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PARA (2)
volume 7134, 2012
Applied Parallel and Scientific Computing - 10th International Conference, PARA 2010, Reykjavík, Iceland, June 6-9, 2010, Revised Selected Papers, Part II
PARA (2)
7134 (2012)
Carl Christian Kjelgaard Mikkelsen
Bo Kågström
Parallel Solution of Narrow Banded Diagonally Dominant Linear Systems.
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Michael Bader
Kaveh Rahnema
Csaba Vigh
Memory-Efficient Sierpinski-Order Traversals on Dynamically Adaptive, Recursively Structured Triangular Grids.
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Patrick M. Widener
Tahsin M. Kurç
Wenjin Chen
Fusheng Wang
Lin Yang
Jun Hu
Vijay Kumar
Vicky Chu
Lee A. D. Cooper
Jun Kong
Ashish Sharma
Tony Pan
Joel H. Saltz
David J. Foran
High Performance Computing Techniques for Scaling Image Analysis Workflows.
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Sameer Suresh Shende
Allen D. Malony
Alan Morris
Improving the Scalability of Performance Evaluation Tools.
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Andreas Pedersen
Jean-Claude Berthet
Hannes Jónsson
Simulated Annealing with Coarse Graining and Distributed Computing.
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Gerd Bohlender
Ulrich W. Kulisch
Comments on Fast and Exact Accumulation of Products.
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Anna Morajko
Andrea Martínez
Eduardo César
Tomàs Margalef
Joan Sorribes
MATE: Toward Scalable Automated and Dynamic Performance Tuning Environment.
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Bartlomiej Jacek Kubica
Adam Wozniak
Using the Second-Order Information in Pareto-set Computations of a Multi-criteria Problem.
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Shajulin Benedict
Michael Gerndt
Automatic Performance Analysis of OpenMP Codes on a Scalable Shared Memory System Using Periscope.
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Lars Karlsson
Bo Kågström
Efficient Reduction from Block Hessenberg Form to Hessenberg Form Using Shared Memory.
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Aurel Neic
Manfred Liebmann
Gundolf Haase
Gernot Plank
Algebraic Multigrid Solver on Clusters of CPUs and GPUs.
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Andrew A. Davidson
John D. Owens
Toward Techniques for Auto-tuning GPU Algorithms.
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Marcus Holm
Sverker Holmgren
Efficiently Implementing Monte Carlo Electrostatics Simulations on Multicore Accelerators.
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Wilfried Kirschenmann
Laurent Plagne
Stéphane Vialle
Multi-Target Vectorization with MTPS C++ Generic Library.
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Marco Nehmeier
Stefan Siegel
Jürgen Wolff von Gudenberg
Parallel Detection of Interval Overlapping.
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Dóróthea M. Einarsdóttir
Andri Arnaldsson
Finnbogi Óskarsson
Hannes Jónsson
Path Optimization with Application to Tunneling.
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Jason Cope
Kamil Iskra
Dries Kimpe
Robert B. Ross
Bridging HPC and Grid File I/O with IOFSL.
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Hong Diep Nguyen
Efficient Implementation of Interval Matrix Multiplication.
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Christian Stussak
Peter Schenzel
Parallel Computation of Bivariate Polynomial Resultants on Graphics Processing Units.
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Jakub Kurzak
Rajib Nath
Peng Du
Jack J. Dongarra
An Implementation of the Tile QR Factorization for a GPU and Multiple CPUs.
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Emily R. Jacobson
Michael J. Brim
Barton P. Miller
A Lightweight Library for Building Scalable Tools.
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Jens Breitbart
An Approach for Semiautomatic Locality Optimizations Using OpenMP.
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Markus Geimer
Pavel Saviankou
Alexandre Strube
Zoltán Szebenyi
Felix Wolf
Brian J. N. Wylie
Further Improving the Scalability of the Scalasca Toolset.
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Øystein E. Krog
Anne C. Elster
Fast GPU-Based Fluid Simulations Using SPH.
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Frank Mueller
Xing Wu
Martin Schulz
Bronis R. de Supinski
Todd Gamblin
ScalaTrace: Tracing, Analysis and Modeling of HPC Codes at Scale.
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Walter Krämer
Michael Zimmer
Werner Hofschuster
Using C-XSC for High Performance Verified Computing.
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Claude Lacoursière
Mattias Linde
Olof Sabelström
Direct Sparse Factorization of Blocked Saddle Point Matrices.
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Hartwig Anzt
Vincent Heuveline
Björn Rocker
Mixed Precision Iterative Refinement Methods for Linear Systems: Convergence Analysis Based on Krylov Subspace Methods.
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Andrzej Marciniak
An Interval Version of the Crank-Nicolson Method - The First Approach.
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Peter Klüpfel
Simon Klüpfel
Kiril Tsemekhman
Hannes Jónsson
Optimization of Functionals of Orthonormal Functions in the Absence of Unitary Invariance.
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Alfredo Buttari
Fine Granularity Sparse QR Factorization for Multicore Based Systems.
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Luke Czapla
Alexey Siretskiy
John Grime
Malek O. Khan
Free Energy Monte Carlo Simulations on a Distributed Network.
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Michael Schmelling
Markward Britsch
Nikolai Gagunashvili
Hans Kristjan Gudmundsson
Helmut Neukirchen
Nicola Whitehead
RAVEN - Boosting Data Analysis for the LHC Experiments.
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Radim Blaheta
Roman Kohut
Ondrej Jakl
Solution of Identification Problems in Computational Mechanics - Parallel Processing Aspects.
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Martin Lilleeng Sætra
André Rigland Brodtkorb
Shallow Water Simulations on Multiple GPUs.
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Rafal Dabrowski
Bartlomiej Jacek Kubica
Cache-Oblivious Algorithms and Matrix Formats for Computations on Interval Matrices.
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Magnus Gustafsson
Katharina Kormann
Sverker Holmgren
Communication-Efficient Algorithms for Numerical Quantum Dynamics.
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Maciej Cytowski
Analysis of Gravitational Wave Signals on Heterogeneous Architectures.
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Markus Stürmer
Harald Köstler
Ulrich Rüde
Fast Wavelet Transform Utilizing a Multicore-Aware Framework.
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Peter Benner
Pablo Ezzatti
Daniel Kressner
Enrique S. Quintana-Ortí
Alfredo Remón
Accelerating Model Reduction of Large Linear Systems with Graphics Processors.
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Helmut Neukirchen
Taming the Raven - Testing the Random Access, Visualization and Exploration Network RAVEN.
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Markward Britsch
The Computing Framework for Physics Analysis at LHCb.
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Roman Wyrzykowski
Lukasz Kuczynski
Marcin Wozniak
Towards Efficient Execution of Erasure Codes on Multicore Architectures.
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Nuria Plattner
Sharif Kunikeev
David L. Freeman
Jimmie D. Doll
Numerical Investigation of the Cumulant Expansion for Fourier Path Integrals.
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Malgorzata A. Jankowska
An Interval Finite Difference Method of Crank-Nicolson Type for Solving the One-Dimensional Heat Conduction Equation with Mixed Boundary Conditions.
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