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Luis Rivero
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2021
Publications (10 Years): 23
Top Topics
Software Engineering Education
User Experience
Web Applications
Usability Evaluation
Top Venues
José Eduardo
Anderson M. P. Paiva
Victor Ferreira
Simara V. Rocha
Italo Francyles Santos da Silva
Luis Rivero
João Almeida
Geraldo Braz Junior
Anselmo Cardoso de Paiva
Aristofenes Silva
Hugo Nogueira
Eliana Marcia Garros Monteiro
Eduardo C. Fernandes
Applying Exploratory Testing and Ad-Hoc Usability Inspection to Improve the Ease of Use of a Mobile Power Consumption Registration App: An Experience Report.
HCI (40)
Dayanne Gomes
Nathasha Pinto
Aurea Melo
Ivana Marcia Oliveira Maia
Anselmo Cardoso de Paiva
Raimundo S. Barreto
Davi Viana
Luis Rivero
Developing a Set of Design Patterns Specific for the Design of User Interfaces for Autistic Users.
Kastney Frazão
Alexandre Pessoa
Anselmo Cardoso de Paiva
Davi Viana
Luis Rivero
TIMEG: Development and Evaluation of an Inspection Checklist Tool for Mobile Educational Games.
Luis Rivero
Carlos Portela
José M. C. Boaro
Pedro Thiago Cutrim dos Santos
Venicius Rego
Geraldo Braz Junior
Anselmo Cardoso de Paiva
Erika W. B. A. L. Alves
Milton S. L. Oliveira
Renato U. Moreira e Moraes
Marina Mendes
Lessons Learned from Applying Requirements and Design Techniques in the Development of a Machine Learning System for Predicting Lawsuits Against Power Companies.
HCI (4)
João Mendes
Davi Viana
Luis Rivero
Developing an Inspection Checklist for the Adequacy Assessment of Software Systems to Quality Attributes of the Brazilian General Data Protection Law: An Initial Proposal.
Aurea Melo
Ana Carolina Oran
Jonathas Silva dos Santos
Luis Rivero
Raimundo S. Barreto
Requirements Elicitation in the Context of Software for Low-Functioning Autistic People: An Initial Proposal of Specific Supporting Artifacts.
Áurea Hiléia da Silva Melo
Ana Carolina Oran
Jonathas Silva dos Santos
Luis Rivero
Raimundo da Silva Barreto
ACF: An Autistic Personas' Characteristics Source to Develop Empathy in Software Development Teams.
HCI (42)
Gabriel Bras
Vandécia Rejane Monteiro Fernandes
Anselmo Cardoso de Paiva
Geraldo Braz Junior
Luis Rivero
Transfer Learning Method Evaluation for Automatic Pediatric Chest X-Ray Image Segmentation.
Áurea Hiléia da Silva Melo
Luis Rivero
Jonathas Silva dos Santos
Raimundo da Silva Barreto
PersonAut: a personas model for people with autism spectrum disorder.
Yandson Costa
Dayanne Gomes
Sebastião Santos
Nathasha Pinto
Davi Viana
Geraldo Braz Junior
Luis Rivero
Identifying Improvement Opportunities in Software Engineering Education at the Maranhão State: Listening to Voices from Academy and Industry.
Kastney Frazão
Jessica Costa
Davi Viana
Luis Rivero
Analyzing App Store Comments and Quality Attributes for Defining an Inspection Checklist for Mobile Educational Games.
Luis Rivero
João Otávio Bandeira Diniz
Giovanni Lucca França da Silva
Gabriel Borralho
Geraldo Braz Junior
Anselmo Cardoso de Paiva
Erika W. B. A. L. Alves
Milton S. L. de Oliveira
Deployment of a Machine Learning System for Predicting Lawsuits Against Power Companies: Lessons Learned from an Agile Testing Experience for Improving Software Quality.
Áurea Hiléia da Silva Melo
Luis Rivero
Jonathas Silva dos Santos
Raimundo da Silva Barreto
EmpathyAut: an empathy map for people with autism.
Sebastião Santos
Flávia Carvalho
Yandson Costa
Davi Viana
Luis Rivero
Risking: A Game for Teaching Risk Management in Software Projects.
José Nunes de Oliveira Neto
Davi Viana
Eveline Sá
Luis Rivero
Rafael Fernandes Lopes
Francisco José da Silva e Silva
Is there time for Software Testing in the Indie Games Development?: A survey with practitioners of the game industry.
Weldson Amaral
Luis Rivero
Geraldo Braz Junior
Davi Viana
Using Machine Learning Technique for Effort Estimation in Software Development.
Leonardo C. Marques
Walter Takashi Nakamura
Natasha M. Costa Valentim
Luis Rivero
Tayana Conte
Do Scale Type Techniques Identify Problems that Affect User eXperience? User Experience Evaluation of a Mobile Application (S).
Maria Ludmilla Oliveira
Luis Rivero
José Nunes de Oliveira Neto
Rodrigo Pereira dos Santos
Davi Viana
Developing an Application for Dealing with Depression through the Analysis of Information and Requirements found in Groups from a Social Network.
Aurea Melo
Jonathas Silva dos Santos
Luis Rivero
Raimundo da Silva Barreto
Searching for Preferences of Autistic Children to Support the Design of User Interfaces.
Luis Rivero
Tayana Conte
A Systematic Mapping Study on Research Contributions on UX Evaluation Technologies.
Ingrid Costa
Williamson Silva
Adriana Lopes
Luis Rivero
Bruno Gadelha
Elaine Harada T. de Oliveira
Tayana Conte
An Empirical Study to Evaluate the Feasibility of a UX and Usability Inspection Technique for Mobile Applications.
Amelie Pianne
Luis Rivero
Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès
Philippe Vialletelle
Ideal and potential flexibility measures for qualification management in semiconductor manufacturing.
Bruna Moraes Ferreira
Luis Rivero
Natasha M. Costa Valentim
Renata Zilse
Andrew Koster
Tayana Conte
Evaluation of UX Methods: Lessons Learned When Evaluating a Multi-user Mobile Application.
HCI (1)
Emanuelle Cavalcante
Luis Rivero
Tayana Conte
MAX: A Method for Evaluating the Post-use User eXperience through Cards and a Board.
Luis Rivero
Tayana Conte
Using a Study to Assess User eXperience Evaluation Methods from the Point of View of Users.
Emanuelle Cavalcante
Luis Rivero
Tayana Conte
Evaluating the Feasibility of MAX: A Method Using Cards and a Board for Assessing the Post-Use UX.
Int. J. Softw. Eng. Knowl. Eng.
25 (9-10) (2015)
Luis Rivero
Marcos Kalinowski
Tayana Conte
Practical Findings from Applying Innovative Design Usability Evaluation Technologies for Mockups of Web Applications.
Luis Rivero
Tayana Conte
Using an empirical study to evaluate the feasibility of a new usability inspection technique for paper based prototypes of web applications.
J. Softw. Eng. Res. Dev.
1 (2013)
Luis Rivero
Tayana Conte
Improving Usability Inspection Technologies for Web Mockups through Empirical Studies.
Luis Rivero
Raimundo da Silva Barreto
Tayana Conte
Characterizing Usability Inspection Methods through the Analysis of a Systematic Mapping Study Extension.
CLEI Electron. J.
16 (1) (2013)
Luis Rivero
Tayana Conte
Using the Results from a Systematic Mapping Extension to Define a Usability Inspection Method for Web Applications.
Luis Rivero
Tayana Conte
Using an Empirical Study to Evaluate the Feasibility of a New Usability Inspection Technique for Paper Based Prototypes of Web Applications.
Luis Rivero
Tayana Conte
Inspeção de usabilidade em aplicações web guiada por funcionalidades.
IHC+CLIHC (Companion)