardo J. Rodríguez
Eduardo L. Feitosa
Reducing the Attack Surface of Dynamic Binary Instrumentation Frameworks.
Eduardo Benavides
Walter Fuertes
Sandra Sanchez
Manuel Sanchez
Classification of Phishing Attack Solutions by Employing Deep Learning Techniques: A Systematic Literature Review.
Fabián Ramírez-Cabrales
Sergio Iván Rueda Forero
Science Diplomacy: Strategic Initiative to Create a Buffer Zone in the Caribbean Colombian Marine Protected Area Seaflower.
João Reis
Rafael Gonçalves
Sofia Menezes
Manuela Kaczynska
The Obstacles Women Face in Gaining Access to Special Operations Forces.
Miguel A. Domínguez
David Palomeque
Juan M. Carrillo
José M. Valverde
Juan F. Duque
Bruno Pérez
Raquel Pérez-Aloe
Voice-Controlled Assistance Device for Victims of Gender-Based Violence.
Lúcio Agostinho Barreiros dos Santos
Maria Manuela Martins Saraiva Sarmento Coelho
Career Anchors for the Portuguese Army's Volunteers and Contract Personnel: Using the Career Orientations Inventory.
F. Roberto Segura
Pilar Urrutia-Urrutia
Z. Andrea Sánchez
C. Tomás Núñez
T. Santiago Alvarez
Franklin Salazar-L.
Santiago Altamirano
Jorge Buele
Virtual Environment for Remote Control of UGVs Using a Haptic Device.
Isabel Maria Lopes
Teresa Guarda
Pedro Oliveira
The Four Dimensions of the GDPR Framework: An Institutional Theory Perspective.
Joseane R. Barbosa
Pedro H. O. Amorim
Mariana C. de O. Gonçalves
Rafael M. Dornellas
Robson P. Pereira
Felipe S. Semaan
Evaluation of 3D Printing Parameters on the Electrochemical Performance of Conductive Polymeric Components for Chemical Warfare Agent Sensing.
Lokesh Ramamoorthi
Dilip Sarkar
Single Sign-on Implementation: Leveraging Browser Storage for Handling Tabbed Browsing Sign-outs.
Anacleto Correia
António Gonçalves
Marielba Zacarias
Using Augmented Reality for Learning Naval Operations.
Anacleto Correia
Ricardo Moura
Miguel Fonseca
Assessing the Location of Search and Rescue Stations on the Portuguese Coast.
Zurita C. Marco Antonio
Aguilar C. Wilbert Geovany
Enríquez C. Victor Xavier
Toward the Development of Surveillance and Reconnaissance Capacity in Ecuador: Geolocation System for Ground Targets Based on an Electro-Optical Sensor.
Alyssa Cadena
Franklin Gualoto
Walter Fuertes
Luis Tello-Oquendo
Roberto O. Andrade
Freddy Tapia
Jenny Torres
Metrics and Indicators of Information Security Incident Management: A Systematic Mapping Study.
Constantino G. Ribeiro
Luciano Santos Constantin Raptopoulos
Max Suell Dutra
An Autonomous Airship Swarm for Maritime Patrol.
Dorys Quiroz
Byron Guanochanga
Walter Fuertes
Diego S. Benítez
Jenny Torres
Freddy Tapia
Theofilos Toulkeridis
Visual Analytics for the Reduction of Air Pollution on Real-Time Data Derived from WSN.
João Almeida Silveira
The Evolution of EU's Maritime Security Thinking.
Pedro Pereira
Lesslie Guerra
G. M. Penello
M. P. Pires
L. D. Pinto
R. Jakomin
R. T. Mourão
M. H. Degani
M. Z. Maialle
P. L. Souza
Quantum Well Infrared Photodetector for the SWIR Range.
João Reis
Sofia Menezes
The Portuguese Special Operations Forces as Instrument of Foreign Policy: The Case Study of Afghanistan.