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Verena Klös
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2013-2024
Publications (10 Years): 25
Top Topics
Graceful Degradation
Embedded Software
Feedback Loops
Requirements Engineering
Top Venues
RE Workshops
Sebastian Rehms
Stefan Köpsell
Verena Klös
Florian Tschorsch
A Model-oriented Reasoning Framework for Privacy Analysis of Complex Systems.
Paul Kogel
Verena Klös
Sabine Glesner
Learning Mealy Machines with Local Timers.
Jakob Droste
Verena Klös
Mersedeh Sadeghi
Maike Schwarnmberger
Timo Speith
Welcome to the Third International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Explainable Systems (RE4ES).
Simon Schwan
Verena Klös
Sabine Glesner
A Goal-Oriented Specification Language for Reinforcement Learning.
Paul Kogel
Verena Klös
Sabine Glesner
TTT/ik: Learning Accurate Mealy Automata Efficiently with an Imprecise Symbol Filter.
Verena Klös
Mersedeh Sadeghi
Maike Schwammberger
Welcome to the Second International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Explainable Systems (RE4ES).
RE Workshops
Wasja Brunotte
Larissa Chazette
Verena Klös
Timo Speith
Quo Vadis, Explainability? - A Research Roadmap for Explainability Engineering.
Larissa Chazette
Verena Klös
Florian Herzog
Kurt Schneider
Requirements on Explanations: A Quality Framework for Explainability.
Maike Schwammberger
Verena Klös
From Specification Models to Explanation Models: An Extraction and Refinement Process for Timed Automata.
Florian Ziesche
Verena Klös
Sabine Glesner
Anomaly Detection and Classification to enable Self-Explainability of Autonomous Systems.
Wasja Brunotte
Larissa Chazette
Verena Klös
Eric Knauss
Timo Speith
Andreas Vogelsang
Welcome to the First International Workshop on Requirements Engineering for Explainable Systems (RE4ES).
RE Workshops
Mersedeh Sadeghi
Verena Klös
Andreas Vogelsang
Cases for Explainable Software Systems: Characteristics and Examples.
RE Workshops
M. Baha E. Zarrouki
Verena Klös
Nikolas Heppner
Simon Schwan
Robert Ritschel
Rick Voßwinkel
Weights-varying MPC for Autonomous Vehicle Guidance: a Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach.
Mersedeh Sadeghi
Verena Klös
Andreas Vogelsang
Cases for Explainable Software Systems: Characteristics and Examples.
Mathias Blumreiter
Joel Greenyer
Francisco Javier Chiyah Garcia
Verena Klös
Maike Schwammberger
Christoph Sommer
Andreas Vogelsang
Andreas Wortmann
Towards Self-Explainable Cyber-Physical Systems.
M. Baha E. Zarrouki
Verena Klös
Markus Grabowski
Sabine Glesner
Fault-Tolerance by Graceful Degradation for Car Platoons.
Mathias Blumreiter
Joel Greenyer
Francisco Javier Chiyah Garcia
Verena Klös
Maike Schwammberger
Christoph Sommer
Andreas Vogelsang
Andreas Wortmann
Towards Self-Explainable Cyber-Physical Systems.
MoDELS (Companion)
Verena Klös
Thomas Göthel
Sabine Glesner
Comprehensible and dependable self-learning self-adaptive systems.
J. Syst. Archit.
Verena Klös
Thomas Göthel
Sabine Glesner
Comprehensible Decisions in Complex Self-Adaptive Systems.
Software Engineering
Verena Klös
Thomas Göthel
Sabine Glesner
Runtime management and quantitative evaluation of changing system goals in complex autonomous systems.
J. Syst. Softw.
144 (2018)
Verena Klös
Thomas Göthel
Sabine Glesner
Be Prepared: Learning Environment Profiles for Proactive Rule-Based Production Planning.
Verena Klös
Thomas Göthel
Sabine Glesner
Parameterisation and Optimisation Patterns for MAPE-K Feedback Loops.
Verena Klös
Thomas Göthel
Adrian Lohr
Sabine Glesner
Runtime Management and Quantitative Evaluation of Changing System Goals.
Verena Klös
Thomas Göthel
Sabine Glesner
Formal Models for Analysing Dynamic Adaptation Behaviour in Real-Time Systems.
Paula Herber
Verena Klös
A multi-robot search using LEGO mindstorms: an embedded software design project.
14 (1) (2016)
Verena Klös
Thomas Göthel
Sabine Glesner
Adaptive Knowledge Bases in Self-Adaptive System Design.
Paula Herber
Verena Klös
A Multi-Robot Search Using LEGO Mindstorms - An Embedded Software Design Project.
Thomas Göthel
Verena Klös
Björn Bartels
Modular Design and Verification of Distributed Adaptive Real-Time Systems Based on Refinements and Abstractions.
EAI Endorsed Trans. Self Adapt. Syst.
1 (1) (2015)
Marcel Pockrandt
Paula Herber
Verena Klös
Sabine Glesner
Model Checking Memory-Related Properties of Hardware/Software Co-designs.