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Open J. Math. Optim.
volume 5, 2024
Felix Hennings
Kai Hoppmann-Baum
Janina Zittel
Optimizing transient gas network control for challenging real-world instances using MIP-based heuristics.
Open J. Math. Optim.
5 (2024)
Zhenan Fan
Huang Fang
Michael P. Friedlander
Cardinality-constrained structured data-fitting problems.
Open J. Math. Optim.
5 (2024)
volume 4, 2023
Leo Liberti
Gabriele Iommazzo
Carlile Lavor
Nelson Maculan
Cycle-based formulations in Distance Geometry.
Open J. Math. Optim.
4 (2023)
Welington de Oliveira
Short Paper - A note on the Frank-Wolfe algorithm for a class of nonconvex and nonsmooth optimization problems.
Open J. Math. Optim.
4 (2023)
Ernesto Oré
Philippe Mahey
Eladio Ocaña
Inertial-relaxed splitting for composite monotone inclusions.
Open J. Math. Optim.
4 (2023)
Olivier Fercoq
Quadratic error bound of the smoothed gap and the restarted averaged primal-dual hybrid gradient.
Open J. Math. Optim.
4 (2023)
Mark Turner
Thorsten Koch
Felipe Serrano
Michael Winkler
Adaptive Cut Selection in Mixed-Integer Linear Programming.
Open J. Math. Optim.
4 (2023)
Sonia Cafieri
Andrew R. Conn
Marcel Mongeau
The continuous quadrant penalty formulation of logical constraints.
Open J. Math. Optim.
4 (2023)
Hande Yaman
Short Paper - A Note on Robust Combinatorial Optimization with Generalized Interval Uncertainty.
Open J. Math. Optim.
4 (2023)
volume 3, 2022
Antoine Oustry
AC Optimal Power Flow: a Conic Programming relaxation and an iterative MILP scheme for Global Optimization.
Open J. Math. Optim.
3 (2022)
Anatoli B. Juditsky
Georgios Kotsalis
Arkadi Nemirovski
Tight computationally efficient approximation of matrix norms with applications.
Open J. Math. Optim.
3 (2022)
Mathieu Barré
Adrien B. Taylor
Francis R. Bach
A note on approximate accelerated forward-backward methods with absolute and relative errors, and possibly strongly convex objectives.
Open J. Math. Optim.
3 (2022)
Zhou Wei
Michel Théra
Jen-Chih Yao
Characterizations of Stability of Error Bounds for Convex Inequality Constraint Systems.
Open J. Math. Optim.
3 (2022)
Lénaïc Chizat
Convergence Rates of Gradient Methods for Convex Optimization in the Space of Measures.
Open J. Math. Optim.
3 (2022)
Yifan Sun
Francis R. Bach
Screening for a Reweighted Penalized Conditional Gradient Method.
Open J. Math. Optim.
3 (2022)
Robert Hildebrand
Matthias Köppe
Yuan Zhou
Equivariant Perturbation in Gomory and Johnson's Infinite Group Problem. VII. Inverse Semigroup Theory, Closures, Decomposition of Perturbations.
Open J. Math. Optim.
3 (2022)
Hamed Rahimian
Sanjay Mehrotra
Frameworks and Results in Distributionally Robust Optimization.
Open J. Math. Optim.
3 (2022)
volume 2, 2021
Edvin Åblad
Ann-Brith Strömberg
Domenico Spensieri
Exact makespan minimization of unrelated parallel machines.
Open J. Math. Optim.
2 (2021)
Marc Goerigk
Stefan Lendl
Robust Combinatorial Optimization with Locally Budgeted Uncertainty.
Open J. Math. Optim.
2 (2021)
Giacomo Nannicini
On the implementation of a global optimization method for mixed-variable problems.
Open J. Math. Optim.
2 (2021)
Wim van Ackooij
Pedro Pérez-Aros
Gradient formulae for probability functions depending on a heterogenous family of constraints.
Open J. Math. Optim.
2 (2021)
Salihah Alwadani
Heinz H. Bauschke
Julian P. Revalski
Xianfu Wang
The difference vectors for convex sets and a resolution of the geometry conjecture.
Open J. Math. Optim.
2 (2021)
Peng Zheng
Karthikeyan Natesan Ramamurthy
Aleksandr Y. Aravkin
Estimating Shape Parameters of Piecewise Linear-Quadratic Problems.
Open J. Math. Optim.
2 (2021)
Jérémy Omer
Antonio Mucherino
The Referenced Vertex Ordering Problem: Theory, Applications, and Solution Methods.
Open J. Math. Optim.
2 (2021)
Marcia Fampa
Jon Lee
Gabriel Ponte
Trading off 1-norm and sparsity against rank for linear models using mathematical optimization: 1-norm minimizing partially reflexive ah-symmetric generalized inverses.
Open J. Math. Optim.
2 (2021)
Giovanni Righini
Efficient optimization of the Held-Karp lower bound.
Open J. Math. Optim.
2 (2021)
volume 1, 2020
Aviv Gibali
Shoham Sabach
Sergey Voldman
Non-Convex Split Feasibility Problems: Models, Algorithms and Theory.
Open J. Math. Optim.
1 (2020)
Amber Q. Chen
Kevin K. H. Cheung
P. Michael Kielstra
Avery D. Winn
Revisiting a Cutting-Plane Method for Perfect Matchings.
Open J. Math. Optim.
1 (2020)