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Y. Jiang
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1995-2024
Publications (10 Years): 9
Top Topics
Operational Risk
Thin Film
Si Sio
Multi Layer Neural Network
Top Venues
Knowl. Based Syst.
Astron. Comput.
S. Halder
Michael Bewong
Arash Mahboubi
Y. Jiang
R. Islam
Z. Islam
Ryan H. L. Ip
E. Ahmed
G. Ramachandran
A. Babar
Malicious Package Detection using Metadata Information.
Zhaoyu Rui
Zhao Zhang
Man Zhang
Afshin Azizi
C. Igathinathane
Haiyan Cen
Stavros Vougioukas
Haigang Li
J. Zhang
Y. Jiang
X. Jiao
M. Wang
Yiannis Ampatzidis
O. I. Oladele
Mahdi Ghasemi-Varnamkhasti
High-throughput proximal ground crop phenotyping systems - A comprehensive review.
Comput. Electron. Agric.
224 (2024)
H. J. Zhao
B. Sheng
J. C. Jiang
Y. Jiang
Incentive Mechanism Design with Gold Standard Questions Based on Approval Voting in Crowdsourcing.
Jiuchuan Jiang
Yuan Li
Y. Jiang
Zhan Bu
Jie Cao
An intermediary utility-based service search and structure organization approach in service-oriented MAS.
Knowl. Based Syst.
241 (2022)
Y. Jiang
S. Zheng
Z. Jiang
S. Zeng
Z. Chen
X. Zeng
X. Luo
Y. Huang
A connectivity-based method for detecting clumpy structures in molecular clouds.
Astron. Comput.
40 (2022)
Y. Kong
Y. Jiang
R. Han
H. Wu
A generalized varying-parameter recurrent neural network for super solution of quadratic programming problem.
437 (2021)
Jinyu Zhang
Xuechun Luo
Yao Zhou
Weiwei Ruan
Y. Jiang
Zhifeng Hao
Two-way negotiation for intelligent hotel reservation based on multiagent: The model and system.
Knowl. Based Syst.
161 (2018)
Antonino Nespola
Y. Jiang
Luca Bertignono
Gabriella Bosco
Andrea Carena
Syed M. Bilal
Fabrizio Forghieri
Pierluigi Poggiolini
Effectiveness of digital back-propagation and symbol-rate optimization in coherent WDM optical systems.
Y. Jiang
C. Yang
Q. Zhang
K. Yang
S. Kosolwattana
J. Joyner
H. Gullapalli
R. Vajtai
Reduced graphene oxide and gel polymer based thin film supercapacitor.
Antonino Nespola
M. Huchard
Gabriella Bosco
Andrea Carena
Y. Jiang
Pierluigi Poggiolini
Fabrizio Forghieri
Experimental validation of the EGN-model in uncompensated optical links.
Pierluigi Poggiolini
Andrea Carena
Y. Jiang
Gabriella Bosco
Fabrizio Forghieri
On the ultimate potential of symbol-rate optimization for increasing system maximum reach.
Pierluigi Poggiolini
Y. Jiang
Andrea Carena
Gabriella Bosco
Fabrizio Forghieri
Analytical results on system maximum reach increase through symbol rate optimization.
Antonino Nespola
Luca Bertignono
Gabriella Bosco
Andrea Carena
Y. Jiang
Syed M. Bilal
Pierluigi Poggiolini
Silvio Abrate
Fabrizio Forghieri
Experimental demonstration of fiber nonlinearity mitigation in a WDM multi-subcarrier coherent optical system.
Pierluigi Poggiolini
Gabriella Bosco
Andrea Carena
Vittorio Curri
Y. Jiang
Syed M. Bilal
Antonino Nespola
Luca Bertignono
Silvio Abrate
Fabrizio Forghieri
Theoretical and experimental assessment of nonlinearity mitigation through symbol rate optimization.
Andrea Carena
Y. Jiang
Pierluigi Poggiolini
Gabriella Bosco
Vittorio Curri
Fabrizio Forghieri
Electronic dispersion pre-compensation in PM-QPSK systems over mixed-fiber links.
K. Duch
Y. Jiang
Alexander Y. Kreinin
New approaches to operational risk modeling.
IBM J. Res. Dev.
58 (4) (2014)
Y. Jiang
J. Hong
X. L. Li
J. Qu
Analysis on visual ergonomics of instrument display system through event-related-potential.
Y. Jiang
Andrea Carena
Pierluigi Poggiolini
Fabrizio Forghieri
On the impact of non-linear phase-noise on the assessment of long-haul uncompensated coherent systems performance.
Pierluigi Poggiolini
Andrea Carena
Y. Jiang
Gabriella Bosco
Vittorio Curri
Fabrizio Forghieri
Impact of low-OSNR operation on the performance of advanced coherent optical transmission systems.
Joseph C. McBride
Xiaopeng Zhao
T. Nichols
V. Vagnini
N. Munro
David T. R. Berry
Y. Jiang
Scalp EEG-Based Discrimination of Cognitive Deficits After Traumatic Brain Injury Using Event-Related Tsallis Entropy Analysis.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
60 (1) (2013)
Y. Jiang
Organizational Structure-Satisfactory Social Law Determination in Multiagent Workflow Systems.
Comput. Informatics
29 (3) (2010)
Dmytro Farina
Y. Jiang
Olaf Dössel
Acceleration of FEM-based transfer matrix computation for forward and inverse problems of electrocardiography.
Medical Biol. Eng. Comput.
47 (12) (2009)
Y. Jiang
J. Jiang
P. Capodieci
A SVM-Based Behavior Monitoring Algorithm towards Detection of Un-desired Events in Critical Infrastructures.
J. Xie
Y. Jiang
Stochastic Service Guarantee Analysis Based on Time-Domain Models
Y. Jiang
Lide Cao
R. Sankreacha
J. Pignol
Software tool for Breast Cancer Brachytherapy Planning using VTK.
Y. Wang
Y. Tang
Y. Jiang
Y.-G. Chung
S.-S. Song
M.-S. Lim
Novel Memory Reference Reduction Methods for FFT Implementations on DSP Processors.
IEEE Trans. Signal Process.
55 (5-2) (2007)
Y. Jiang
X. Ding
Z. Ren
A Suffix Tree Based Handwritten Chinese Address Recognition System.
Y. Jia
Y. Jiang
Active Contour Model with Shape Constraints for Bone Fracture Detection.
Francis Y. L. Chin
Henry C. M. Leung
Siu-Ming Yiu
Tak Wah Lam
Roni Rosenfeld
Wai Wan Tsang
David K. Smith
Y. Jiang
Finding motifs for insufficient number of sequences with strong binding to transcription facto.
R. M. Zur
Y. Jiang
Charles E. Metz
Comparison of two methods of adding jitter to artificial neural network training.
Y. Jiang
X-ray bone fracture subtraction using geodesic active contour and mathematical morphology operations.
Y. Jiang
W. R. Smith
G. R. Chapman
Global Optimality Conditions and their Geometric Interpretation for the Chemical and Phase Equilibrium Problem.
SIAM J. Optim.
5 (4) (1995)