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Software Engineering
Software Engineering 2024 (SE 2024) - Complete Volume.
Software Engineering
Chico Sundermann
Tobias Heß
Michael Nieke
Paul Maximilian Bittner
Jeffrey M. Young
Thomas Thüm
Ina Schaefer
Evaluating State-of-the-Art #SAT Solvers on Industrial Configuration Spaces.
Software Engineering
Christian Kröher
Lea Gerling
Klaus Schmid
Comparing the intensity of variability changes in software product line evolution (Summary).
Software Engineering
Marc Carwehl
Thomas Vogel
Genaína Nunes Rodrigues
Lars Grunske
Runtime Verification of Self-Adaptive Systems with Changing Requirements.
Software Engineering
Johannes Düsing
Ben Hermann
Persisting and Reusing Results of Static Program Analyses on a Large Scale.
Software Engineering
Rubén Ruiz-Torrubiano
Alois Haselböck
Danilo Valerio
Workshop Generative and Neurosymbolic AI in Software Engineering (GenSE'2024).
Software Engineering
Hermann Sikora
Sind wir bereit für die Software Factory?
Software Engineering
Janet Siegmund
New Perspectives on the Human Factor in Software Engineering.
Software Engineering
Sebastian Frank
Martin Straesser
Lion Wagner
Patrick Haas
M. Alireza Hakamian
Samuel Kounev
André van Hoorn
Simulating Microservice-based Architectures for Resilience Assessment Enriched by Authentic Container Orchestration.
Software Engineering
Stefan Winter
Christopher Steven Timperley
Ben Hermann
Jürgen Cito
Jonathan Bell
Michael Hilton
Dirk Beyer
A Retrospective Study of one Decade of Artifact Evaluations.
Software Engineering
Bernd Greifeneder
How Dynatrace innovates at scale - A story of bold choices and research-driven creativity.
Software Engineering
Philipp Straubinger
Gordon Fraser
Improving Testing Behavior by Gamifying IntelliJ.
Software Engineering
Andreas Dann
Ben Hermann
Eric Bodden
UpCy: Safely Updating Outdated Dependencies (Summary).
Software Engineering
Stefan Wagner
Marvin Wyrich
Code Comprehension Confounders: A Study of Intelligence and Personality.
Software Engineering
Sashko Ristov
Simon Brandacher
Michael Felderer
Ruth Breu
GoDeploy: Portable Deployment of Serverless Functions in Federated FaaS.
Software Engineering
Stefan Kugele
Franz Wotawa
21st Workshop on Automotive Software Engineering (ASE'24).
Software Engineering
Stefan John
Jens Kosiol
Leen Lambers
Gabriele Taentzer
A Graph-Based Framework for Model-Driven Optimization Facilitating Impact Analysis of Mutation Operator Properties.
Software Engineering
Christoph Weiss
Johannes Keckeis
5. Workshop für Anforderungsmanagement in Enterprise Systems-Projekten (AESP'24).
Software Engineering
Jan Jancar
Marcel Fourné
Daniel De Almeida Braga
Mohamed Sabt
Peter Schwabe
Gilles Barthe
Pierre-Alain Fouque
Yasemin Acar
They're not that hard to mitigate: What Cryptographic Library Developers Think About Timing Attacks.
Software Engineering
Marian Daun
Meenakshi Manjunath
Jeshwitha Jesus Raja
Using Goal Models to Support Safety Analysis of Human Robot Collaborations.
Software Engineering
Martin Eberlein
Marius Smytzek
Dominic Steinhöfel
Lars Grunske
Andreas Zeller
Semantic Debugging.
Software Engineering
Dominik Wermke
Jan H. Klemmer
Noah Wöhler
Juliane Schmüser
Harshini Sri Ramulu
Yasemin Acar
Sascha Fahl
Always Contribute Back: A Qualitative Study on Security Challenges of the Open Source Supply Chain.
Software Engineering
Sebastian Hahner
Maximilian Walter
Robert Heinrich
Ralf H. Reussner
Architecture-based Propagation Analyses Regarding Security.
Software Engineering
Ankit Agrawal
Bohan Zhang
Yashaswini Shivalingaiah
Michael Vierhauser
Jane Cleland-Huang
A Requirements-Driven Platform for Validating Field Operations of Small Uncrewed Aerial Vehicles.
Software Engineering
Abir Bouraffa
Gian-Luca Fuhrmann
Walid Maalej
Developers' Visuo-spatial Mental Model and Program Comprehension.
Software Engineering
Paula Rachow
Marion Wiese
André van Hoorn
Taxonomy of Architecture Maintainability Smells.
Software Engineering
Paul-Andrei Dragan
Andreas Metzger
Klaus Pohl
Towards the decentralized coordination of multiple self-adaptive systems.
Software Engineering
Jan Haltermann
Marie-Christine Jakobs
Cedric Richter
Heike Wehrheim
Ranged Program Analysis: A Parallel Divide-and-Conquer Approach for Software Verification.
Software Engineering
Marina Reich
Björn Annighöfer
Andreas Schweiger
6th Workshop on Avionics Systems und Software Engineering (AvioSE'24).
Software Engineering
Sören Henning
Wilhelm Hasselbring
Benchmarking Scalability of Stream Processing Frameworks Deployed as Microservices in the Cloud.
Software Engineering
Dominik Wermke
Noah Wöhler
Jan H. Klemmer
Marcel Fourné
Yasemin Acar
Sascha Fahl
Committed to Trust: A Qualitative Study on Security and Trust in Open Source Software Projects.
Software Engineering
Software Engineering 2024, Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik, Linz, Austria, February 26 - March 1, 2024
Software Engineering
Max Weber
Christian Kaltenecker
Florian Sattler
Sven Apel
Norbert Siegmund
Is Performance a Reliable Proxy for Energy Consumption?
Software Engineering
Joeri Exelmans
Jakob Pietron
Alexander Raschke
Hans Vangheluwe
Matthias Tichy
Improving Collaborative Modeling by an Operation-Based Versioning Approach.
Software Engineering
Jan Keim
Sophie Corallo
Dominik Fuchß
Anne Koziolek
Detecting Inconsistencies in Software Architecture Documentation Using Traceability Link Recovery.
Software Engineering
Razan Ghzouli
Thorsten Berger
Einar Broch Johnsen
Andrzej Wasowski
Swaib Dragule
Behavior Trees and State Machines in Robotics Applications.
Software Engineering
Marion Wiese
Klara Borowa
IT Managers' Perspective on Technical Debt Management.
Software Engineering
Christian Kröher
Lea Gerling
Klaus Schmid
Control Action Types -- Patterns of Applied Control for Self-adaptive Systems.
Software Engineering
Patric Feldmeier
Gordon Fraser
Neuroevolution-Based Generation of Tests and Oracles for Games.
Software Engineering
Raffaela Groner
Peter Bellmann
Stefan Höppner
Patrick Thiam
Friedhelm Schwenker
Matthias Tichy
Predicting the Performance of ATL Model Transformations.
Software Engineering
Gabriela Karoline Michelon
Wesley K. G. Assunção
Paul Grünbacher
Alexander Egyed
Analysis and Propagation of Feature Revisions in Preprocessor-based Software Product Lines.
Software Engineering
Oliver Karras
Felix Wernlein
Jil Klünder
Sören Auer
KG-EmpiRE: A Community-Maintainable Knowledge Graph of Empirical Research in Requirements Engineering.
Software Engineering
Marian Daun
Alicia M. Grubb
Viktoria Stenkova
Bastian Tenbergen
How to Teach Requirements Engineering: An Investigation of the Current State of the Art.
Software Engineering
Sandra Greiner
Jörg Walter
István Koren
6th Workshop on Software Engineering for Cyber-Physical Production Systems (SECPPS'24).
Software Engineering
Katharina Großer
Marina Rukavitsyna
Jan Jürjens
A Comparative Evaluation of Requirement Template Systems (Summary).
Software Engineering
Stefan Mühlbauer
Florian Sattler
Christian Kaltenecker
Johannes Dorn
Sven Apel
Norbert Siegmund
Performance Sensitivity Across Configuration and Workload.
Software Engineering
Kadiray Karakaya
Eric Bodden
Two Sparsification Strategies for Accelerating Demand-Driven Pointer Analysis.
Software Engineering
Stefan Pedratscher
Sashko Ristov
Thomas Fahringer
M2FaaS: Transparent and fault tolerant FaaSification of Node.js monolith code blocks.
Software Engineering
Marian Daun
Jennifer Brings
Patricia Aluko Obe
Bastian Tenbergen
Investigating Industry's Opinion on Technology Transfer in Software Engineering.
Software Engineering
Alina Mailach
Norbert Siegmund
Socio-Technical Challenges and Recommendations for Mitigation when Building ML-Enabled Systems.
Software Engineering