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Olaf Dössel
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1992-2024
Publications (10 Years): 79
Top Topics
Atrial Fibrillation
Statistical Shape Model
Simulation Study
Calculation Method
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
Temesgen Mehari
Ashish Sundar
Alen Bosnjakovic
Peter M. Harris
Steven E. Williams
Axel Loewe
Olaf Dössel
Claudia Nagel
Nils Strodthoff
Philip J. Aston
ECG Feature Importance Rankings: Cardiologists Vs. Algorithms.
IEEE J. Biomed. Health Informatics
28 (4) (2024)
Nicolas Pilia
Steffen Schuler
Maike Rees
Gerald Moik
Danila Potyagaylo
Olaf Dössel
Axel Loewe
Non-invasive localization of the ventricular excitation origin without patient-specific geometries using deep learning.
Artif. Intell. Medicine
143 (2023)
Claudia Nagel
Cristian Barrios Espinosa
Karli Gillette
Matthias A. F. Gsell
Jorge Patricio Sánchez Arciniegas
Gernot Plank
Olaf Dössel
Axel Loewe
Comparison of Propagation Models and Forward Calculation Methods on Cellular, Tissue and Organ Scale Atrial Electrophysiology.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
70 (2) (2023)
Laura Anna Unger
Carmen Martínez Antón
Michael Stritt
Reza Wakili
Annika Haas
Michael Kircher
Olaf Dössel
Armin Luik
In Silico Study of Local Electrical Impedance Measurements in the Atria - Towards Understanding and Quantifying Dependencies in Human.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
70 (2) (2023)
Luca Azzolin
Martin Eichenlaub
Claudia Nagel
Deborah Nairn
Jorge Sánchez
Laura A. Unger
Thomas Arentz
Dirk Westermann
Olaf Dössel
Amir Jadidi
Axel Loewe
AugmentA: Patient-specific augmented atrial model generation tool.
Comput. Medical Imaging Graph.
108 (2023)
Carmen Martínez Antón
Jorge Sánchez
Nansi Caslli
Lena Heinemann
Laura Anna Unger
Axel Loewe
Olaf Dössel
In Silico Computation of Electrograms and Local Electrical Impedance to Assess Non-Transmural Fibrosis.
Temesgen Mehari
Ashish Sundar
Alen Bosnjakovic
Peter M. Harris
Steven E. Williams
Axel Loewe
Olaf Dössel
Claudia Nagel
Nils Strodthoff
Philip J. Aston
ECG Feature Importance Rankings: Cardiologists vs. Algorithms.
Cristian Barrios Espinosa
Jorge Sánchez
Olaf Dössel
Axel Loewe
Diffusion Reaction Eikonal Alternant Model: Towards Fast Simulations of Complex Cardiac Arrhythmias.
Carmen Martínez Antón
Jorge Sánchez
Andreas Heinkele
Laura Anna Unger
Annika Haas
Kerstin Schmidt
Armin Luik
Axel Loewe
Olaf Dössel
Effect of Contact Force on Local Electrical Impedance in Atrial Tissue - an In Silico Evaluation.
Steffen Schuler
Matthias Schaufelberger
Laura R. Bear
Jake A. Bergquist
Matthijs J. M. Cluitmans
Jaume Coll-Font
Önder Nazim Onak
Brian Zenger
Axel Loewe
Rob S. MacLeod
Dana H. Brooks
Olaf Dössel
Reducing Line-of-Block Artifacts in Cardiac Activation Maps Estimated Using ECG Imaging: A Comparison of Source Models and Estimation Methods.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
69 (6) (2022)
Claudia Nagel
Johannes Osypka
Laura Anna Unger
Deborah Nairn
Armin Luik
Reza Wakili
Olaf Dössel
Axel Loewe
Improving Clinical ECG-based Atrial Fibrosis Quantification With Neural Networks Through In Silico P waves From an Extensive Virtual Patient Cohort.
Karli Gillette
Matthias A. F. Gsell
Claudia Nagel
Jule Bender
Bejamin Winkler
Steven E. Williams
Markus Bär
Tobias Schäffter
Olaf Dössel
Gernot Plank
Axel Loewe
MedalCare-XL: 16, 900 healthy and pathological 12 lead ECGs obtained through electrophysiological simulations.
Patricia Martínez Díaz
Jorge Sánchez
Claudia Nagel
Marta Martínez Pérez
Ismael Hernández-Romero
María S. Guillem
Olaf Dössel
Axel Loewe
Personalized Modeling of Atrial Activation and P-waves: a Comparison Between Invasive and Non-invasive Cardiac Mapping.
Nicolas Pilia
Steffen Schuler
Maike Rees
Gerald Moik
Danila Potyagaylo
Olaf Dössel
Axel Loewe
Non-invasive Localization of the Ventricular Excitation Origin Without Patient-specific Geometries Using Deep Learning.
Philip J. Aston
Temesgen Mehari
Alen Bosnjakovic
Peter M. Harris
Ashish Sundar
Steven E. Williams
Olaf Dössel
Axel Loewe
Claudia Nagel
Nils Strodthoff
Multi-Class ECG Feature Importance Rankings: Cardiologists vs Algorithms.
Giorgio Luongo
Steffen Schuler
Armin Luik
Tiago P. Almeida
Diogo C. Soriano
Olaf Dössel
Axel Loewe
Non-Invasive Characterization of Atrial Flutter Mechanisms Using Recurrence Quantification Analysis on the ECG: A Computational Study.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
68 (3) (2021)
Deborah Nairn
Claudia Nagel
Björn Müller-Edenborn
Heiko Lehrmann
Thomas Arentz
Olaf Dössel
Amir Jadidi
Axel Loewe
Optimal Regional Voltage Thresholds for Identifying Ablation Targets in Patients with Atrial Fibrillation.
Michael Kircher
Gunnar Elke
Birgit Stender
María Hernández Mesa
Felix Schuderer
Olaf Dössel
Matthew Fuld
Ahmed F. Halaweish
Eric A. Hoffman
Norbert Weiler
Inéz Frerichs
Regional Lung Perfusion Analysis in Experimental ARDS by Electrical Impedance and Computed Tomography.
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging
40 (1) (2021)
Giorgio Luongo
Steffen Schuler
Massimo W. Rivolta
Olaf Dössel
Roberto Sassi
Axel Loewe
Semi-Supervised vs. Supervised Learning for Discriminating Atrial Flutter Mechanisms Using the 12-lead ECG.
Nicolas Pilia
Claudia Nagel
Gustavo Lenis
Silvia Becker
Olaf Dössel
Axel Loewe
ECGdeli - An open source ECG delineation toolbox for MATLAB.
13 (2021)
Yannick Lutz
Tobias Meißner
Lorena Krames
Giorgio Cattaneo
Stephan Meckel
Olaf Dössel
Axel Loewe
Selective Brain Hypothermia for Ischemic MCA-M1 Stroke: Influence of Cerebral Arterial Circulation in a 3D Brain Temperature Model.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
68 (2) (2021)
Claudia Nagel
Steffen Schuler
Olaf Dössel
Axel Loewe
A bi-atrial statistical shape model for large-scale in silico studies of human atria: Model development and application to ECG simulations.
Medical Image Anal.
74 (2021)
Luca Azzolin
Claudia Nagel
Deborah Nairn
Jorge Sánchez
Tianbao Zheng
Martin Eichenlaub
Amir Jadidi
Olaf Dössel
Axel Loewe
Automated Framework for the Augmentation of Missing Anatomical Structures and Generation of Personalized Atrial Models from Clinical Data.
Jimena Gabriela Siles
João Salinet
Stefan Pollnow
Olaf Dössel
Ilija Uzelac
Estimation of the Ablated Area size based on Local Conduction Velocity Simulations and animal experiments.
Claudia Nagel
Matthias Schaufelberger
Olaf Dössel
Axel Loewe
A Bi-atrial Statistical Shape Model as a Basis to Classify Left Atrial Enlargement from Simulated and Clinical 12-Lead ECGs.
Laura Anna Unger
Armin Luik
Annika Haas
Olaf Dössel
Comparison of Morphology-Based and Delay-Based Measures for Reference Beat Classification during Atrial Tachycardia.
Tiago P. Almeida
Mark Nothstein
Xin Li
Michela Masè
Flavia Ravelli
Diogo C. Soriano
Arthur S. Bezerra
Fernando S. Schlindwein
Takashi Yoneyama
Olaf Dössel
G. André Ng
Axel Loewe
Phase Singularities in a Cardiac Patch Model With a Non-conductive Fibrotic Area During Atrial Fibrillation.
Daniel Frisch
Tobias Georg Oesterlein
Laura A. Unger
Gustavo Lenis
Reza Wakili
Claus Schmitt
Armin Luik
Olaf Dössel
Axel Loewe
Mapping and Removing the Ventricular Far Field Component in Unipolar Atrial Electrograms.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
67 (10) (2020)
Jordan Elliott
Olaf Dössel
Axel Loewe
Luca T. Mainardi
Valentina Cerino
José Felix Rodriguez Matas
An In-Silico Study Into the Impact of Electrophysiological Variability at the Cellular Level on the Re-entry Patterns in Atrial Fibrillation.
Luca Azzolin
Giorgio Luongo
Sara Rocher Ventura
Javier Saiz
Olaf Dössel
Axel Loewe
Influence of Gradient and Smoothness of Atrial Wall Thickness on Initiation and Maintenance of Atrial Fibrillation.
Tobias Gerach
Steffen Schuler
Ekaterina Kovacheva
Olaf Dössel
Axel Loewe
Consequences of Using an Orthotropic Stress Tensor for Left Ventricular Systole.
Deborah Nairn
Daniel Hunyar
Jorge Sánchez
Olaf Dössel
Axel Loewe
Impact of Electrode Size on Electrogram Voltage in Healthy and Diseased Tissue.
Giorgio Luongo
Luca Azzolin
Massimo Walter Rivolta
Roberto Sassi
Juan Pablo Martínez
Pablo Laguna
Olaf Dössel
Andrew Lowe
Non-Invasive Identification of Atrial Fibrillation Driver Location Using the 12-lead ECG: Pulmonary Vein Rotors vs. other Locations.
Giorgio Luongo
Luca Azzolin
Massimo Walter Rivolta
Tiago P. Almeida
Juan Pablo Martínez
Diogo C. Soriano
Olaf Dössel
Roberto Sassi
Pablo Laguna
Axel Loewe
Machine Learning to Find Areas of Rotors Sustaining Atrial Fibrillation From the ECG.
Jimena G. S. Paredes
Stefan Pollnow
Olaf Dössel
João Salinet
The Influence of Cardiac Ablation on the Electrophysiological Characterization of Rat Isolated Atrium: Preliminary Analysis.
Giorgio Luongo
Steffen Schuler
Massimo Walter Rivolta
Olaf Dössel
Roberto Sassi
Axel Loewe
Automatic ECG-based Discrimination of 20 Atrial Flutter Mechanisms: Influence of Atrial and Torso Geometries.
Yannick Lutz
Rosa Daschner
Lorena Krames
Axel Loewe
Olaf Dössel
Giorgio Cattaneo
Estimating Local Therapeutic Hypothermia in Case of Ischemic Stroke Using a 1D Hemodynamics Model and an Energetic Temperature Model.
Nicolas Pilia
María Hernández Mesa
Olaf Dössel
Axel Loewe
ECG-based Estimation of Potassium and Calcium Concentrations: Proof of Concept with Simulated Data.
Steffen Schuler
Danila Potyagaylo
Olaf Dössel
Using a Spatio-Temporal Basis for ECG Imaging of Ventricular Pacings: Insights From Simulations and First Application to Clinical Data.
Matthias Schaufelberger
Steffen Schuler
Laura Bear
Matthijs J. M. Cluitmans
Jaume Coll-Font
Önder Nazim Onak
Olaf Dössel
Dana H. Brooks
Comparison of Activation Times Estimation for Potential-Based ECG Imaging.
Tiago P. Almeida
Laura A. Unger
Diogo C. Soriano
Xin Li
Olaf Dössel
Takashi Yoneyama
Axel Loewe
Recurrence Quantification Analysis for Investigating Atrial Fibrillation Dynamics in a Heterogeneous Simulation Setup.
Tobias Gerach
Daniel L. Weiß
Olaf Dössel
Axel Loewe
Observation Guided Systematic Reduction of a Detailed Human Ventricular Cell Model.
Jordan Elliott
Olaf Dössel
Axel Loewe
Luca T. Mainardi
Valentina D. A. Corino
José Felix Rodriguez Matas
An In-Silico Study of the Effects of Conductance Variation on the Regionally Based Action Potential Morphology.
Michael Kircher
Rohit Hattiangdi
Robert Menges
Olaf Dössel
Influence of background lung tissue conductivity on the cardiosynchronous EIT signal components: a sensitivity study.
Steffen Schuler
Jess D. Tate
Thom F. Oostendorp
Robert S. MacLeod
Olaf Dössel
Spatial Downsampling of Surface Sources in the Forward Problem of Electrocardiography.
Laura A. Unger
Tobias Georg Oesterlein
Axel Loewe
Olaf Dössel
Noise Quantification and Noise Reduction for Unipolar and Bipolar Electrograms.
Steffen Schuler
Danila Potyagaylo
Olaf Dössel
Delay-Based Regularization for ECG Imaging of Transmembrane Voltages.
Jess D. Tate
Steffen Schuler
Olaf Dössel
Robert S. MacLeod
Thom F. Oostendorp
Correcting Undersampled Cardiac Sources in Equivalent Double Layer Forward Simulations.
Deborah Nairn
Heiko Lehrmann
Amir Jadidi
Olaf Dössel
Axel Loewe
Comparison of Voltage Map Calculation Methods Using Non-Fractionated EGM Signals in a Persistent AF Patient.
Jorge Sánchez
Mark Nothstein
Laura A. Unger
Javier Saiz
Beatriz Trénor
Olaf Dössel
Axel Loewe
Influence of Fibrotic Tissue Arrangement on Intracardiac Electrograms During Persistent Atrial Fibrillation.
Axel Loewe
María Hernández Mesa
Nicolas Pilia
Stefano Severi
Olaf Dössel
A Heterogeneous Formulation of the Himeno et al. Human Ventricular Myocyte Model for Simulation of Body Surface ECGs.
Olaf Dössel
Tobias Oesterlein
Laura A. Unger
Axel Loewe
Claus Schmitt
Armin Luik
Spatio-temporal Analysis of Multichannel Atrial Electrograms Based on a Concept of Active Areas.
Arno M. Janssen
Danila Potyagaylo
Olaf Dössel
Thom F. Oostendorp
Assessment of the equivalent dipole layer source model in the reconstruction of cardiac activation times on the basis of BSPMs produced by an anisotropic model of the heart.
Medical Biol. Eng. Comput.
56 (6) (2018)
Tobias Georg Oesterlein
Axel Loewe
Gustavo Lenis
Armin Luik
Claus Schmitt
Olaf Dössel
Automatic Identification of Reentry Mechanisms and Critical Sites During Atrial Tachycardia by Analyzing Areas of Activity.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
65 (10) (2018)
Bhawna Verma
Tobias Georg Oesterlein
Axel Loewe
Armin Luik
Claus Schmitt
Olaf Dössel
Regional conduction velocity calculation from clinical multichannel electrograms in human atria.
Comput. Biol. Medicine
92 (2018)
Stefan Pollnow
Nicolas Pilia
G. Schwaderlapp
Axel Loewe
Olaf Dössel
Gustavo Lenis
An adaptive spatio-temporal Gaussian filter for processing cardiac optical mapping data.
Comput. Biol. Medicine
102 (2018)
Ekaterina Kovacheva
Lukas Baron
Olaf Dössel
Axel Loewe
Electro-Mechanical Delay in the Human Heart: A Study on a Simple Geometry.
Steffen Schuler
Axel Loewe
Olaf Dössel
Forcing Transmembrane Voltages to Decrease Slowly: A Temporal Regularization for ECG Imaging.
Maddalena Valinoti
Francesca Berto
Martino Alessandrini
Roberto Mantovan
Axel Loewe
Olaf Dössel
Stefano Severi
Cristiana Corsi
Phase Analysis of Endoatrial Electrograms for 3D Rotor Detection in Atrial Fibrillation.
Nicolas Pilia
Olaf Dössel
Gustavo Lenis
Axel Loewe
ECG as a Tool to Estimate Potassium and Calcium Concentrations in the Extracellular Space.
Axel Loewe
Emanuel Poremba
Tobias Georg Oesterlein
Nicolas Pilia
Micha Pfeiffer
Olaf Dössel
Stefanie Speidel
An Interactive Virtual Reality Environment for Analysis of Clinical Atrial Arrhythmias and Ablation Planning.
Steffen Schuler
Danila Potyagaylo
Olaf Dössel
ECG Imaging of Simulated Atrial Fibrillation: Imposing Epi-Endocardial Similarity Facilitates the Reconstruction of Transmembrane Voltages.
Martino Alessandrini
Maddalena Valinoti
Axel Loewe
Tobias Georg Oesterlein
Olaf Dössel
Cristiana Corsi
Stefano Severi
A Computational Framework to Benchmark Basket Catheter Guided Ablation.
Gustavo Lenis
Nicolas Pilia
Axel Loewe
Walther H. W. Schulze
Olaf Dössel
Comparison of Baseline Wander Removal Techniques considering the Preservation of ST Changes in the Ischemic ECG: A Simulation Study.
Comput. Math. Methods Medicine
2017 (2017)
Gustavo Lenis
Michael Kircher
Jesús Lázaro
Raquel Bailón
Eduardo Gil
Olaf Dössel
Separating the effect of respiration on the heart rate variability using Granger's causality and linear filtering.
Biomed. Signal Process. Control.
31 (2017)
Stefan Pollnow
Joachim Greiner
Tobias Georg Oesterlein
Eike M. Wülfers
Axel Loewe
Olaf Dössel
Mini Electrodes on Ablation Catheters: Valuable Addition or Redundant Information? - Insights from a Computational Study.
Comput. Math. Methods Medicine
2017 (2017)
Axel Loewe
Sebastian Debatin
Gustavo Lenis
Olaf Dössel
Maximization of Left Atrial Information through the Optimization of ECG Lead Systems.
Stefan Pollnow
Robert Arnold
Matthias Werber
Olaf Dössel
Gunnar Seemann
Hyperthermia dependence of cardiac conduction velocity in rat myocardium: Optical mapping and cardiac near field measurements.
Walther H. W. Schulze
Zhong Chen
Jatin Relan
Danila Potyagaylo
Martin W. Krueger
Rashed Karim
Manav Sohal
Anoop Shetty
YingLiang Ma
Nicholas Ayache
Maxime Sermesant
Herve Delingette
Julian Bostock
Reza Razavi
Kawal S. Rhode
Christopher Aldo Rinaldi
Olaf Dössel
ECG imaging of ventricular tachycardia: evaluation against simultaneous non-contact mapping and CMR-derived grey zone.
Medical Biol. Eng. Comput.
55 (6) (2017)
Danila Potyagaylo
Axel Loewe
Olaf Dössel
Peter M. van Dam
ECG Imaging of Focal Atrial Excitation: Evaluation in a Realistic Simulation Setup.
Markus Rottmann
Ufuk Aslan
Wenzel Kaltenbacher
Viktor Markstein
Thomas Arentz
Olaf Dössel
Amir Jadidi
Impact of Three Dimensional Atrial Fibrosis on Development and Stability of Rotational Activity in Atrial Fibrillation - A 3D Simulation and Clinical High-density Mapping Study in Peristent Atrial Fibrillation.
Joachim Greiner
Tobias Oesterlein
Gustavo Lenis
Olaf Dössel
Virtual Reality Visualization of Arrhythmias on a Smartphone.
Bhawna Verma
Axel Loewe
Armin Luik
Claus Schmitt
Olaf Dössel
Regional Conduction Velocity Calculation based on Local Activation Times: A Simulation Study on Clinical Geometries.
Gustavo Lenis
Robert Menges
Julia Ramírez
Iwona Cygankiewicz
Antoni Bayés de Luna
Juan Pablo Martínez
Pablo Laguna
Olaf Dössel
Postextrasystolic T Wave Change to Stratify Risk of Pump Failure Death in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure.
Eike M. Wülfers
Olaf Dössel
Gunnar Seemann
Regularity of Node Distribution Impacts Conduction Velocities in Finite Element Simulations of the Heart.
Danila Potyagaylo
Olaf Dössel
Peter Van Damme
Influence of Modeling Errors on the Initial Estimate for Nonlinear Myocardial Activation Times Imaging Calculated With Fastest Route Algorithm.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
63 (12) (2016)
Tobias Georg Oesterlein
Jochen Schmid
Silvio Bauer
Amir Jadidi
Claus Schmitt
Olaf Dössel
Armin Luik
Analysis and visualization of intracardiac electrograms in diagnosis and research: Concept and application of KaPAVIE.
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed.
127 (2016)
Jaume Coll-Font
Dana H. Brooks
Peter M. van Dam
Jwala Dhamala
Olaf Dössel
María de la Salud Guillem Sánchez
Rob S. MacLeod
Danila Potyagaylo
Walther H. W. Schulze
Jess D. Tate
Linwei Wang
The Consortium on Electrocardiographic Imaging.
Axel Loewe
Robin Andlauer
Olaf Dössel
Gunnar Seemann
Pyotr G. Platonov
Left Atrial Hypertrophy Increases P-Wave Terminal Force Through Amplitude but not Duration.
Axel Loewe
Martin W. Krueger
Pyotr G. Platonov
Fredrik Holmqvist
Olaf Dössel
Gunnar Seemann
Left and Right Atrial Contribution to the P-wave in Realistic Computational Models.
Bhawna Verma
Tobias Oesterlein
Armin Luik
Claus Schmitt
Olaf Dössel
Analyzing the Atrial Depolarization Wavefront Triggered from Sinus Node and Coronary Sinus for Identification of the Arrhythmogenic Substrate.
Jaume Coll-Font
Danila Potyagaylo
Walther H. W. Schulze
Olaf Dössel
Dana H. Brooks
Comparison of Temporal Dimensionality Reduction Methods for Constrained Inverse in Cardiac Electrical Imaging.
Gustavo Lenis
Tobias Oesterlein
Dan-Timon Rudolph
Olaf Dössel
Orthogonal Component Analysis to Remove Ventricular Far Field in Non Periodic Sustained Atrial Flutter.
Danila Potyagaylo
Gunnar Seemann
Walther H. W. Schulze
Olaf Dössel
Magnetocardiography did not Uncover Electrically Silent Ischemia in an In-Silico Study Case.
Markus Rottmann
Laura A. Unger
Axel Loewe
Gunnar Seemann
Martin W. Krueger
Thomas Arentz
Amir Jadidi
Olaf Dössel
Methods for Analyzing Signal Characteristics of Stable and Unstable Rotors in a Realistic Heart Model.
Dominik Kutra
Martin Bergtholdt
Jörg Sabczynski
Olaf Dössel
Thomas Bülow
An anatomically oriented breast model for MRI.
Medical Imaging: Image-Guided Procedures
Axel Loewe
Yannick Lutz
Mathias Wilhelms
Eberhard P. Scholz
Olaf Dössel
Gunnar Seemann
Optimization of Pharmacotherapy for Familial Atrial Fibrillation in a Numerical Model of Human Atrial Electrophysiology.
Christian Haase
Dirk Schäfer
Olaf Dössel
Michael Grass
Model based 3D CS-catheter tracking from 2D X-ray projections: Binary versus attenuation models.
Comput. Medical Imaging Graph.
38 (3) (2014)
Lukas Baron
Thomas Fritz
Gunnar Seemann
Olaf Dössel
Sensitivity Study of Fiber Orientation on Stroke Volume in the Human Left Ventricle.
Markus Rottmann
Matthias W. Keller
Tobias Oesterlein
Gunnar Seemann
Olaf Dössel
Comparison of Different Methods and Catheter Designs to Estimate the Rotor Tip Position - A Simulation Study.
Gustavo Lenis
Yannick Lutz
Gunnar Seemann
Arcadio García-Alberola
José Luis Rojo-Álvarez
Óscar Barquero-Pérez
Eduardo Gil
Olaf Dössel
Post Extrasystolic T Wave Change in Subjects With Structural Healthy Ventricles - Measurement and Simulation.
Danila Potyagaylo
Walther H. W. Schulze
Olaf Dössel
Local Regularization of Endocardial and Epicardial Surfaces for better Localization of Ectopic Beats in the Inverse Problem of ECG.
Danila Potyagaylo
Elisenda Gil Cortés
Walther H. W. Schulze
Olaf Dössel
Binary optimization for source localization in the inverse problem of ECG.
Medical Biol. Eng. Comput.
52 (9) (2014)
Matthias Walter Keller
Steffen Schuler
Mathias Wilhelms
Gustavo Lenis
Gunnar Seemann
Claus Schmitt
Olaf Dössel
Armin Luik
Characterization of Radiofrequency Ablation Lesion Development Based on Simulated and Measured Intracardiac Electrograms.
IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng.
61 (9) (2014)
Martin W. Krueger
Gunnar Seemann
Kawal S. Rhode
David U. J. Keller
Christopher Schilling
Aruna Arujuna
Jaswinder S. Gill
Mark D. O'Neill
Reza Razavi
Olaf Dössel
Personalization of Atrial Anatomy and Electrophysiology as a Basis for Clinical Modeling of Radio-Frequency Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation.
IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging
32 (1) (2013)
Martin W. Krueger
Andreas Dorn
David U. J. Keller
Fredrik Holmqvist
Jonas Carlson
Pyotr G. Platonov
Kawal S. Rhode
Reza Razavi
Gunnar Seemann
Olaf Dössel
In-silico modeling of atrial repolarization in normal and atrial fibrillation remodeled state.
Medical Biol. Eng. Comput.
51 (10) (2013)
Walther H. W. Schulze
Francesc Elies Henar
Danila Potyagaylo
Axel Loewe
Matti Stenroos
Olaf Dössel
Kalman Filter with Augmented Measurement Model: An ECG Imaging Simulation Study.
Martin W. Krueger
Walther H. W. Schulze
Kawal S. Rhode
Reza Razavi
Gunnar Seemann
Olaf Dössel
Towards personalized clinical in-silico modeling of atrial anatomy and electrophysiology.
Medical Biol. Eng. Comput.
51 (11) (2013)
Gunnar Seemann
Maider Alvarez de Eulate
Niko Konrad
Julian Maier
Mathias Wilhelms
David U. J. Keller
Olaf Dössel
Eberhard P. Scholz
Evaluating Body Surface ECG Differences of Simulated Long-QT Syndromes.
Matthias W. Keller
Armin Luik
Mohammad Soltan Abady
Gunnar Seemann
Claus Schmitt
Olaf Dössel
Influence of Three-Dimensional Fibrotic Patterns on Simulated Intracardiac Electrogram Morphology.