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SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Lucas Ferreira Da Silva
João V. F. Lima
An evaluation of Cassandra NoSQL database on a low-power cluster.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
William F. C. Tavares
Marcio Roberto Miranda Assis
Edson Borin
Quantifying and detecting HPC resource wastage in cloud environments.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Cristiano A. Künas
Matheus S. Serpa
Jean Luca Bez
Edson L. Padoin
Philippe O. A. Navaux
Offloading the Training of an I/O Access Pattern Detector to the Cloud.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Otávio Oliveira Napoli
Gustavo Ciotto Pinton
Edson Borin
CLAP-Bot: a framework for automatic optimization of high-performance elastic applications on the Clouds.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Rafael Keller Tesser
Alvaro Marques
Edson Borin
Selecting efficient VM types to train deep learning models on Amazon SageMaker.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
33rd International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing, SBAC-PAD 2021 Workshops, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, October 26-29, 2021
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Rafael Gauna Trindade
João V. F. Lima
Andrea Schwertner Charão
A Memory Affinity Analysis of Scientific Applications on NUMA Platforms.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Rafaela C. Brum
Lúcia M. A. Drummond
Maria Clicia Castro
George Teodoro
Towards Optimizing Computational Costs of Federated Learning in Clouds.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Raoni Matos Smaneoto
Thiago Emmanuel Pereira
Francisco Vilar Brasileiro
A Cloud-Based Batch Processing System for Loosely-Coupled Applications.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Bruno Marques
Igor Machado Coelho
Alexandre da Costa Sena
Maria Clicia Stelling de Castro
A Communication Protocol for Fog Computing Based on Network Coding Applied to Wireless Sensors.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Alyson D. Pereira
Rodrigo C. O. Rocha
Luiz Ramos
Márcio Castro
Luís F. W. Góes
Automatic Partitioning of Stencil Computations on Heterogeneous Systems.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Matheus S. Serpa
Eduardo H. M. Cruz
Matthias Diener
Arthur M. Krause
Albert Farrés
Claudia Rosas
Jairo Panetta
Mauricio Hanzich
Philippe O. A. Navaux
Strategies to Improve the Performance of a Geophysics Model for Different Manycore Systems.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Hugo Resende
Alvaro Luiz Fazenda
Marcos Gonçalves Quiles
Parallel Algorithm for Dynamic Community Detection.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Jucele Franca de Alencar Vasconcellos
Edson Norberto Cáceres
Henrique Mongelli
Siang Wun Song
A Parallel Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree on GPU.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Caio B. G. Carvalho
Victor da Cruz Ferreira
Felipe M. G. França
Cristiana Bentes
Tiago A. O. Alves
Alexandre da Costa Sena
Leandro A. J. Marzulo
Towards a Dataflow Runtime Environment for Edge, Fog and In-Situ Computing.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Frederico Luís Cabral
Carla Osthoff
Gabriel P. Costa
Diego N. Brandão
Mauricio Kischinhevsky
Sanderson L. Gonzaga de Oliveira
Tuning Up TVD HOPMOC Method on Intel MIC Xeon Phi Architectures with Intel Parallel Studio Tools.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Felipe L. Teixeira
Maurício L. Pilla
André Rauber Du Bois
Daniel Mossé
Impact of Version Management for Transactional Memories on Phase-Change Memories.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Roger da Silva Machado
Ricardo Borges Almeida
Andre D. Jardim
Ana Marilza Pernas
Adenauer C. Yamin
Gerson Geraldo H. Cavalheiro
Comparing Performance of C Compilers Optimizations on Different Multicore Architectures.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Leandro Pereira
Cristiana Bentes
Maria Clicia Stelling de Castro
Eduardo Garcia
A Case Study of Performance Optimization in a Heterogeneous Environment.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Alexandre Solon Nery
Alexandre da Costa Sena
Leandro S. Guedes
Efficient Pathfinding Co-Processors for FPGAs.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Marcos Paulo Rocha
Felipe M. G. França
Alexandre Solon Nery
Leandro S. Guedes
Dataflow Programming for Stream Processing.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Anderson Braga de Avila
Renata H. S. Reiser
Adenauer C. Yamin
Maurício L. Pilla
Efficient In-Situ Quantum Computing Simulation of Shor's and Grover's Algorithms.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Maicol Zegarra
Marcio Machado Pereira
Xavier Martorell
Guido Araujo
Automatic Scan Parallelization in OpenMP.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Leandro A. J. Marzulo
Alexandre da Costa Sena
Guilherme Lúcio Abelha Mota
Otávio da Fonseca Martins Gomes
A Dataflow Implementation of Region Growing Method for Cracks Segmentation.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
João V. F. Lima
Daniel Di Domenico
HPSM: A Programming Framework for Multi-CPU and Multi-GPU Systems.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Daniel Erguiz
Ernesto Dufrechou
Pablo Ezzatti
Assessing Sparse Triangular Linear System Solvers on GPUs.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
João V. F. Lima
Issam Raïs
Laurent Lefèvre
Thierry Gautier
Performance and Energy Analysis of OpenMP Runtime Systems with Dense Linear Algebra Algorithms.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
2017 International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing Workshops, SBAC-PAD Workshops, Campinas, Brazil, October 17-20, 2017
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Matheus Alcântara Souza
Tulio T. Cota
Matheus M. Queiroz
Henrique C. Freitas
Energy Consumption Improvement of Shared-Cache Multicore Clusters Based on Explicit Simultaneous Multithreading.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Serge Midonnet
Achille Wattelar
A Processor Workload Distribution Algorithm for Massively Parallel Applications.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Edson Borin
Caian Benedicto
Ian L. Rodrigues
Flavia Pisani
Martin Tygel
Maurício Breternitz
PY-PITS: A Scalable Python Runtime System for the Computation of Partially Idempotent Tasks.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Hércules Cardoso da Silva
Flavia Pisani
Edson Borin
A Comparative Study of SYCL, OpenCL, and OpenMP.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Veronica Gil-Costa
Nicolas Hidalgo
Erika Rosas
Mauricio Marín
A Dynamic Load Balance Algorithm for the S4 Parallel Stream Processing Engine.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Michael Opoku Agyeman
Wen Zong
An Efficient 2D Router Architecture for Extending the Performance of Inhomogeneous 3D NoC-Based Multi-Core Architectures.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Youngsoo Kim
Shrikant Jadhav
Clay S. Gloster Jr.
Dataflow to Hardware Synthesis Framework on FPGAs.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
2016 International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing Workshops, SBAC-PAD Workshops 2016, Los Angeles, CA, USA, October 26-28, 2016
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Ricardo Santos
Ricardo Aguiar
Paulo Soken
Samuel Ferraz
Liana Duenha
Thread Footprint Analysis for the Design of Multithreaded Applications and Multicore Systems.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Eyder Rios
Igor Machado Coelho
Luiz Satoru Ochi
Cristina Boeres
Ricardo C. Farias
A Benchmark on Multi Improvement Neighborhood Search Strategies in CPU/GPU Systems.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Michael Opoku Agyeman
Quoc-Tuan Vien
Gary Hill
Scott J. Turner
Terrence S. T. Mak
An Efficient Channel Model for Evaluating Wireless NoC Architectures.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Rafael J. N. Silva
Brunno F. Goldstein
Leandro Santiago
Alexandre da Costa Sena
Leandro A. J. Marzulo
Tiago A. O. Alves
Felipe Maia Galvão França
Task Scheduling in Sucuri Dataflow Library.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Ping Guo
Changjiang Zhang
Performance Optimization for SpMV on Multi-GPU Systems Using Threads and Multiple Streams.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Tomasz Klimek
Marek Palkowski
Wlodzimierz Bielecki
Synchronization-Free Automatic Parallelization for Arbitrarily Nested Affine Loops.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Emmanoel M. De Sousa Junior
Idalmis Milián Sardiña
Frederico Lopes
Parallelism and Scalability: A Solution Focused on the Cloud Computing Processing Service Billing.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Raphael Ribeiro
Paulo Motta
Towards a GPU Abstraction for Lua.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Martti Forsell
Jussi Roivainen
Ville Leppänen
Outline of a Thick Control Flow Architecture.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Aline de P. Nascimento
Cristina Nader Vasconcelos
F. S. Jamel
Alexandre da Costa Sena
A Hybrid Parallel Algorithm for the Auction Algorithm in Multicore Systems.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Diego Leonel Cadette Dutra
Heberte F. Moraes
Cláudio L. Amorim
RadFlow: An Interest-Centric Task Based Dataflow Runtime.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Jean Luca Bez
Lucas Mello Schnorr
Philippe O. A. Navaux
Characterizing Anomalies of a Multicore ARMv7 Cluster with Parallel N-Body Simulations.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Juliana Zamith
Thiago Silva
Lúcia M. A. Drummond
Cristina Boeres
Cristiana Bentes
On the Evaluation of Contention-Aware List Schedulers on Multicore Cluster.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)
Vinícius Garcia Pinto
Vinicius Alves Herbstrith
Lucas Mello Schnorr
Replicating the Performance Evaluation of an N-Body Application on a Manycore Accelerator.
SBAC-PAD (Workshops)