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Zhengchao Xie
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2015-2024
Publications (10 Years): 20
Top Topics
Extreme Learning Machine
Sliding Mode Control
Autonomous Vehicles
Pid Controller
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst.
J. Syst. Control. Eng.
IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst.
Neural Comput. Appl.
Jincan Liu
Zhengchao Xie
Jing Zhao
Pak-Kin Wong
Probabilistic Adaptive Dynamic Programming for Optimal Reliability-Critical Control With Fault Interruption Estimation.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics
20 (6) (2024)
Jing Zhao
Jincan Liu
Pak Kin Wong
Zhongchao Liang
Zhengchao Xie
Jing Na
Generalized Fuzzy Subset Method for Time-Varying Multi-State Reliability of Perturbation Failure Coupling Measurement System With Limited Expert Knowledge.
IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst.
31 (7) (2023)
Jing Zhao
Kaiheng Yang
Yucong Cao
Zhongchao Liang
Wenfeng Li
Zhengchao Xie
Pak Kin Wong
Observer-Based Discrete-Time Cascaded Control for Lateral Stabilization of Steer-by-Wire Vehicles With Uncertainties and Disturbances.
IEEE Trans. Circuits Syst. I Regul. Pap.
70 (8) (2023)
Xinbo Ma
Pak-Kin Wong
Wenfeng Li
Jing Zhao
Meisam Ahmadi Ghadikolaei
Zhengchao Xie
control of uncertain active suspension systems with interval time-varying delay.
J. Syst. Control. Eng.
237 (2) (2023)
Zhengchao Xie
Deli Wang
Pak-Kin Wong
Wenfeng Li
Jing Zhao
Dynamic-output-feedback based interval type-2 fuzzy control for nonlinear active suspension systems with actuator saturation and delay.
Inf. Sci.
607 (2022)
Jing Zhao
Wenfeng Li
Chuan Hu
Ge Guo
Zhengchao Xie
Pak-Kin Wong
Robust Gain-Scheduling Path Following Control of Autonomous Vehicles Considering Stochastic Network-Induced Delay.
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst.
23 (12) (2022)
Guokuan Yu
Pak-Kin Wong
Jing Zhao
Xingtai Mei
Changqing Lin
Zhengchao Xie
Design of an Acceleration Redistribution Cooperative Strategy for Collision Avoidance System Based on Dynamic Weighted Multi-Objective Model Predictive Controller.
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst.
23 (6) (2022)
Wenfeng Li
Zhengchao Xie
Jing Zhao
Shaoqiang Chu
Pak-Kin Wong
Jin-wu Gao
Improved AET Robust Control for Networked T-S Fuzzy Systems With Asynchronous Constraints.
IEEE Trans. Cybern.
52 (3) (2022)
Wenfeng Li
Zhengchao Xie
Jing Zhao
Jin-wu Gao
Yunfeng Hu
Pak-Kin Wong
Human-Machine Shared Steering Control for Vehicle Lane Keeping Systems via a Fuzzy Observer-Based Event-Triggered Method.
IEEE Trans. Intell. Transp. Syst.
23 (8) (2022)
Wenfeng Li
Zhengchao Xie
Pak-Kin Wong
Yunfeng Hu
Ge Guo
Jing Zhao
Event-Triggered Asynchronous Fuzzy Filtering for Vehicle Sideslip Angle Estimation With Data Quantization and Dropouts.
IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst.
30 (8) (2022)
Wenfeng Li
Zhengchao Xie
Yucong Cao
Pak-Kin Wong
Jing Zhao
Sampled-Data Asynchronous Fuzzy Output Feedback Control for Active Suspension Systems in Restricted Frequency Domain.
IEEE CAA J. Autom. Sinica
8 (5) (2021)
Yahui Xu
Zhengchao Xie
Jing Zhao
Wenfeng Li
Panshuo Li
Pak-Kin Wong
Robust non-fragile finite frequency H∞ control for uncertain active suspension systems with time-delay using T-S fuzzy approach.
J. Frankl. Inst.
358 (8) (2021)
Wenfeng Li
Zhengchao Xie
Jing Zhao
Pak-Kin Wong
Hui Wang
Xiaowei Wang
Static-Output-Feedback Based Robust Fuzzy Wheelbase Preview Control for Uncertain Active Suspensions With Time Delay and Finite Frequency Constraint.
IEEE CAA J. Autom. Sinica
8 (3) (2021)
Wenfeng Li
Zhengchao Xie
Pak-Kin Wong
Xingtai Mei
Jing Zhao
Adaptive-Event-Trigger-Based Fuzzy Nonlinear Lateral Dynamic Control for Autonomous Electric Vehicles Under Insecure Communication Networks.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Electron.
68 (3) (2021)
Jing Zhao
Xingqi Hua
Yucong Cao
Liangming Fan
Xingtai Mei
Zhengchao Xie
Design of an integrated controller for active suspension systems based on wheelbase preview and wavelet noise filter.
J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst.
36 (4) (2019)
Jing Zhao
Pak-Kin Wong
Xinbo Ma
Zhengchao Xie
Design and analysis of an integrated sliding mode control-two-point wheelbase preview strategy for a semi-active air suspension with stepper motor-driven gas-filled adjustable shock absorber.
J. Syst. Control. Eng.
232 (9) (2018)
Jing Zhao
Pak-Kin Wong
Zhengchao Xie
Xinbo Ma
Cuckoo search-based intelligent control of a novel variable rotary valve system for engines using PID controller.
J. Intell. Fuzzy Syst.
32 (3) (2017)
Xinbo Ma
Pak-Kin Wong
Jing Zhao
Zhengchao Xie
Multi-Objective Sliding Mode Control on Vehicle Cornering Stability with Variable Gear Ratio Actuator-Based Active Front Steering Systems.
17 (1) (2017)
Inchio Lou
Zhengchao Xie
Wai Kin Ung
Kai Meng Mok
Freshwater algal bloom prediction by extreme learning machine in Macau Storage Reservoirs.
Neural Comput. Appl.
27 (1) (2016)
Pak-Kin Wong
Hang-Cheong Wong
Chi-Man Vong
Zhengchao Xie
Shaojia Huang
Model predictive engine air-ratio control using online sequential extreme learning machine.
Neural Comput. Appl.
27 (1) (2016)
Jing Zhao
Pak-Kin Wong
Zhengchao Xie
Caiyang Wei
Feng He
Integrated variable speed-fuzzy PWM control for ride height adjustment of active air suspension systems.