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Jorge Carneiro
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1995-2024
Publications (10 Years): 6
Top Topics
Stochastic Model
Defect Detection
Textured Surfaces
Systematic Review
Top Venues
PLoS Comput. Biol.
Esteban Cumbajin
Nuno Rodrigues
Paulo Costa
Rolando Miragaia
Luís Frazão
Nuno Costa
Antonio Fernández-Caballero
Jorge Carneiro
Leire H. Buruberri
António Pereira
A Real-Time Automated Defect Detection System for Ceramic Pieces Manufacturing Process Based on Computer Vision with Deep Learning.
24 (1) (2024)
Mariano Alvarez
Laiany Brancalião
Jorge Carneiro
Paulo Costa
João Paulo Coelho
José Gonçalves
Automated Ceramics Tableware Finishing: Non-Circular Geometries Case Study.
Esteban Cumbajin
Nuno Rodrigues
Paulo Costa
Rolando Miragaia
Luís Frazão
Nuno Costa
Antonio Fernández-Caballero
Jorge Carneiro
Leire H. Buruberri
António Pereira
A Systematic Review on Deep Learning with CNNs Applied to Surface Defect Detection.
J. Imaging
9 (10) (2023)
Marco António Dias Louro
Mónica Bettencourt-Dias
Jorge Carneiro
A first-takes-all model of centriole copy number control based on cartwheel elongation.
PLoS Comput. Biol.
17 (5) (2021)
Daniel Priego-Espinosa
Alberto Darszon
Adán Guerrero
Ana Laura González-Cota
Takuya Nishigaki
Gustavo Martinez-Mekler
Jorge Carneiro
Modular analysis of the control of flagellar Ca2+-spike trains produced by CatSper and CaV channels in sea urchin sperm.
PLoS Comput. Biol.
16 (3) (2020)
Thiago S. Guzella
Vasco M. Barreto
Jorge Carneiro
Partitioning stable and unstable expression level variation in cell populations: A theoretical framework and its application to the T cell receptor.
PLoS Comput. Biol.
16 (8) (2020)
Danesh Tarapore
Pedro U. Lima
Jorge Carneiro
Anders Lyhne Christensen
Optimizing the Crossregulation Model for Scalable Abnormality Detection.
Tom Serge Weber
Irene Jaehnert
Christian Schichor
Michal Or-Guil
Jorge Carneiro
Quantifying the Length and Variance of the Eukaryotic Cell Cycle Phases by a Stochastic Model and Dual Nucleoside Pulse Labelling.
PLoS Comput. Biol.
10 (7) (2014)
Nuno D. Mendes
Pedro T. Monteiro
Jorge Carneiro
Elisabeth Remy
Claudine Chaouiya
Quantification of reachable attractors in asynchronous discrete dynamics.
Danesh Tarapore
Anders Lyhne Christensen
Pedro U. Lima
Jorge Carneiro
Abnormality detection in multiagent systems inspired by the adaptive immune system.
Danesh Tarapore
Anders Lyhne Christensen
Pedro U. Lima
Jorge Carneiro
Clonal Expansion without Self-replicating Entities.
Danesh Tarapore
Anders Lyhne Christensen
Pedro U. Lima
Jorge Carneiro
Environment classification in multiagent systems inspired by the adaptive immune system.
Nieves Vélez de Mendizábal
Jorge Carneiro
Ricard V. Solé
Joaquín Goñi
Jean Bragard
Ivan Martinez-Forero
Sara Martinez-Pasamar
Jorge Sepulcre
Francisco Javier Torrealdea
Francesca Bagnato
Jordi García-Ojalvo
Pablo Villoslada
Modeling the effector - regulatory T cell cross-regulation reveals the intrinsic character of relapses in Multiple Sclerosis.
BMC Syst. Biol.
5 (2011)
Aurélien Naldi
Jorge Carneiro
Claudine Chaouiya
Denis Thieffry
Diversity and Plasticity of Th Cell Types Predicted from Regulatory Network Modelling.
PLoS Comput. Biol.
6 (9) (2010)
Mário João Gonçalves Antunes
Manuel Eduardo Correia
Jorge Carneiro
Towards an Immune-inspired Temporal Anomaly Detection Algorithm based on Tunable Activation Thresholds.
Jorge Carneiro
John Stewart
Self and Nonself Revisited: Lessons from Modelling the Immune Network.