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CLEI Electron. J.
volume 27, number 1, 2024
Rafael da Camara
Marcelo Marinho
Agile tailoring in distributed large-scale environments using agile frameworks: A Systematic Literature Review.
CLEI Electron. J.
27 (1) (2024)
Tunirani Nayak Nayak
Nilamani Bhoi
Robust Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithm Based on Normal Shrink and Membership Filtering for Image Segmentation.
CLEI Electron. J.
27 (1) (2024)
Antonio Labian
Jesús D. García-Consuegra
Manuel Ortega
Migration of legacy Java desktop applications to collaborative Web.
CLEI Electron. J.
27 (1) (2024)
Clemente Rubio-Manzano
Image classification using deep and classical machine learning models on small datasets: a complete comparative.
CLEI Electron. J.
27 (1) (2024)
Maria Amelia Eliseo
David Varão Lima Bentes Pessoa
Meuriam Silva de Assis
Thiago Siqueira Garbuio
Valéria Farinazzo Martins
A study on the interaction of the elderly with digital games through usability and user experience evaluations.
CLEI Electron. J.
27 (1) (2024)
Vyacheslav Kalnitsky
Valery Vilkov
Spline Optimization of Soft Connectives in Machine Learning Models.
CLEI Electron. J.
27 (1) (2024)
Valéria Farinazzo Martins
Bruno da Silva Rodrigues
Preface to the Iberoamerican Human-Computer Interaction Conference 2023 Special Issue.
CLEI Electron. J.
27 (1) (2024)
Alexander Rozo-Torres
Carlos J. Latorre-Rojas
Wilson J. Sarmiento
From Trends to Experiences: Co-Creation with Generative Artificial Intelligence in Developing Interactive Multimedia Applications.
CLEI Electron. J.
27 (1) (2024)
Diego Torres
Juan Enrique Garrido
María Dalponte Ayastuy
Alejandro Fernández
César A. Collazos
Enhancing the Adaptative Gamification Process Through User Behavior and Context.
CLEI Electron. J.
27 (1) (2024)
volume 27, number 2, 2024
Francisco Leonardo Ponce Mella
Jacopo Soldani
Carla Taramasco
Hernán Astudillo
Antonio Brogi
Beyond Security: Understanding the Multiple Impacts of Security Smells for Microservices.
CLEI Electron. J.
27 (2) (2024)
Luca Octavio Martínez
Raúl Gutierrez
Luca Cernuzzi
On the Measurement of io_uring Performance: a Strategy and Experience in the Envoy Service Mesh.
CLEI Electron. J.
27 (2) (2024)
Agustín Rieppi
Florencia Rieppi
Mercedes Marzoa Tanco
Gonzalo Tejera
Simulation-based Reinforcement and Imitation Learning for Autonomous Sailboat Navigation in Variable Environmental Conditions.
CLEI Electron. J.
27 (2) (2024)
José Aguilar
Jairo Fuentes
Edwin Montoya
William Hoyos
Diego Benito
Explainability Analysis of the Evaluation Model of the Level of Digital Transformation in MSMEs based on Fuzzy Cognitive Maps: Explainability Analysis on Fuzzy Cognitive Maps.
CLEI Electron. J.
27 (2) (2024)
Jorge Andrés Díaz Pace
Antonela Tommasel
Hernán Ceferino Vázquez
The JavaScript Package Selection Task: A Comparative Experiment Using an LLM-based Approach.
CLEI Electron. J.
27 (2) (2024)
Hernán Astudillo
Carlos Luna
José Miguel Rojas
Preface to the CLEI 2023 Special Issue.
CLEI Electron. J.
27 (2) (2024)
volume 26, number 1, 2023
Daniel San Martín
Claudio E. Torres
2D Simplified Wildfire Spreading Model in Python: From NumPy to CuPy.
CLEI Electron. J.
26 (1) (2023)
Juan Vicente Bogado Machuca
Diego Herbin Stalder Díaz
Christian Emilio Schaerer Serra
Cluster-based LSTM models to improve Dengue cases forecast.
CLEI Electron. J.
26 (1) (2023)
Karina Sousa de Paula Santos
Ismar Frango Silveira
Design Lenses-based process to evaluate interfaces for mobile devices.
CLEI Electron. J.
26 (1) (2023)
José E. Solsona
On the specification and verification of the PCR parallel programming pattern in TLA+.
CLEI Electron. J.
26 (1) (2023)
Fernanda Molina
Gustavo Betarte
Carlos Luna
A Blockchain based and GDPR-compliant design of a system for digital education certificates.
CLEI Electron. J.
26 (1) (2023)
Héctor Cancela
Preface to the CLTM-CLTD 2022 Special Issue.
CLEI Electron. J.
26 (1) (2023)
Carlos Alberto Astudillo Trujillo
Nelson Luis Saldanha da Fonseca
Medium Access Control Techniques for Massive Machine-Type Communications in Cellular IoT Networks.
CLEI Electron. J.
26 (1) (2023)
volume 26, number 2, 2023
Sonia Fleytas
Diego Pinto
José Colbes
Analysis and design of algorithms for the manufacturing process of integrated circuits.
CLEI Electron. J.
26 (2) (2023)
Guzmán Llambías
Bruno Bradach
Juan Nogueira
Laura González
Raúl Ruggia
Gateway-based Interoperability for Distributed Ledger Technology.
CLEI Electron. J.
26 (2) (2023)
Paula Zabala
Kelly Pernett
Preface to the CLEI 2022 Special Issue.
CLEI Electron. J.
26 (2) (2023)
Rodrigo García
Charles Benitez
José Aguilar
Management System for the Fattening Process of Bovines in Rotational Grazing using Diagnosis and Recommendation Systems.
CLEI Electron. J.
26 (2) (2023)
Irfan Syamsuddin
Alimin Daude
David Al-Dabass
The Application of Ternary AHP in Adopting Security Certifications into Vocational Cyber Security Course.
CLEI Electron. J.
26 (2) (2023)
Esteban Rodríguez Betancourt
Edgar Casasola Murillo
Analysis of the Semantic Shift in Diachronic Word Embeddings for Spanish Before and After COVID-19.
CLEI Electron. J.
26 (2) (2023)
Federico Flaviani
Walter Carballosa
Education-oriented Proof Assistant Based on Calculational Logic: Proof Theory Algorithms and Assessment Experience.
CLEI Electron. J.
26 (2) (2023)
Hafiz Shaikh Hafiz
Neelima Kulkarni
Mayuresh Bakshi
Mathematical Modeling of coupled tank interacting system for controlling water level using GWO and PSO optimization.
CLEI Electron. J.
26 (2) (2023)
volume 25, number 3, 2023
Adilson Luiz Bonifácio
Arnaldo Vieira Moura
Conformance Checking and Pushdown Reactive Systems.
CLEI Electron. J.
25 (3) (2023)
Sandra Souza Rodrigues
Débora Maria Barroso Paiva
Renata Pontin de Mattos Fortes
Seniors' expectations to adopt IoT technologies.
CLEI Electron. J.
25 (3) (2023)
Guzmán Llambías
Laura González
Raúl Ruggia
Blockchain Interoperability: a Feature-based Classification Framework and Challenges Ahead.
CLEI Electron. J.
25 (3) (2023)
Cassio Andrade Furukawa
Michel dos Santos Soares
Maria Istela Cagnin
Débora Maria Barroso Paiva
Support for Accessible Software Coding: Results of a Rapid Literature Review.
CLEI Electron. J.
25 (3) (2023)
Eduardo Gonçalves
Semantic Similarity of Product and Service Names in Portuguese: An Ontology-Based Approach.
CLEI Electron. J.
25 (3) (2023)
volume 25, number 1, 2022
Bernardo B. Gatto
Eulanda M. dos Santos
Waldir S. S. Júnior
Pattern-set Representations using Linear, Shallow and Tensor Subspaces.
CLEI Electron. J.
25 (1) (2022)
Juan Miguel Bajo
Claudio Delrieux
Gustavo Patow
A Comprehensive Method for Liquid-to-Solid Interactions.
CLEI Electron. J.
25 (1) (2022)
Jesús Guillermo Falcón-Cardona
New Findings on Indicator-based Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms: A Brief Summary.
CLEI Electron. J.
25 (1) (2022)
Luca Cernuzzi
Gabriela Marin
Preface to the CLTM-CLTD 2021 Special Issue.
CLEI Electron. J.
25 (1) (2022)
volume 25, number 2, 2022
Graziela Silva Araujo
CLEI Electron. J.
25 (2) (2022)
Laura González
Andrea Delgado
Juan Canaparo
Fabián Gambetta
Evaluation of Compliance Requirements for collaborative business process with process mining and a model of generic compliance controls.
CLEI Electron. J.
25 (2) (2022)
Gerar Francis Quispe Torres
Lauro Enciso-Rodas
Harley Vera Olivera
Germain Garcia Zanabria
Trajectory Anomaly Detection based on Similarity Analysis.
CLEI Electron. J.
25 (2) (2022)
Claudina Rattaro
Gabriela Pereyra
Lucas Inglés
Pablo Belzarena
An Open Source Multi-Slice Cell Capacity Framework.
CLEI Electron. J.
25 (2) (2022)
Clarice de Souza
Micael Oliveira
João Alfredo Bessa
Kelson Mota
Rosiane de Freitas
3D structural prediction, analysis and validation of Sars-Cov-2 protein molecules.
CLEI Electron. J.
25 (2) (2022)
Michael Barquero
Gabriela Marín-Raventós
Gustavo López
Designing a Diagnosis Instrument to Determine e-Commerce Readiness for Micro and Small Enterprises in Rural Areas.
CLEI Electron. J.
25 (2) (2022)
Jorge Merlino
Pablo Rodríguez-Bocca
Short-time prediction of DNS queries using deep learning and pre-trained word embedding.
CLEI Electron. J.
25 (2) (2022)
Gustavo Betarte
Juan Diego Campo
Andrea Delgado
Laura González
Álvaro Martín
Rodrigo Martínez
Bárbara Muracciole
Contact tracing solutions for COVID-19: applications, data privacy and security.
CLEI Electron. J.
25 (2) (2022)
Alethia Hume
Luca Cernuzzi
José Luis Zarza
Ivano Bison
Daniel Gatica-Perez
Analysis of the Big-Five personality traits in the Chatbot "UC - Paraguay".
CLEI Electron. J.
25 (2) (2022)
César Garita
Andrea Delgado
CLEI Electron. J.
25 (2) (2022)
Solange Ramos-Cooper
Guillermo Cámara Chávez
Domain Adaptation for Unconstrained Ear Recognition with Convolutional Neural Networks.
CLEI Electron. J.
25 (2) (2022)