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Carlos Sánchez
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2004-2023
Publications (10 Years): 8
Top Topics
Semantic Annotation
Mechanical Properties
Fused Image
Edge Preserving
Top Venues
IbPRIA (1)
IbPRIA (2)
George Kousiouris
Marta Patiño
Carlos Sánchez
Luis Tomás
Experiences and Lessons Learned from PHYSICS: A Framework for Cloud Development with FaaS.
Euro-Par Workshops
Jean Criado
Carolina Abril
Carlos Sánchez
Influence of MMT Reinforcement Fraction Variation on the Mechanical Properties of a Polycarbonate Polymer Matrix with an ABS Additive.
Valentina Solano
Carlos Sánchez
César A. Collazos
Manuel Bolaños
Valéria Farinazzo Martins
Gamified Model to Support Shopping in Closed Spaces Aimed at Blind People: A Systematic Literature Review.
Harbinder Singh
Carlos Sánchez
Gabriel Cristóbal
Construction of fused image with improved depth-of-field based on guided co-occurrence filtering.
Digit. Signal Process.
104 (2020)
Carlos Tellería
Sergio Ilarri
Carlos Sánchez
Text Mining of Medical Documents in Spanish: Semantic Annotation and Detection of Recommendations.
Jesús Ruiz-Santaquitaria
Aníbal Pedraza
Carlos Sánchez
José A. Libreros
Jesús Salido
Oscar Déniz
Saúl Blanco
Gabriel Cristóbal
Gloria Bueno
Deep Learning Versus Classic Methods for Multi-taxon Diatom Segmentation.
IbPRIA (1)
Carlos Sánchez
Noelia Vállez
Gloria Bueno García
Gabriel Cristóbal
Diatom Classification Including Morphological Adaptations Using CNNs.
IbPRIA (1)
Harbinder Singh
Carlos Sánchez
Gabriel Cristóbal
Gloria Bueno García
Pencil Drawing of Microscopic Images Through Edge Preserving Filtering.
IbPRIA (2)
Carlos Sánchez
Angel Soriano
Marina Vallés
Eduardo Vendrell
Angel Valera
: Geometrical matching analytical algorithm for fast mobile robots global self-localization.
Robotics Auton. Syst.
62 (6) (2014)
Christophe Joubert
Vicente Monrabal
Miguel Montesinos
Carlos Sánchez
Real-Time Visualization of MV/LV Energy Alarms on GIS Web Applications.
2013 (92) (2013)
Amaia Saracibar
Carlos Sánchez
Ernesto Garcia
Antonio Laganà
Dimitris Skouteris
Grid Computing in Time-Dependent Quantum Reactive Dynamics.
María del Milagro Bolado
Hector Posadas
Javier Castillo
Pablo Huerta
Pablo Sánchez
Carlos Sánchez
Häkan Fouren
Francisco Blasco
Platform Based on Open-Source Cores for Industrial Applications.
Ernesto Garcia
Carlos Sánchez
Margarita Albertí
Antonio Laganà
Bond Order Potentials for a priori Simulations of Polyatomic Reactions.