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ICSA Workshops
Jan Martijn E. M. van der Werf
Rico de Feijter
Floris Bex
Sjaak Brinkkemper
Facilitating Collaborative Decision Making with the Software Architecture Video Wall.
ICSA Workshops
Ivano Malavolta
Rafael Capilla
Current Research Topics and Trends in the Software Architecture Community: ICSA 2017 Workshops Summary.
ICSA Workshops
M. Usman Iftikhar
Danny Weyns
ActivFORMS: A Runtime Environment for Architecture-Based Adaptation with Guarantees.
ICSA Workshops
David Gesvindr
Jana Michalkova
Barbora Buhnova
System for Collection and Processing of Smart Home Sensor Data.
ICSA Workshops
Klaas Andries de Graaf
Antony Tang
Peng Liang
Ali Khalili
Querying Software Architecture Knowledge as Linked Open Data.
ICSA Workshops
Christian Berger
Björnborg Nguyen
Ola Benderius
Containerized Development and Microservices for Self-Driving Vehicles: Experiences & Best Practices.
ICSA Workshops
Florian Rademacher
Sabine Sachweh
Albert Zündorf
Differences between Model-Driven Development of Service-Oriented and Microservice Architecture.
ICSA Workshops
Thijmen de Gooijer
Discover Quality Requirements with the Mini-QAW.
ICSA Workshops
Radu Calinescu
Software Quality Analysis with Observation-Enhanced Quantitative Verification (Tutorial).
ICSA Workshops
Stefan Haselbock
Rainer Weinreich
Decision Guidance Models for Microservice Monitoring.
ICSA Workshops
Andreas Johnsen
Gordana Dodig Crnkovic
Kristina Lundqvist
Kaj Hänninen
Paul Pettersson
Risk-Based Decision-Making Fallacies: Why Present Functional Safety Standards are Not Enough.
ICSA Workshops
Jeroen Redegeld
Pieter J. L. Cuijpers
Johan J. Lukkien
Stakeholder Impact on the Software Architecture of Intelligent Transport Systems Implementations.
ICSA Workshops
Hannes Klee
Michael Buchholz
Torben Materna
Klaus C. J. Dietmayer
Communication Overhead Reduction by Algorithmic Redundancy in Embedded Systems.
ICSA Workshops
2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture Workshops, ICSA Workshops 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden, April 5-7, 2017
ICSA Workshops
Fabian Burzlaff
Christian Bartelt
Knowledge-Driven Architecture Composition: Case-Based Formalization of Integration Knowledge to Enable Automated Component Coupling.
ICSA Workshops
Habtom Kahsay Gidey
Diego Marmsoler
Jonas Eckhardt
Grounded Architectures: Using Grounded Theory for the Design of Software Architectures.
ICSA Workshops
Bahar Jazayeri
Simon Schwichtenberg
On-the-Fly Computing Meets IoT Markets - Towards a Reference Architecture.
ICSA Workshops
Paris Avgeriou
Barbora Buhnova
Welcome Message from the Tool Demonstrations Chairs of ICSA 2017.
ICSA Workshops
Andrzej Zalewski
Risk Appetite in Architectural Decision-Making.
ICSA Workshops
Remco C. de Boer
ArchiMedes Publication and Integration of Architectural Knowledge.
ICSA Workshops
Fahed Alkhabbas
Majed Ayyad
Radu-Casian Mihailescu
Paul Davidsson
A Commitment-Based Approach to Realize Emergent Configurations in the Internet of Things.
ICSA Workshops
Miroslaw Staron
Yanja Dajsuren
Harald Altinger
Yaping Luo
Andreas Vogelsang
Message from the WASA 2017 Organizing Committee.
ICSA Workshops
Henry Muccini
Mohammad Sharaf
CAPS: A Tool for Architecting Situational-Aware Cyber-Physical Systems.
ICSA Workshops
Heiko Koziolek
Rich Hilliard
Welcome Message from the ICSA 2017 Industry Track Co-Chairs.
ICSA Workshops
Romina Spalazzese
Marie Christin Platenius
Steffen Becker
Gregor Engels
Per Persson
Message from the IoT-ASAP Chairs.
ICSA Workshops
Neil A. Ernst
John Klein
George Mathew
Tim Menzies
Using Stakeholder Preferences to Make Better Architecture Decisions.
ICSA Workshops
Angelo Croatti
Alessandro Ricci
Towards the Web of Augmented Things.
ICSA Workshops
Saleh Mohamed
Matthew Forshaw
Nigel Thomas
Automatic Generation of Distributed Run-Time Infrastructure for Internet of Things.
ICSA Workshops
Benoît Combemale
Olivier Barais
Andreas Wortmann
Language Engineering with the GEMOC Studio.
ICSA Workshops
Giona Granchelli
Mario Cardarelli
Paolo Di Francesco
Ivano Malavolta
Ludovico Iovino
Amleto Di Salle
Towards Recovering the Software Architecture of Microservice-Based Systems.
ICSA Workshops
Francesca Arcelli Fontana
Ilaria Pigazzini
Riccardo Roveda
Damian A. Tamburri
Marco Zanoni
Elisabetta Di Nitto
Arcan: A Tool for Architectural Smells Detection.
ICSA Workshops
Krzysztof Wnuk
Involving Relevant Stakeholders into the Decision Process about Software Components.
ICSA Workshops
Egbert Touw
Multi-faceted Reliability Assessment Techniques: An Industrial Case Study.
ICSA Workshops
Janosch Zbick
A Web-Based Reference Architecture for Mobile Learning: Its Quality Aspects and Evaluation.
ICSA Workshops
Maryam Razavian
Antony Tang
Hans van Vliet
Jan Carlson
Message from the MARCH 2017 Chairs.
ICSA Workshops
Jens Knodel
Matthias Naab
How to Evaluate Software Architectures: Tutorial on Practical Insights on Architecture Evaluation Projects with Industrial Customers.
ICSA Workshops
Jeroen Ploeg
Cooperative Vehicle Automation: Safety Aspects and Control Software Architecture.
ICSA Workshops
Petr Picha
Premek Brada
Ralf Ramsauer
Wolfgang Mauerer
Towards Architect's Activity Detection through a Common Model for Project Pattern Analysis.
ICSA Workshops
Giona Granchelli
Mario Cardarelli
Paolo Di Francesco
Ivano Malavolta
Ludovico Iovino
Amleto Di Salle
MicroART: A Software Architecture Recovery Tool for Maintaining Microservice-Based Systems.
ICSA Workshops
Tudor B. Ionescu
Anthropocentrism in Software Design: A New Reference Problem in the Design of Intelligent Sociotechnical Systems?
ICSA Workshops
Joanna C. S. Santos
Katy Tarrit
Mehdi Mirakhorli
A Catalog of Security Architecture Weaknesses.
ICSA Workshops
Klym Shumaiev
Manoj Bhat
Automatic Uncertainty Detection in Software Architecture Documentation.
ICSA Workshops
Remco C. de Boer
Noël Plouzeau
Welcome Message from the ICSA 2017 Tutorial Chairs.
ICSA Workshops
Michael Wahler
Raphael Eidenbenz
Aurelien Monot
Manuel Oriol
Thanikesavan Sivanthi
Quality Attribute Trade-Offs in Industrial Software Systems.
ICSA Workshops
Wilhelm Hasselbring
Guido Steinacker
Microservice Architectures for Scalability, Agility and Reliability in E-Commerce.
ICSA Workshops
Ronny Seiger
Stefan Herrmann
Uwe Aßmann
Self-Healing for Distributed Workflows in the Internet of Things.
ICSA Workshops
Evren Çilden
Halit Oguztüzün
A Reflexion Model Based Architecture Conformance Analysis Toolkit for OSGi-Compliant Applications.
ICSA Workshops
Manoj Kannan Soundara Pandian
Kunal Suri
Juan Cadavid
Ion Barosan
Mark van den Brand
Mauricio Alférez
Sébastien Gérard
Towards Industry 4.0: Gap Analysis between Current Automotive MES and Industry Standards Using Model-Based Requirement Engineering.
ICSA Workshops
Kenny Wehling
David Wille
Christoph Seidl
Ina Schaefer
Decision Support for Reducing Unnecessary IT Complexity of Application Architectures.
ICSA Workshops
Paolo Di Francesco
Architecting Microservices.
ICSA Workshops