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Mihai Lungu
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2024
Publications (10 Years): 19
Top Topics
Adaptive Control
Sliding Mode
Flight Path
Lyapunov Stability Theory
Top Venues
Mihai Lungu
Teodor Lucian Grigorie
Florentin Alin Butu
Rui Wang
Automatic Attitude Control of the Launch Vehicles by means of the Backstepping Control Method.
Zhengguo Huang
Mou Chen
Mihai Lungu
Interconnected Disturbance Observer-Based Tracking Control for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors.
IEEE Trans. Control. Syst. Technol.
31 (6) (2023)
José Sánchez
Noé Aldana
Mihai Lungu
Gerardo Flores
Nonlinear model predictive control of a satellite attitude dynamics in SO(3).
Romulus Lungu
Florentin Alin Butu
Mihai Lungu
Mou Chen
Adaptive Control of the Relative Position for Space Vehicles in the Rendezvous Missions.
Hongzhen Guo
Mou Chen
Yuhan Jiang
Mihai Lungu
Distributed Adaptive Human-in-the-Loop Event-Triggered Formation Control for QUAVs With Quantized Communication.
IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics
19 (6) (2023)
Romulus Lungu
Florentin Alin Butu
Mihai Lungu
Rui Wang
Robust Optimal Control of Spacecraft during the Rendezvous Missions using H∞ Control Method.
Romulus Lungu
Florentin Alin Butu
Mihai Lungu
Mou Chen
Automatic Control of Launch Vehicles' Flight Path Slope Angle by Means of the Backstepping Control Method.
Florentin Alin Butu
Romulus Lungu
Mihai Lungu
Lucian Barbulescu
Software And Hardware Platform Using Dynamic Inversion And Neural Networks For The Launch Vehicles.
Mihai Lungu
Gerardo Flores
Dana-Aurelia Dinu
George Mihail Ciuca
Autonomous Landing of Tailless, Blended Wing, and Variable Centre of Mass UAV using Adaptive Control.
Mihai Lungu
Romulus Lungu
Zewei Zheng
Zhiyuan Guan
Backstepping and Dynamic Inversion based Autolanding System for Variable Centre of Mass UAV.
Mihai Lungu
Romulus Lungu
Claudia Efrim
Olfa Boubaker
Backstepping Control of Magnetically Suspended Double-Gimbal Control Moment Gyroscope.
Mihai Lungu
Romulus Lungu
Adaptive Neural Network-Based Satellite Attitude Control by Using the Dynamic Inversion Technique and a VSCMG Pyramidal Cluster.
2019 (2019)
Mihai Lungu
Design of Reduced-Order Multiple Observers for Uncertain Systems with Unknown Inputs.
2018 (2018)
Mihai Lungu
Romulus Lungu
Neural network based adaptive control of airplane's lateral-directional motion during final approach phase of landing.
Eng. Appl. Artif. Intell.
74 (2018)
Romulus Lungu
Florentin Alin Butu
Mihai Lungu
Sliding Mode Control of Launch Vehicles' Flight Path Slope Angle.
Mihai Lungu
Olfa Boubaker
Romulus Lungu
Reduced-Order Multiple Observer Design for Takagi-Sugeno Models with Unknown Inputs.
Mihai Lungu
Romulus Lungu
Octavian Preotu
Estimation of aircraft state during landing by means of multiple observers.
Mihai Lungu
Romulus Lungu
Automatic control of aircraft lateral-directional motion during landing using neural networks and radio-technical subsystems.
171 (2016)
Romulus Lungu
Mihai Lungu
Adaptive flight control law based on neural networks and dynamic inversion for micro-aerial vehicles.
199 (2016)
Romulus Lungu
Mihai Lungu
Mihai Ioan
Determination and Control of the Satellites' Attitude by using a Pyramidal Configuration of Four Control Moment Gyros.
Romulus Lungu
Mihai Lungu
Lucian Teodor Grigorie
Automatic Control of Aircraft in Longitudinal Plane During Landing.
IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst.
49 (2) (2013)
Mihai Lungu
Romulus Lungu
Reduced Order Observer for Linear Time-Invariant Multivariable Systems with Unknown Inputs.
Circuits Syst. Signal Process.
32 (6) (2013)
Mihai Lungu
Romulus Lungu
Full-order observer design for linear systems with unknown inputs.
Int. J. Control
85 (10) (2012)
Mihai Lungu
Romulus Lungu
Teodor Lucian Grigorie
Aircrafts state estimation by using an adaptive observer for MIMO linear time varying systems.
Teodor Lucian Grigorie
Mihai Lungu
Ioana Raluca Edu
Radu Obreja
Miniature accelerometer precision improvement using intelligent control.