Subjectivities in motion: Dichotomies in consumer engagements with self-tracking technologies.
Amalina ZakariahSameer HosanyBenedetta CappelliniPublished in: Comput. Hum. Behav. (2021)
- motion model
- motion analysis
- motion segmentation
- motion tracking
- robust tracking
- motion detection
- particle filter
- articulated body
- moving target
- real time tracking
- deformable objects
- abrupt motion
- image sequences
- articulated motion
- tracking multiple
- object motion
- motion estimation
- nonrigid motion
- fixed camera
- motion vector fields
- extended kalman filters
- real sequences
- visual tracking
- multiple moving objects
- tracking framework
- temporal continuity
- rigid objects
- consecutive frames
- articulated objects
- particle filtering
- color based tracking
- beating heart
- space time
- wide area motion imagery
- motion field
- upper body
- kalman filter
- active camera
- head motion
- hand motion
- object tracking
- video sequences
- camera motion
- human walking
- optical flow
- appearance model
- articulated human motion
- long sequences
- bayesian formulation
- surveillance videos
- joint angles
- feature tracking
- real time
- moving camera
- human gait
- degrees of freedom
- successive frames
- human motion
- motion parameters
- data association
- mean shift
- target object
- image frames
- reference frame
- moving objects
- motion patterns
- camera movement
- appearance features