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Soohwan Hyun
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2008-2015
Publications (10 Years): 0
Top Topics
Genetic Programming
Max Cut
Quadruped Robot
Fitness Evaluation
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Evol. Comput.
PPSN (1)
IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst.
Kisung Seo
Soohwan Hyun
Yong-Hyuk Kim
An Edge-Set Representation Based on a Spanning Tree for Searching Cut Space.
IEEE Trans. Evol. Comput.
19 (4) (2015)
Kisung Seo
Soohwan Hyun
A Comparative Study among Three Automatic Gait Generation Methods for Quadruped Robots.
IEICE Trans. Inf. Syst.
(2) (2014)
Kisung Seo
Byeongyong Hyeon
Soohwan Hyun
Younghee Lee
Genetic Programming-Based Model Output Statistics for Short-Range Temperature Prediction.
Kisung Seo
Soohwan Hyun
Toward Automatic Gait Generation for Quadruped Robots Using Cartesian Genetic Programming.
Kisung Seo
Soohwan Hyun
Yong-Hyuk Kim
A Spanning Tree-Based Encoding of the MAX CUT Problem for Evolutionary Search.
PPSN (1)
Soohwan Hyun
Kisung Seo
Analysis of two evolutionary gait generation techniques for different coordinate approaches.
IEICE Electron. Express
8 (11) (2011)
Kisung Seo
Soohwan Hyun
A Comparative Study between Genetic Algorithm and Genetic Programming Based Gait Generation Methods for Quadruped Robots.
EvoApplications (1)
Kisung Seo
Soohwan Hyun
Erik D. Goodman
Genetic Programming-Based Automatic Gait Generation in Joint Space for a Quadruped Robot.
Adv. Robotics
24 (15) (2010)
Kisung Seo
Soohwan Hyun
Erik D. Goodman
Tree-structure-aware GP operators for automatic gait generation of quadruped robot.
GECCO (Companion)
Kisung Seo
Soohwan Hyun
Genetic programming based automatic gait generation for quadruped robots.