- Richard T. Snodgrass
- Loet Leydesdorff
- Xindong Wu
- Christian S. Jensen
- Manuel Castro
- John Carlo Bertot
- Xiaoli Lu
- Dether Stefanie
- Peter Willett
- Dengsheng Wu
- Mari Ostendorf
- Franz Winkler
- Xing Wang
- María Bordons
- Martin Bichler
- Michael P. Polis
- Maria M. Larrondo-Petrie
- Jianping Li
- David S. Rosenblum
- Robert Winter
- Kevin W. Bowyer
- Armin Heinzl
- Charles B. Fleddermann
- Martín Llamas Nistal
- Tobias Opthof
- Matthew B. Dwyer
- George A. Bekey
- Rob Reilly
- Alexandre Dolgui
- Ivan E. Esparragoza
- Gabriel Taubin
- Jeff Offutt
- Jing Li
- Michaela Lestáková
- Hongbin Cheng
- Adrien Roberty
- Ying Xu
- Bill Kapralos
- Cheah Wai Shiang
- Scientometrics
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